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A Touch of Silk (F/M Intense)


2nd Level Red Feather
Jan 23, 2004
I've always liked this story of mine and was shocked to discover that I'd neglected to add it to the archive. So here it is. (I corrected a few typos and made one or two minor revisions.) The unnamed hero of this hilarious tale certainly gets a workout, doesn't he…?


A Touch of Silk


T.T. Gore


“EEEEEEYAAAAAAR-HAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-HAR-HAR!!!” I bellowed, jerking my torso to and fro in a futile attempt to dodge Jennifer’s prancing fingers.

“What’s WRONG, sweetie?” she whispered, leaning down to dig her well-honed nails into my defenseless armpits. “Don’t tell me that a big, bad stud like you is all sensitive and TICKLISH!”

“BWAAAAAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” I shrieked—which pretty much eliminated any need to articulate a more coherent response to Jennifer’s snide little inquiry. For it was perfectly obvious to us both that I was indeed ticklish—SO fucking ticklish, in fact, that the sadistic bitch was driving me right the fuck out of my tiny MIND—!

I strained mightily to free my wrists and ankles from the lengths of cut-up pantyhose that Jennifer had used to secure them to the corner posts of the bed. But these desperate, unavailing struggles represented nothing more than a futile waste of energy that I could ill afford to spare. Laughing in the way that Jennifer’s excruciating caresses were making me laugh was hard work! Already, after a mere ten minutes of tickling, my sides were aching and my nearly naked body was covered with a delicate sweat.

“So do you LIKE my tickles, sweetie?” Jennifer cooed. “Do you like LAUGHING for me? Do you want to laugh even HARDER—?”

“OH-HO-HO-OH-HO-OH-NO-HO-HO-OH-HO-HO-HO-HO!!!” I howled, arching my back and bouncing my ass on the mattress to punctuate my protest. But WAS it a protest? Did I REALLY want her to stop? Or could this be the beginning of a beautiful friendship…?


Jennifer was certainly a babe: pretty face, big brown eyes, long brown hair, slightly broad shoulders, shapely arms, petite breasts, flat belly, curvy hips, nice legs—and freckles. For some dumb reason it was the freckles that appealed to me most. Anyhow, one look at this little cutie and I was totally smitten. I first caught sight of her in the library. A couple of days later I spotted her crossing the Quad. After that it wasn’t difficult to find who she was and where she hung out. Unknown University was like a small town in that regard. And soon enough I had her name: Jennifer McDonald. She was a junior, majoring in abnormal psychology, and she had a work-study job at the Center for Human Physical Endurance Studies.

That last item of information ought to have served as a warning, for the Center and its director, Dr. Priscilla Harper, had something of a reputation on campus. But I was smitten. Within two weeks I’d managed to make Jennifer’s acquaintance, have a date with her and, finally, lure her into the upstairs back bedroom of the old house I shared with a couple of other guys. They were away for the weekend, so Jennifer and I had the place to ourselves.

We were naked in bed together when Jennifer made her shocking suggestion. And I WAS shocked! For two weeks I’d been scheming to get in Jennifer’s panties—only not by the means she was now suggesting…

“Holy crap, Jennifer!” I exclaimed. “That’s so KINKY!”

“Come ON, sweetie!” she cooed, cuddling closer to me in the old brass bed. “Just try them on for me.”

“But…but…” I stammered. “Shit! I don’t know…you know…if I could DO that…”

“You could do it for ME, couldn’t you?” She smiled and gave my tumid tool a brief squeeze. “If I asked you NICE…?”

“I’m just not…I mean I’m not sure…”

“If I asked you REAL nice…?” This time she stroked my cock with her fingertips. And after that it didn’t take Jennifer very long at all to persuade me to do what she wanted—which was to wear her scanty pink silk panties! She picked them up from the floor beside the bed and held them under my nose. “Slightly used,” she whispered with a wicked little grin. “Hope you don’t mind!”

The scent of her feminine musk made my head swim. Any remaining doubts that I may have harbored as to the advisability of these proceedings promptly evaporated.

With Jennifer’s assistance, I wiggled into her panties. I could feel my face growing hot.

“Oh, my GOODNESS!” she giggled. “You’re BLUSHING!”

Indeed I was—but that wasn’t all. For as the most sensitive portions of my masculine anatomy received a silken caress, my erection positively burgeoned! Holy crap! How could women stand to WEAR these things?! I’d never felt so fucking horny in my fucking LIFE—!

“Mmmm,” Jennifer whispered. “They’re kind of a tight fit, aren’t they? But you DO look so VERY cute in them, sweetie!” With a salacious smile, she ran her fingers through my dark chest hair. “So how does it FEEL for a big, strong stud like you to wear my sexy panties?”

It felt…pretty fucking hot, actually. I grunted and gyrated my hips.

“You know what ELSE I’d like to do?” she breathed, still toying with my chest hair.

“N-n-n-no…” I gulped. “What…?”

“Well,” she whispered, “I’ve always wanted to get a guy into my panties like this…and then tie him to the bed…so I could tease him…”

“Really?” This sounded interesting!

“Mmmm,” she replied. “So would you like to be tied up, sweetie?”

I hesitated before answering, but not for long. After all, I reminded myself, I was already wearing her panties! “Okay,” I agreed. “But Jennifer, listen—”

“Hush,” she admonished, placing a finger over my lips. “You just lie there for a sec and try not to get too exited, while I go get my bondage accessories.” And with a sly wink, she slid from the bed.

I did as I was told, trying to lie still so as to minimize the tormenting caress of her panties. God, but they clung to my balls and cock in a way that made me feel so loose-limbed and SEXY! Unable to stop myself, I spread my legs and arched my back. I had to reach back and grab the bed rail to keep my hands off myself. Thus when Jennifer returned with her “bondage accessories,” which turned out to be cut-up lengths of her very own panty hose, I was already in position to be tied to the corner posts of the bed.

Working quickly, Jennifer bound my wrists and ankles. Then she climbed onto the bed, and knelt between my legs. Her nipples, I noted, were rigid with excitement. She smiled down at me. Somewhat shamefacedly, I smiled back.

“Well!” Jennifer exclaimed. “I guess THAT’s got you under control!’” She caressed my cock through the panties, which cause me to shiver with lust. “Now whatever shall I DO with you, hmmm?”

“Whatever you want!” I replied.

“Do you MEAN that, sweetie?” she whispered.


“Then let’s just see if you’re TICKLISH!” she suggested with a grin.

“Ticklish?” I gulped. “B-b-b-but…” For as a matter of fact I WAS ticklish—VERY ticklish—and in my current situation, the last thing I wanted was for Jennifer to exploit that particular weakness!

“I thought you might be,” she whispered—and with no more ado she plunged her sharp-nailed fingers into my defenseless ARMPITS—!

“HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE!!!” I shrieked as a potent thrill of ticklish sensation shot through my squirming body. “EEEEEE-HEE!!! EEEEEE-HEE!!! EEEEEE-HEE-HIIIIEEEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!”

Oh, but it was UNBEARABLE! When I’d agreed to let Jennifer tie me up, I hadn’t expected anything like THIS! And now it was too late for second thoughts, because I was totally fucking HELPLESS. I strove desperately to free my wrists and ankles from the bonds that secured them to the corner posts of the bed. But it was no use—simply no fucking USE! I was trapped like a fucking RAT—!

And those fucking panties—they were the most horrid element of the absurd and humiliating situation to which I’d so foolishly submitted myself! In their silken embrace, my rigid member had rapidly extended itself to the absolute MAX—and my frenetic struggles served only to increase the deliciously unendurable caress that was driving me INSANE with lust! I was possessed by an urgent, driving desire to cum my stupid fucking BRAINS out—even if I was laughing my idiot fucking HEAD off at the same fucking TIME—!

So I writhed and squirmed and shrieked with anguished hilarity as Jennifer’s fingers danced up and down my flanks, from armpits to hips and back again, sending thrill after unbearable thrill of ticklish sensation zapping through my overloaded nervous system. “That’s right, sweetie,” she whispered avidly, “I want you to LAUGH for me! Come on, you can do it! Laugh LOUDER for me! Oh, sweetie, you can do better than THAT—!”

And believe you me, I tried! After just ten minutes of tickling, I’d have sold my soul to fucking SATAN at Jennifer’s command! But no matter how hard I tried, how loudly I laughed, she simply smiled and demanded more—and more—and MORE—!

Finally, after prolonged convulsions of hilarious hysteria, I could stand it no longer. I started to cry.

My sudden breakdown startled Jennifer sufficiently that she suspended her ticklish assault. Kneeling there between my wide-open, quivering legs, she gazed down at me as I sniffled and whined. “Oh, you poor BABY!” she exclaimed, caressing my convulsing belly with one hand and tousling my sweat-damp hair with the other. “Am I stressing you OUT, sweetie?”

“Jennifer …p-p-p-please…” I managed to stammer.

“Please what?” she demanded. “Please stop TICKLING you? Please stroke your precious PENIS? Please make you CUM—?”

My answer to all of the above was emphatically YES—or would have been, if I hadn’t been simultaneously weeping and gasping for breath. But the plain evidence of my arousal was answer enough. “Goodness, you’re certainly doing your best to bust out of my poor PANTIES!” Jennifer giggled. “And just look—you’ve made a WET spot on them, you naughty boy!”

So indeed I had. For several minutes now, each sidesplitting convulsion of hilarity had caused me to squeeze out a tiny drop of pre-cum. I produced another one now, as Jennifer leaned down to run her fingers once more through my sweat-dampened chest hair.

“You’re being SUCH a good sport!” she whispered. “I just KNEW you’d enjoy wearing my panties, sweetie!”

”Oh GOD, Jennifer!” I wheezed. “You’re driving me NUTS—!”

“Am I?” she giggled. “So do you want me to STOP?”

“I…I want…you to…you know…” I stammered. “Oh FUCK Jennifer! PLEASE! I really really REALLY have to CUM—!”

“You really really REALLY have to cum?” She patted my cheek. “Right this MINUTE, sweetie? Gee, I don’t know about that, because I think you have a lot more LAUGHING to do!”

I opened my mouth with the intention of protesting, but what emerged instead was a high-pitched, positively GIRLISH squeal of gut-busting laughter! Jennifer had begun to tickle the hollows of my KNEES! The muscles in my legs convulsed as I struggled once more to free my ankles from their bonds. You could have bounced a quarter on my drum-tight belly. And my treacherous fucking COCK got even STIFFER—and LONGER—!

“YAAAAAAR-HAR-HAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-HAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-HAR-HAR!!!” I howled. Oh, how my sides ached with the effort of laughing like an idiot for sexy, sadistic Jennifer! “AAAAAAR-HAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-HAR-HAR!!!”

“You face is getting all PINK, sweetie!” she observed.


“And you’re getting GOOSE bumps!” she added.

So indeed I was! They roughened my skin, causing the dark hairs on my arms and legs to stick up like tiny quills. Oh this was UNBEARABLE! My silk-clad ass bounced on the mattress as I wiggled and squirmed and writhed and shivered in response to Jennifer’s unrelenting ticklish assault!

But you know something? It was SO fucking SEXY as well! For there was pretty little Jennifer, kneeling between my thighs, a lewd grin on her freckled face, tickling the SHIT out of me! And there I was, laughing like a fucking LOONY bird off while my absurdly elongated cock strained to escape from its silken prison!


“What was that, sweetie?” Jennifer inquired. “Did you say PLEASE? Well, aren’t we POLITE!” she giggled. “Well, since you’ve displayed such good manners, the least I can do is give you your reward!”

And so saying, she slipped from the bed to kneel at my side. She put her hand on my trembling thigh.

“So do you think you can DO it?” Jennifer whispered. “Do you think you’re ready to CUM, hmmm?”

Her small, warm hand crept up my thigh. Her fingers wiggled over the panties…they tickled my tense balls…they stroked the base of my tumid tool…

“Oh!” I cried, arching my back and gyrating my buttocks in response to Jennifer’s intimate caress. “Oh…oh…oh…oh YES—!”

“You’ve been SUCH a good boy for me!” she whispered as her fingers slid up the length of my rigid member, stroking it through the silk. “Now it’s time to be nice to you…”

And just as she’d promised, I laughed my way to orgasm! For as she lovingly caressed my cock, Jennifer tickled my ribs and belly with her other hand. “EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE!!!” I squealed in a frenzy compounded of joy and torment. “HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!”

“That’s right, sweetie,” she whispered as I wiggled and writhed. “Oooo, you’re getting GOOSE bumps again! Am I making you CRAZY, sweetie? Am I driving you INSANE…?”


“Getting CLOSE?” Jennifer inquired. Even in my current state of pre-orgasmic hysteria, I could hardly fail to detect the note of excitement in her throaty whisper. “Starting to feel like you’re going to SQUIRT for me?”

I made no reply. I couldn’t! For at that moment every atom of my concentration, every muscle in my squirming body, was tense with anticipation of the wonderful release that surely must come at any moment now—!

And then it was happening! Oh, it was HAPPENING and it was like nothing I’d ever experienced in my entire fucking LIFE—!

A roaring wave of absolute ECSTASY swept through me as I emptied my balls—and filled Jennifer’s panties—with a series of powerful, straining spasms that caused me to writhe on the bed like a rutting weasel! Each pulse of pleasure squeezed a heartfelt grunt of effort from my throat. Oh, it was a sweet, delicious torture! I prayed for it to end—I prayed that it would NEVER end—and alas, it was the first prayer that was answered…

Jennifer lovingly stroked my joystick through the panties until I’d given up the last miniscule drop of my precious bodily essence. Then, as I lay there gasping in exhaustion, she slowly withdrew her now-damp hand.

“Well!” she exclaimed. “You’ve certainly made a mess, sweetie, haven’t you?” The same fingers that had just brought me to orgasm were toying once more with my chest hair. “Though if you hadn’t been wearing my panties, it would have been even messier!”

“Omygod, Jennifer!” I managed to gasp. “Omygod!”

“I knew you’d like it,” she snickered.

In truth, as the glow of orgasm faded, I found myself cringing with shame and humiliation. Jennifer’s panties clung to my loins. Carefully, she ran a finger along the waistband. “I think that from now on, I’ll just save these just for you,” she whispered. “That is, if you want to wear them again.”

I assured her that I did!

“That’s nice, sweetie,” she cooed, rising from her knees and climbing onto the bed. “And don’t worry—I’ll launder them. But this afternoon I want you to wear them just a little longer.” She straddled my chest. “While you return the favor. Because it’s time to be nice to ME!”

She scooted forward—and I have no doubt that you can guess what happened next! And indeed, after all she’d done for me that afternoon, I was more than happy to take a taste of my darling Jennifer. And oh! she was indescribably DELICIOUS—!
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