Love conquers all?
Everyone responding so far has made prefectly valid points, and I agree/subscribe to most of them. I know, from my previous marriage, that it IS an important factor in the relationship, just as several of you have mentioned already, like any other facet of the physical portion of the relationship. It's part of who you are, and needs to be part of your intimate time together. So, while some may argue that the eyes of love can look past a minor flaw like not sharing one's passion for tickling, I can honestly say that, having "been there, done that", that's not true. At least for me. This is who I am. Love all of me. Period. I was married to one of the most ticklish women on the planet for 13 years, and she made no bones about the fact that she not only hated it, but that it wasn't even to be tolerated. (WTF was he thinking! , I can here some of you saying, LoL) If you're not getting what you need from your spouse, then what are you, other than roommates? I for one vote "Nay"... we've gotta be on the same page, or it's not honest.