I read what people said on here, and just thought I'd chime in my own "suggestion" since others have been doing so. What I will say, is that from personal experience, and not only having a tickle fetish, but also a foot fetish, Iam very careful about who I discuss my fetishes with. Only my two closest male friends even know I have a foot and tickle fetish, and that I come here. I do not discuss my fetish with members of my family, or other friends, etc. To me a "fetish" as called is a very personal thing, only to be known about by significant others, spouses, and such. For those of us not in the tickle community, we may be considered "weird" by others who dont understand our fetish. My advice is to really get to know these people well, and to feel comfortable with them before even broaching the subject of the fetish. If it were me dating a new girl, I would first have to engaged in at least some form of intimacy with her before discussing my foot and tickle fetish with her. I feel I would want to really get to know her, and for her to know me, and be comfortable with me as a boyfriend, close friend, or person, before saying to her "Can I kiss or tickle your feet?" That way, the person doesnt feel put off by your preference. Even if the people are just friends and you dont wish to tickle them, it may be a little awkward for you to explain to people outside the tickle community who dont understand tickling. My advice is yes you can tell them, but make sure in your own mind that you really know them and feel comfortable with them. This way it might make the subject of tickling a little easier to bring up. I dont know if any of that helped, but I hope it did at least somewhat.