Yes, they are gone because they wanted to charge us for them.
Since the A/V room turned out to be not so popular, we have chosen to not spend the price of a good used car on keeping the A/V functions in it. It will simply be a back up chatroom for when The main Digi-room is having issues, and just perform chat functions.
there also may or may not be a potential that the a/v chat room is spreading a trojan horse. I was kicked earlier and windows defender prompted that an unsafe program was trying to execute. I would suggest everyone who used a/v chat to do a quick scan to make sure no trojans.
The flash ads in the room which we have no control over can be vectors for issues. It's another reason why we chose to not make the A/V room our main one. It's nothing that can cause issues if you have a virus program up, and have you browser set to not allow I-frames.
As I said, it's not a great room, but it's better then none while we wait on Digi-Chat to solve their hacking issues.