I had a tough time deciding if this belongs in this forum or general but decided to leave it here since my goal is to have my tootsies tickly soft.
Do you have a special recipe for keeping your feet in tip top shape? What do you do that keeps them silky soft?
I ask this as one who needs to give constant attention to keep her feet in shape, I have naturally dry skin. I am looking to find out if you use a product that you find especially helpful in preventing your heels from being dry looking? Personally I do alot of exfoilating and mosturizing at night and putting my feet in socks before bed.
Do you have a special recipe for keeping your feet in tip top shape? What do you do that keeps them silky soft?
I ask this as one who needs to give constant attention to keep her feet in shape, I have naturally dry skin. I am looking to find out if you use a product that you find especially helpful in preventing your heels from being dry looking? Personally I do alot of exfoilating and mosturizing at night and putting my feet in socks before bed.