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A Tough Cookie...


3rd Level Violet Feather
Apr 27, 2002
A Tough Cookie with a Tender Wookie.
Written by Ticklishscribe.
Inspired by RagedyDolly,
c. 2003.

Kelly Ann moved easily about the room in the sea of Star Wars characters and dressed as Princess Leia in a warrior's outfit, she was beautiful and ready for action. But it was the action she was giving in the room, as she was fond of teasing all the guys.

"What's say you, you hunky Hans Solo." She sat in the lap of her friend Roy and kissed him.

"My, my but we're frisky tonight Princess Leia. I see you also put your royal paws on Darth Vader as well.

Kelly Ann was really in a flirting mood and kissed him once more. She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair.

"What can I say." She laughed. "You keep your friends close and your enemies closer. But don't worry my boy, I haven't joined the dark side."

Her best friend Randy who was dressed as Senator Padme and who was hosting this theme party, wasn't too happy about Kelly Ann's festively, amorous mood as she had also put her royal paws on her boyfriend, who had come as Luke Skywalker. Seeing her sitting in his lap and playing with his light sabre was not exactly something she was accustomed to.

"Hey Randy, has Kelly Ann had a little too much to drink?" Asked Marsha, who knew the both of them very well.

"One glass only. She's just being a tease."

"Yeah, well someone ought to tame that tease before she gets in too deep."

"If you're talking about Kelly Anne, she's in so deep she's in hyper drive. She laid one your Mike something serious."

"I wouldn't worry about it Rhonda. But is does give me an idea on how to make this party a little livelier."

Randy went over to futon, asked two partygoers to get off and then dragged it into the middle of the room. She then turned the futon into a bed and called for the attention of the room.

"Tonight we have an award for the best dressed Star wars Character, and the winner is Princess Leia."

Kelly Ann came forward and smiled at everyone in the room. "And my prize is?"

"Your prize is a fun filled evening at the hands of us."

"What do you mean?"

Well seeing as you like to play with everyone in the room, I thought that we'd play with you for awhile."

"What do you mean play with me?"

"Ladies and gentlemen," Randy called to the room at large. "I give you your teasingly tantalizing Princess Leia. What man can't resist her?"

"I wonder how you'd look without your warrior suit Princess?" Asked Sherry. Was Rob about to find out?"

"No!" I'm not that kind of girl."

"You're just a teasem, squeezem and leavem type right." Replied sherry. Who had come as Arielle, one of Queen Amadalia's handmaidens.

"You're not a Princess either." Called Rhonda.

"Hey Princess!" Called Mike. "Show us your warrior birthday suit."

That request and remark brought laughs from everyone in the room.

"You first Mike, I've never seen a naked Jabba the Hutt."

"And you won't Kelly." Replied Randy.

Hey Randy, seeing as this is a party, should we tie one on?" Asked Sherry.

"If you're referring to a pair of wrists and ankles belonging to a certain promiscuous Princess Leia, yes I think we should."

Kelly suddenly got the idea why the futon was on the middle of the room and felt that she should call it an evening.

"Sorry guys but I should be going." She backed away from them as she said it and right into the arms of Darth Vader.

"You can't escape the dark side." He whispered, and then grabbed hold of her.

Kelly immediately started struggling, but his grip was firm and he was joined by two others who grabbed a leg each. She struggled intensely as they lifted her and carried her over to the futon. Randy was standing by with some soft rope and began tying her wrists above her head. All the while she tried jerking her legs free and begged them to let her go.

Randy stood and admired her half tied victim then went to the foot of the bed.

"We'll get these boots off for starters." She tugged on the left boot and with a yank off it came. Kelly continued to jerk her legs all over, but to no avail as the other boot came off as well.

Randy and Sherry made short work of tying her legs all stretched, taught and wide apart. Her feet flailed all over and she continued to beg and plead for her release. Randy then pulled a chair up to the foot of the bed and immediately wriggled her sock feet.

Kelly went violently writhed and screamed as her feet were wriggled and she continued begging and pleading.

Now lets have a look at these Princess Leia peds shall we?" With that, she began to tug at the toe of Kelly's left sock and soon it was torturously sliding up the sole.

NO! NOT MY FEET! PLEASE LEAVE MY FEET ALONE! GOD PLEASE NO!" Kelly continued to violently writhe and scream as the sock was finally removed, followed by the other one and her toes flexed and contorted, trying to find some sort of refuge and protection.

"Wow cool feet." Commented Sherry.

"Hey Kell." Asked Marcy. "You've got such big feet, are you related to Krusty the clown?"

Everyone laughed at her remark and Kelly Anne struggled and writhed more.

Randy wriggled Kelly Anne's left foot and smiled. "Hey Sherry, pass me that ruler over there, it's trivia time."

Everyone was puzzled about what she was going to do with the ruler, and watched as she measured Kelly Anne's foot. Kelly writhed her foot all over trying desperately to get it away from Randy's touch.

"Sherry help me, hold her foot still."

Sherry clamped two hands around Kelly Anne's foot and gripped it firmly, stopping it from going anywhere.

"Hmmm, her feet are 11.25 inches long and 4.75 inches wide and so they each have 54 sq inches on each sole, making a total of 108 sq inches of both soles. And I wonder if these soles could be ticklish?


"Okay sherry, you can let go.

Randy reached out and grabbed the spasming toes and pushed them back, thereby making Kelly's foot taught. She then slowly and oh so torturously slithered a single finger up the sole from heel to toes. Kelly's screaming laughter and intense struggles were immediate and some of the partygoers had to cover their ears. Randy slithered her finger down and then back up again.

Kelly's foot shot from her grasp and she had to grab it and hold it tighter than before. Now she stroked two fingers up and down the taught sole and Kelly screamed even more and violently writhed. She was straining at the ropes so much she was practically bending the futon frame.

"Well, well, well, I see this royal foot is ticklish. But how ticklish it is when I do this?" She now spider tickled five fingers in Kelly's arch and Kelly really went ballistic, bouncing up and down on the bed, head thrashing from side to side and her entire body violently writhing all over.

"Well hello ticklish." Randy did it again only this time staying longer on the arch. "This is for sitting in Mike's lap!"

Kelly Anne screamed, writhed intensely and looked piteously at Mike, who stood there and did nothing.

Kelly was going berserk, crazy and nuts all in one and was writhing on the bed as much as the bonds would let her. Randy's fingers torturously digging into her tender arch was pure torture and her sanity was slowly ebbing away.

"And this Princess, is for making goo goo eyes at Sherry's boyfriend." She raked and revved her fingers into the arch and Kelly Anne practically bolted off the bed.


"Oh, so you were only toying with their affections were you?" She dug her fingers in further but now also dug them into the soft pad under the toes. Kelly Anne screamed louder than she have ever screamed before and practically rocketed off the bed. This was pure torture personified and her entire nervous system was reeling in leaps and bounds.

"So you like playing with other people's affections do you hmmm?" Randy raked and revved her fingers over the soft pad and Kelly Ann went ballistic once more. The entire bed was shaking and the walls of the room reverberated with her screams.

"I think we should gag her."

"No." Replied Randy. "Her screams are music to my ears. Somebody get her other foot."

Sherry wasted no time in grabbing the right foot and began the same techniques that Randy was using. This double personified Kelly Ann's torture and her reactions were stellar to their eyes and ears. Her mindless hysteria was getting more and more intense and the bed continued to shake and strain with her writhing. With lightning speed and the torturous and sadistic precision of a dominatrix tickler, Sherry's fingers were everywhere, digging into and raking and revving all over the soft sole. Sherry was cool in her tickling; just letting Kelly Ann have everything that she could dish out and more. And she was having an exquisite time in torturing the poor girl.

"Hey girl, you having fun? What's say we tickle torture you senseless?" Sherry asked.

"Yeah, Princess here needs to be taught a lesson that she doesn't toy with the common people. We can't chop off her head like they did to Marie Antoinette, but we can tickle torture her senseless."

Why don't we make her one of the common people?" Sherry suggested. "Let's get her out of these royal rags."

"A crowning idea Sherry."

Kelly Anne fought like a wildcat as both Randy and Sherry stripped her buff down to her panties, then she was retied. Now everyone gathered around to look at the now defrocked Princess. Kelly Anne writhed, trying desperately to free herself from being put on display and from being tickled beyond her limits. But the bonds held firm and as hard as she tried to break them, she couldn't.

"Now quit your struggling Princess." Sherry commented. "And enjoy the royal romp that we're about to be taking you on. And maybe we'll even tickle that royal rump of yours, what a bummer huh."

Everyone laughed at Sherry's remark, and as she dug her fingers into Kelly Anne's arches again, the poor girl once more screamed and arched her back.

"Make her do that again." Asked Randy. "I have an idea."

Sherry repeated her tickling and once more Kelly Anne arched her back. Randy seized the moment to shove a very firm cushion under her and this now kept Kelly Anne's back in permanent arch.

"Hey look! Called another girl. "She's wet herself."

Sherry stopped the tickling and they all looked between Kelly Anne's legs. A wet spot was indeed forming on Kelly Anne's panties and Randy dragged a finger over the wet patch then sniffed it. Kelly Anne flinched at Randy's touch of her womanhood and mound and writhed more.

"Oh cool. She hasn't pissed herself; she's cum. we've made her orgasm."

Randy and Sherry high-fived each other and laughed.

"I haven't had an orgasm!" Kelly Anne screamed. "I did piss myself."

"Get serious Princess." Randy replied. "That now passion red face of yours isn't because you pissed yourself; you came and you know it. And now that we know what causes that, we're going to make you have many more.


"Yeah right." Replied Randy. "And you're not ticklish either. Sherry, lets tickle another one out of her."

They both attacked her tender soles and raked and revved their fingers from heels to toes. Kelly Anne volcanically exploded with insane laughter and intense writhing. Both Randy and Sherry's fingers were diabolically evil with their precision attacks. Twenty sadistic fingers weren't missing a beat as they tickled and tickled and tickled. There wasn't a single micrometer on Kelly Anne's soles that wasn't being tickle tortured.

The others in the room were egging the two ticklers on and were also making suggestions on how and where to tickle her. Kelly Anne was practically bending the futon she was tied to she was struggling so hard and violently. Everyone in the room could hear the wood frame straining as she pulled against her bonds and some wondered if she would crack the frame in anyway.

Kelly Anne was practically hoarse from laughing and so Randy and Sherry stopped.

"We want to hear your laughter Princess". Randy said. "So stop hoars-ing around and give us some more."

Everyone laughed at her play on words, then asked for more feet tickling. Both Randy and Sherry obliged their requests and they mercilessly attacked her spasming soles again.

"How about Princess, are you enjoying being tickle tortured to the dark side?"


"Now Princess, we've only just begun. We want to send you into hyper drive and blow a few of your circuits at the same time."


"Nah, we're not going to do that. Tickle torture you senseless yes, but kill you, nah! Sherry, I'll continue with her feet, you take her armpits and Shannon, you take her ribs."

"With pleasure. Seeing her sitting on my Matt's lap has whetted my appetite to sit on hers. Only I'll be holding her down not cuddling!"


"Yeah well Princess tease, I didn't think so!"

The three girls attacked in unison and Kelly Anne went wild under them. Once again the futon was straining under the weight of her struggles and the straining of the wood could be clearly heard once more. The partygoers enthusiastically gathered around and cheered on the ticklers, calling for Kelly to get her comeuppance. The ticklers happily obliged and all were tickling intensely and torturously.

It seemed hell was heaven compared to what Kelly was going through and she was trying everything possible to break the bonds holding her down. Some people were even afraid that she may break the frame of the futon itself, but Randy assured them that would never happen.

Shannon's fingers dug deep into the ribs and raked from side to side and Kelly Anne went totally wild under her. She bucked and screamed at the top of her lungs and some of the partygoers had to cover their ears. Her eyes were clenched tightly shut and her mouth was wide open. Her body movements went from stop to a blur in less than a millisecond.


"Give us a break Princess!" Shannon replied, continuing to dig into the ribs. "They were loving it and you kept up the come on!" She cruised her fingers under Kelly Anne's breasts, causing the poor girl to buck once more.

Kelly Anne's B-cups were getting a real workout and her laughter was flowing like a raging river. Shannon then tickled Kelly Anne's areolas and the tickles burned inside of her and again her loins were becoming hot. Kelly Anne could feel another orgasm churning inside of her, boiling, volcanically seething, ready to explode at any moment. She desperately wanted not to orgasm as she knew it would turn on her ticklers even more and make them tickle her even more relentless and torturous.

Now other partygoers were asking for their turn to tickle torture Kelly Anne, and Randy began making a list as to who would tickle where. Everyone wanted to tickle Kelly Anne's feet and a long line-up was forming at the foot of the futon. An equally long line-up was forming up by her ribs, breasts and armpits and Randy stated that 7 people could tickle her at once. One person on each foot, two on her ribs, one on her breasts and two on her armpits, and that others should form teams to tickle her.

"Seventy fiendish and torturous fingers coming up Princess" Randy announced. "And all just for you!"

"Randy?" Shannon asked, sitting by Kelly Anne's waist. "Can I have this tough cookie's wookie?"

Kelly screamed and tried desperately to close her legs.

"Go for it Shan, a little nooky nooky with the wookie never hurt anyone. And the more orgasms she has the better for us."

Kelly Anne screamed and once more and really rocked the futon. Her laughter was now long and guttural, in dispersed with screams that rocked the room. Her nervous system was reeling to the point of being on the edge of a black hole and she fought like a wildcat. Fingers everywhere were torturing her in no uncertain terms and as hard as she struggled and writhed, she couldn't evade their torturous touch.

Then Randy commanded them all to stop and she evilly smiled at Kelly Anne. "I think we need to enhance the tickles Princess, so how about we blindfold you, hmmmmm?"

Kelly Anne went ballistic again and her head snapped from side to side to try and keep the mask from going over eyes. But Randy was able to follow her head effortlessly and finish the job.

Shannon produced a pair of scissors and began to skilfully cut off Kelly Anne's panties and everyone crowded around to see the tender pulsating lips and bud that had orgasmed. The lips and bud were indeed inflamed and Shannon eagerly and slowly single finger stroked them. The pulsating lips and bud were now also hypersensitive and Kelly Anne shivered and shook at each stroke. Her hips ground into the bed, trying desperately to find some sort of refuge from the sensually torturous fingers.


"But you will Princess, you will." Shannon answered back.

Her fingers intricately stroked and explored the tender lips and helpless bud and Kelly Anne rocketed off the futon. She could really feel that orgasm building up inside of her and she was trying desperately to quell it. But like it or not she came again, and this time the futon was almost covered in love juices.

"That's it girl!" Randy laughed. "You go girl, you orgasm like crazy."

Seventy fingers dug into her like crazy again and raked her all over. Kelly Anne rocketed off the bed once more and screamed so loud that most had to covered their ears.

"Your right Sherry, we should gag her. Sherry was quick to grab one of Kelly Anne's socks and shove it in her mouth. Now her muffled screams could be heard and everyone laughed whenever she laughed. Her laughter was now long and guttural and she shivered and shook with each laugh. She was on the edge of loosing it altogether, but her ticklers weren't letting up even for one moment. Kelly was getting what was coming to her and much more.

"What are you saying Princess? We don't understand you." Randy asked, raking her fingers across the left sole again.

"Yeah Princess, do you want more tickling?"
Kelly Anne screamed no through the gag, but all that came out was an illegible sound.

"We can't understand you Princess and I wish you would speak to us plainly." Randy commented. "So, I guess we're just going to have to tickle an answer out of you."

"I'm with you Randy." Sherry added.

"Okay folks." Randy announced. "Let's gang tickle her till she says either yes or no."

Kelly Anne screamed no once more and really rocked the futon. But 70 fingers were on her almost instantly and they hit all her tickle buttons at once. She immediately went volcanic and violently writhed.

"Oooooh she's just thoroughly enjoying this isn't she!" Commented Marcy, who was giving Kelly Anne's tummy a riveting tickle. Her fingers dived in and spidered deep and all over, not missing a micrometer of ticklish skin.

Kelly Anne was bucking on the bed, pounding her bum on the mattress, head snapping from side to side, mouth wide open and screaming. To put it plainly, she was going through Hell and on her way to the dark side.

"All you have to do is answer yes or no Princess." Said Randy. "Say no and we'll stop. Say yes and we'll be delighted to keep going."

Kelly Anne screamed again through the gag and bucking wildly, rocked the futon.

"Listen to her scream, she even sounds like a wookie."

Randy began to nibble her toes and Kelly Anne Really went off the deep end. The loudest scream they had ever heard from her came out and the most intense bucking followed. In fact the futon was moving on the floor she was bucking so hard.

Sherry added her own nibbling and this helped keep Kelly Anne in the deep end and having one conniption after another. Her laughter went from guttural to high-pitched screams and back to guttural in milliseconds. Her writhing was almost a blur and the futon was straining at the joints.

Randy then called a halt to the tickling and everyone watched as Kelly Anne's writhings and laughter subsided. She was a sweaty mess with tangled hair and as her struggling and laughter subsided, her chest heaved as she sucked in as much air as possible.

"You poor Princess;" Randy said smiling. "You're probably very sore from struggling. What you need is a massage."

Kelly Anne nodded and begged through the gag once more.
"Yeah." Said Sherry, who then laughed hideously. "A tickle massage."
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Fantastic! You have some of my favorite things -star wars (even if it is people dressed as star wars characters) and gang tickling!
This has everything i crave in a good, torturous tickle story...non consent, revenge, bondage, multiple ticklers, humiliation and degradation.

I come back here and read this from time to time and it never fails to get my juices flowing...even at the ripe old age of 58.
OMG ISABEAU!!! How are you these days. You never fail to get my juices going girl and I'm so glad you like this story; and yours as well. Feel free to comment on any ofn my stories all you like. AND feel even more free to come up and see me.

You've made my day. I'm still on yahoo m.
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