Ticklemaster750 said:
How long did it take you to "come out of the tickle closet" and once you did, how did those around you react?
Closet? What closet? I know of no closet.
I was selective with whom I told and or shared my love of tickling with. A matter of "trust" not of embarassment or any fears.
90 percent of the time it was accepted as something harmless and fun.
As for the bondage, it was not thought of as sick by most and the response was mostly..."Oh my god, I could NEVER handle that! "YOU are into being tied up and tickled"? "How do you stand it"? "Damn you are definatly whacked"! Usually followed with a laugh and or a smile.
I have always been honest and very literal, almost to fault. It is not really a choice mind you but is literaly a part of who I am. I am opinionated too but that is a whole other issue and is irelivant to this post. There were a few who did think I was in need of serious psychotherapy or medication
😀 . My response and thoughts to their reaction was maybe THEY needed the help and to lighten up.
Sh#%! It's TICKLING! No harm no foul. It's a show of affection! Abeit intense and extreme but so what?
There is worse, much worse, out there by comparison.
Case and point......" I love to tickle and/or be tickled, it's just fun"!
As opposed to you saying that you love to play with children.
You tell someone you like to be pissed on.
You tell people you like to be whipped till you are scared and bleeding!
I am NOT judging those who are into that but making a point that telling someone you love tickling is not even close to something you need to feel embarassed about.
What is to be affraid of? Being teased and perhaps, Tickled by them?
You are committed and placed in an Asylum for the ticklishly insane?
Well actually that is not altogether unpleasant at all.
😉 😀
I can see the other two statements being hidden from the "real world" but TICKLING? Please.
It's better for you to open the closet door asap unless you need a locksmith to open it for you.