This may make people a little squirmy, but look at it in the context of our interest, and in a broader BDSM spectrum. There's a reason for bondage- it isn't just to fulfill someone's kidnap fantasy. Sometimes to get that amazing experince, or loss of utter control and indescribable feeling of abandonment, the person being tickled (whipped, spanked, etc.) Needs to be taken, or guided beyond their comfot zone, needs to be taken to a point or direction they can't, won't, or thought they didn't want to go. Tickled to that anger, figthing point, then through it, then beyond it, to the other side where it feels amazing to be forced to "let go", or, at least, if it is intense and scary throught the tickling, there can be an incredible feeling AFTER the tickling (ie, all the torment is 'worth it' once the person pushes through it & perseveres). The bondage keeps them in place, and protects the tickler from being hurt. This is why TRUST is very improtant. Experience and intellegence in the 'ler is, too. If the tickling turns from "intense" - which can be an unpleasant sight - to "tramautizing" - which is just bad, something too far - then the tickling should stop, it didn't work, and that's it. "Intense" may look ugly, it may feel horrible, but in the arms of a caring and careful dom it can lead to an amazing comedown or after effect once the tickling is over, even though the experience was tough to take. This is in general why people get uncomfortable over anything S&M in general - how can anyone find pleasure in being abused? Well, it's all about stimulation,adreneline and maipulating the body's and brain's chemicals, not just "pain". Football hurts, but to the winners, it feels amazing. Sometimes in this type of play you gotta Keri Strug your way through it; accept & will yourself to Fitzcarraldo through the unpleasantness to see the other side.
If someone has that angry stage they go through, I'd say use bondage and just have the (trusted and safe) tickler push the 'lee through it-even, to some extent, against the 'lees own will - to see what's on the other side. There may not be an 'other side', in which case there needs to be a time to stop. It's not about forcing anyone into something, but it is about a 'lee willingly giving up a measure of control, willingly giving up a tiny piece of concent and accepting that that exchange in power is going to be explored by the 'ler. In return, the 'ler has to indulge in that taking of power safely. It is a thin line and slippery slope, maybe even a thin slippery slope or a slippery sloping line, but sometimes you have to deal with those.
And I do speak from experience. My 1st time as a 'lee was intense and scary. I was worked over by 2 women (one I didn't know) whome were not into tickling, but were into dominace & control, so my struggling and cying out gave them great, and very real, joy. So it got "intense", I got scared & panicky and reached a point where it really stopped being fun even as the women were having a real blast. But I had an incredible high afterwards and I am still here, persuing this interest. This was in 1992 and I was never traumatized or have backed away from this. In fact, to this day I'm looking for a similar experince to my 1st time. When you're into tickling, and want to try to get a little real or intense with it, the 1st time is always the hardest, and will probably be the most unpleasant. Once that hump is over, however, it is an amazing trip.