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Abby's Trip to Egypt (FFF/F non-con)


TMF Master
Mar 27, 2003
Originally posted here: Abby's Trip to Egypt: A Tickling Story

Enjoy! 😉

FFF/F ● Tickling Torture ● Feet & Upper Body

Abby’s Trip to Egypt

Written by

Commissioned for

Abby’s vacation in Egypt takes a bizarre twist when she ventures into the tunnels under the Great Pyramid. In this adventure, the extremely ticklish tomboy finds herself trapped in a forgotten underground world, where she becomes the newest unwilling plaything of Anubis herself — a powerful living goddess who delights in perfecting the art of tickle torture on extremely ticklish slave girls.

Note from the Author:
This story’s main character is the same girl from Abby Trapped and Tickled: A Babysitter Story.
If you like Abby as a ticklee, feel welcome to check out that story.

Character Illustrations and Inspirations:
Pictures of Abby and her feet 1
Pictures of Abby and her feet 2
Mummification Bondage Inspiration


A very cool looking and rather tomboyish woman is sitting on the side of a bed, holding a phone against her ear. She has pale skin, brown eyes, and shoulder length black hair, tied up in a ponytail. Even though her frame is nimble, she looks tough as nails. At the moment, she’s wearing dark blue harem pants, a white sleeveless t-shirt, and leather sandals.

“Come on... Pick it up...” she mutters. At the same time, she leans down, removes her sandals, and flexes her absolutely gorgeous size 9 (US) feet. They’re meaty and strong, with supple skin, high arches, and extremely sexy, short, chunky toes.

Suddenly, a man picks up the phone on the other side of the line and asks something in Egyptian.

“Hello? Do you speak English? I'm trying to reach Nuru,” Abby asks.

The voice replies in English, “Who is this?”

“My name is Abby. I was given this number by the Great Pyramid guide, when I asked him about the tunnels under the Giza plateau.”

“Who was the guide?”

“His first name was Dodi.”

“Oooh... Dodi... Okay. I’m Nuru. So you want to see the tunnels under Giza?”

“I’d like to visit the places where tourists aren't allowed. I’ve seen videos talking about the chambers underneath the Great Sphinx and the maze of tunnels under the Giza plateau. This is the only time I’m planning to visit Egypt, so I’d like to try and see them.”

“Yes... I can show you those places, but you know that exploring them is illegal? Yes?”

“I know. Why is it illegal, though?”

“Because it’s dangerous. Those caves aren’t fully mapped. And there might be unexplored tombs down there. The government doesn’t want tomb robbers stealing treasures and destroying priceless archaeological sites.”

“Well, I’m not a tomb robber. I take only pictures, and leave only footprints.”

“Of course... Of course... It’s still illegal, though. And very few people know the tunnels, so this is going to be expensive.”

“How much?”

“Eight thousand Egyptian pounds for each person. That's a little over 500 USD, or 450 Euros.”

“That's a lot, but I'll pay.”

“Is it just you?”


“Good. The less people, the better. You'll have to do everything I tell you for your safety. Is that okay?”


“Do you have any physical handicaps or limitations?”


“This tour is going to take all night, and it’s going to require hours of walking. Is that okay?”

“That’s fine.”

“Are you staying in a hotel?”

“Yes. I'm at Pyramisa Suites Hotel Cairo.”

“I can take you on the tour tomorrow night. Does that work for you?

“Yeah. Sounds good.”

“Then tomorrow night, at 11PM, I'll be waiting for you in my car, directly in front of the hotel. It’s a small, white Fiat. Bring payment in full.”

“Hmm... Can’t you wait for me at the reception?” she asks, feeling a bit wary about meeting him like this.

“No. This is an illegal tour. I don’t want to be captured by the hotel’s cameras.”

“Oh. I guess that makes sense. Fine.”

“Alright. I'll see you tomorrow night. If you can’t find me or whatever, call me,” he says, then hangs up.


The following night, Abby leaves the hotel wearing the same outfit, but with white sneakers instead of sandals, and a black windbreaker jacket on top of the sleeveless shirt. She spots Nuru’s car straight away. “Hey. Are you the guide?” she asks the driver.

“Yes, I’m Nuru, and you must be Abby. Nice to meet you,” he answers, unlocking the passenger door. Nuru looks pretty nondescript. He’s an Egyptian man in his 20s with short hair, a shaved face, and regular western clothes.

“Nice to meet you too,” she replies, entering the car.

Nuru asks her about the payment. She hands him an envelope full of cash. He counts it, then says, “It’s good. Let's go.”

Nuru drives to the edge of the desert, then tells Abby, “We walk the rest of the way.”

“Where are we going, exactly?” she asks.

“To a cave,” he answers bluntly, putting on a backpack.


After an hour-long march, they reach a crack between two rocks on the outskirts of the plateau. Nuru takes two flashlights from his backpack, hands one of them to Abby, and enters the crack. “Come along. Follow me closely.”

“Okay. This is very exciting,” she says, feeling like she’s in an Indiana Jones movie.

The crack narrows, but then widens into a cave barely tall enough to stand. The cave keeps going for much longer than one would expect, winding underneath the Giza plateau, then one of the sides becomes a smooth, man-made surface.

“What is this?” Abby asks.

Nuru shrugs. “I don’t know. A wall, I guess. Could be a buried structure, or the foundations of one... I don’t know if there’s anything on the other side. Let’s keep moving. We have a lot of ground to cover.”


Nuru and Abby walk for hours though caves and tunnels, moving deeper and deeper into the earth, occasionally seeing signs of human masonry. At some point, Abby comes close to falling into a shaft, but the guide stops her in time.

“T-Thanks...” she utters, gazing down into the dark depths. “What’s down there?”

“Death. I told you these caves are dangerous. Let's keep moving.”

Shortly after that scare, they find the remains of a large buried statue. Abby stops to take pictures of it, excited that she’s looking at something few tourists do.

Nuru tells her, “Please, we must keep moving. That statue is nothing compared to what I’m going to show you.”

“Are we going to see the rooms under the Great Sphinx?”

“We’ll try, but those rooms aren’t always accessible. Don’t worry, though, you’ll see something incredible. It’s not much farther. Maybe another 30 minutes, if we keep the pace.”


Eventually, the natural caves and crude tunnels lead them into a huge open space with thick columns disappearing into the unlit darkness above.

“Wha-- What is this?!” Abby asks in awe.

“This is part of what was described by ancient historians as ‘the Labyrinth’. An underground city with two levels, 12 palaces, and at least 3000 chambers.”

“Oh my god...” Abby utters, taking pictures of the smooth, circular columns. “How come there are no hieroglyphs? In the temples above ground, every surface is covered in low reliefs.”

“This place was built by a different people. An older civilization, ancient even to the ancient Egyptians.”

“An older civilization? How old?”

“Some say, at least 12 thousand years old.”

“Twelve thousand?! That’s not possible! The Great Pyramid was only built four thousand years ago!”

“That's the age of most monuments, but not the Great Pyramid. That one was built by the same people who built this city.”

“Erm... Anyway... Can we continue with the tour?” Abby asks, doubting the guide’s claim.

“Good idea. This place is huge. And there are many things I want to show you.”


For about two hours, Abby follows the guide through a maze of stone corridors and chambers. Once in a while, they find something noteworthy, like a locked metal gate or the statue of someone important.

Abby notices how the people in the statues resemble ancient Egyptians, but at the same time, they look more sophisticated, as though the Egyptian civilization from four thousand years ago was based on an earlier, more advanced culture. This suspicion is further aroused when Abby turns her flashlight towards the ceiling and takes notice of the lack of soot.

“Nuru?” she asks.


“How did they light up this place?”

“Torches, candles, braziers...”

“Then how come there’s no soot in the ceiling?”

Nuru turns his light up, then replies calmly, ”I never noticed that before.”

Abby gets the distinct impression that he’s lying, but she doesn’t press the issue.


Sometime later, Abby starts to feel like they’re being watched from the shadows, but she doesn’t say anything, because who could possibly be watching them?

Nuru leads her inside one of the underground palaces — one of the few with unlocked gates. As they move deeper inside the structure, it starts to look less like a residence and more like some sort of barracks.

“What was this place, exactly?” Abby asks.

“I don’t know. It’s one of the few unlocked palaces.”

He leads her into a small, square-shaped room, without anything noteworthy. When Abby turns around to ask him if there’s anything special that she’s not noticing, a metal portcullis descends over the doorway, trapping her in the little room, which she finally realizes is a holding cell.

“Hey! Open this door! What do you think you’re doing?!” she calls out, taking hold of the metal bars. But he ignores her, walking away at a brisk pace.

“NURU! YOU CAN’T LEAVE ME HERE! COME BACK! IS THIS A JOKE?! IT’S NOT FUNNY!” she shouts at the top of her lungs.

Abby spends a few minutes pacing about the cell, terribly nervous that her guide might not come back. Then she starts to hear distant footsteps.

“Nuro?” she asks, taking hold of the bars.

As the footsteps grow louder, she sighs with relief. “Haha. Very funny. You really scared me. Now let me out.”

When the footsteps reach the same hallway where the cell is, Abby finally notices that they sound heavy, metallic, and most worryingly, being produced by more than one person.

“N-Nuru?” she asks hesitantly. Then she screams, pressing her back against the wall opposite to the portcullis, when two strange figures come into view.

They resemble ancient soldiers, vaguely Egyptian, but they’re silver from head to toe, including their clothes, as though made entirely out of mercury.

“YAAAAAAAAA! WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT ARE YOU?! NURU! HEEEEEELP!” Abby screams in horror. The portcullis then opens, and the men enter the cell.

“STAY AWAY!” she squeals, but the mercurial soldiers take her by the arms and drag her out.

Abby struggles at first, but then stops because the soldiers’ grip is as inescapable as steel shackles. She simply doesn’t stand a chance in hell of getting away, so rather than being dragged, she starts walking.

They take her out of that palace — if that’s what it was — and towards a section of the Labyrinth lit by glowing orbs mounted along the walls. Eventually, they reach a lavishly decorated palace or residence. They then enter a grand hall, where a stunningly beautiful woman is sitting on a throne chair.

The woman’s ethnicity, hairstyle, outfit and makeup are all reminiscent of ancient Egypt, but more sophisticated, just like the statues Abby saw. Her brown eyes are incredibly piercing and intimidating. So much so that Abby instinctively avoids staring at them. Her hair, black and lush, is meticulously styled and adorned. She’s wearing an incredibly sensual dark dress with golden highlights, leather sandals, and plenty of gold jewelry, including an elegant crown with a canine head above the forehead.

The woman sitting on the throne is accompanied by two girls, both scantily dressed and barefoot — clearly servants. One of them has Middle-Eastern ethnicity, while the other one is of Western origin, with curly blonde hair.

The soldiers stop Abby before the throne and force her to kneel. The woman sitting upon it then asks something in an unknown tongue. Abby is so stunned by all of this that she doesn't react in any way.

The woman looks to her left and calls out, “Virginie.” At once, the girl with curly blonde hair asks Abby something in French.

“Erm... Sorry... I don’t speak... French...” Abby answers nervously.

“English, then. Very well,” Virginie says with a cute French accent. She tells the woman on the throne something in the unknown language from before, then the woman starts talking to Abby with Virginie translating.

“You are kneeling before the goddess Anubis, ruler of the underworld. Who are you, and where do you come from?” Virginie asks Abby.

“Anubis?” Abby asks incredulously.

“Yes. You are in the realm of our mistress Anubis. For your sake, you must do everything she commands,” Virginie tells Abby, widening her eyes as though trying to impart upon Abby the urgency of cooperation.

“Mmm... My name is Abby. I’m just a visitor...” she starts explaining.

Over the course of 15 minutes, Abby explains who she is, where she comes from, and what brought her to the tunnels under Giza.

Anubis then orders something in her ancient language, prompting the soldiers to take Abby away, Virginie following close behind.

“What’s happening?! Where are they taking me?!” Abby asks the blonde girl.

“Anubis wants to know if you are fit to join us. You’re going to be tested, and I will translate for you.”

“What sort of testing?”

“Are you ticklish?”

“If I’m ticklish? Why does that matter?”

“Anubis likes to torture us with tickling, so all the girls she decides to keep have to be extremely ticklish.”

This revelation makes Abby gasp in horror, because she just so happens to be horribly ticklish. “No! You have to help me escape! Please! I’m begging you!” she pleads with Virginie.

“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do. Escape is impossible. Believe me, I tried.”

“But... But... Why tickling?! That's crazy!”

“Anubis finds it amusing, and she’s the one holding all the cards. It’s that simple.”

They then reach a harem’s common room. There’s a shallow poll in the middle, sofas and cushions, and a whole bunch of scantily dressed girls. When Abby and her escorts enter, all eyes turn towards her.

“Erm... Hiii...” Abby utters nervously while all the girls come to take a closer look.

A door then opens across the room, and a trio of women marches out, heading straight towards Abby. These women have the same ethnicity and piercing gaze as Anubis, and they’re the only ones in the harem wearing proper clothes and sandals. As they approach, the other girls make way for them respectfully.

Abby swallows dryly, already feeling intimidated, then widens her eyes after a mere glimpse into the room from which the trio emerged. There's a stone altar in the center, with cuffs chained to the corners. But what really catches her attention is the naked girl strapped to a standing wooden X-frame. She’s slouching and gasping for air, appearing to be absolutely exhausted.

The three women walk around Abby, then issue an order to the soldiers. As they start pulling Abby into the smaller room, she can’t help but squeal, “YAAAAAH! No! Not me! Please!”

Virginie begins translating, but one of the three women silences her with a hand-gesture.

Abby is taken inside the room and spread out on the altar in an X-position. Padded shackles are locked on her wrists and ankles, chaining them to the table’s corners. When she’s secured, the soldiers stand watch beside the door, and the three women release the other girl from the X-frame. She drops on her knees, whimpering something in an unknown language, then scampers out of the room hastily.

“Who are you?! Let me go!” Abby pleads to the three women, now surrounding her, their eyes glistening with tickling lust. None of them answers, or seems to care about Abby’s words, so Virginie dares to answer for them.

“They are Anubis’ harem Mistresses and expert ticklers. Their names are Amenset, Nebet and Ata. They will test you, then report back to Anubis. You must be nice to them. Trust me, you don’t want to get on their bad side.”

“Expert ticklers?! Oh Shit! No!” Abby utters, struggling helplessly against the shackles. As she does so, it causes the chains to rattle, which in turn seems to amuse the encircling trio.

Amenset, Nebet and Ata sit on the table, spread open Abby’s jacket and roll up her shirt, exposing her midriff. They then bring their long fingernails to Abby’s sides and belly, covering them with light, spidery tickles.

Abby closes her hands into fists and contracts her every muscle, stretching the chains taut. Her face turns into a grimace, with both lips and eyes tightly shut. At the same time, she produces a groan of ticklish torment, “Mrrrrrrrrrrrg!”

The women keep teasing Abby’s midriff, never doing more than light tickles. After suffering this for about a minute, she suddenly lashes out, rattling the chains and groaning, “MRRRRRG! MRRRRRG! MRRRRRG! MRRRRRRRRG!”

The women giggle at her, and start verbally taunting in their ancient language. Abby doesn’t know what they’re saying, but nevertheless, their sweet, sensual voices make the experience feel more ticklish. After a few more groans, she finally bursts out giggling. “MRRRG! MRRRG! Nononono-NAAAA-Hahahahaha! Haaa-Hahahahaha!”

Seemingly encouraged by Abby’s reactions, the three ticklers step up their game. In addition to spidering, they start grazing their nails over her belly, twirling them inside her button, and gently pinching her sides. This change prompts Abby to widen her eyes and attempt to arch her back whilst squealing sharply, only to drop back down on the table, struggling and giggling like crazy, as well as wobbling her belly up and down.

This tummy teasing goes on for a little while, after which the three ticklers decide to move on, in search of tickle-spots through which more intense laughter can be extracted.

“Nononono...” Abby whimpers, smiling against her will as her jacket is opened even further. Two of the women are flanking her underarms, while the last one is standing at the furthest end of the table, looking down on Abby with her arms crossed and a wicked smile on her lips.

When the two women by Abby’s sides start wiggling their fingers down her forearms, heading to her exposed underarms, she can’t help but squeal and struggle maniacally, tugging her arms and kicking her legs. “Yeeeeeee! No! Not there!” But despite all her struggling, she’s powerless to stop the womens’ hands from reaching their sensitive targets.

“YAAAAAAA! OH SHIT! SHIIIIT! HIII-HI-HI-HIIIIII! YAAAAA-Haa-Haa-Haa-Haaa!” Abby explodes with loud laughter, when the fingernails start digging into her delicate, shaved armpits, like a pair of spiders trying to burrow.

Abby’s pits are clearly more ticklish than her midriff, so the women spend a little longer playing with them. For about five minutes, they take turns tickling in pairs. Then for another five, they go solo, clearly studying Abby’s ticklishness. Either way, Abby can only laugh and struggle, as the woman’s nails violate the sanctity of her hollows with impunity.

“GET OUTTA THEEEERE! Yeeeee-HEE-HEE-HEEEE!” Abby squeals, tugging her arms like crazy while one of the women gently scratches her pits with her index nails.

When Amenset, Nebet and Ata are done with Abby’s underarms, they turn their attention to the opposite end of the table. They pull off Abby’s sneakers and ankle socks, uncovering her meaty feet. She groans in ticklish anticipation and scrunches her toes tightly, because she’s well aware that as far as ticklishness is concerned, her feet are the worst.

Abby’s feet are gorgeous, but the three women waste no time admiring them. As soon as they’re uncovered, the women’s nails start spidering all over them, covering soles and insteps alike with tickly sensations.

Abby is instantly compelled to pull her feet away, but the restraints stop her from doing so. With her face scrunched down tightly, she starts kicking her legs and making violent attempts to roll off the altar. This spectacle goes on for 15 seconds, at which point she explodes with laughter, spasming her entire body and pointing down her trembling feet.


The three ticklers grin hugely, visibly delighted with Abby’s reaction, and they keep tormenting her feet with their spidery tickles.

Nearby, Virginie covers her mouth with a look of pity on her face. “Poor girl... With reactions like this, she’s bound to become everyone’s favorite target...” she whispers in French.

“NAAAA-HAA-HAA-HAA! Not my FEEET! YEEE-HE-HE-HE-HEEEE! Anything but my FEEET!” Abby howls with laughter, while her sexy, meaty feet are mercilessly tantalized by the women’s combined 30 fingernails.

A couple minutes later, the women begin taking turns tickling each foot solo, using one hand to hold it steady, and the other to probe its soft sole.

“YEEEEEK-HEE-HEE-HEE! Please STOP!” Abby cries out with desperation in her eyes.

Ignoring her plea, the women keep torturing the silky skin with their dancing fingernails; lovingly grazing, skittering, raking and drawing, from the bottom of the heels to the base of the chunky, tightly closed toes.

The tickling carries on unabated for several minutes, at which point Abby turns her face towards Virginie and pleads, “HEEEEELP! HEE-HE-HE-HE-HEEELP! PLEAAASE!”

The three ticklers laugh at Abby’s despair and have a brief chat with Virginie. The blonde then bows and leaves the room.


After about 10 minutes of fingernail tickling, Amenset, Nebet and Ata finally stop. Abby collapses on the altar, gasping for air. One of them peeks outside the room, then opens the doors wide. Virginie enters, leading a group of harem girls carrying bowls of water and an assortment of cleaning and grooming items.

“Wha-What are you doing?!” Abby asks nervously while the harem girls surround her, some of them holding sharp knives.

“Relax. We’re not going to hurt you. We’ve been told to prepare you for Anubis,” Virginie explains while two other girls start cutting Abby’s clothes to shreds.

“No! Don’t cut! I’ll take them off!” Abby protests, but alas, the girls keep cutting away her clothes until she’s left completely naked. They then give her a bath using wet towels, to wash away the sweat brought on by the tour and the tickling that followed.

Following the bath, the girls release Abby’s wrists and sit her up. She tries to fight them off, but with her ankles still restrained and seven women working together, she’s easily subdued. They cross her arms over her chest and mummify her upper body with linen bandages, using bondage tricks and techniques perfected over the eons.

When they’re finished, Abby’s upper body has been tightly wrapped from the belly button to the base of the neck. Try as she might, she can’t move her arms at all. After that, the women organize themselves in two groups of three, one of which starts fixing up Abby’s hair, while the other one pretties up her feet. That division of labor leaves out one of the Mistresses, who leaves the room to report to Anubis.

The tickle-testing left Abby’s hair pretty messy, so the girls release it from the ponytail, brush it, then tie it back up. Her feet were looking great to start with, but the girls make them look even better by scrubbing them with pumice stones, rubbing them with a perfumed oil, and filing her nails to perfection.

“What’s Anubis going to do?” Aby asks Virginie, while she and the other girls work on her.

The blonde looks at her for a moment, then asks Amenset something. Abby figures that she must be asking permission to answer her question. Amenset nods at Virginie, who then tells Abby, “The harem Mistresses have found you worthy of Anubis — especially your feet. Soon, the goddess of the underworld will pay us a visit.”

“Erm... You mean... She’s going to...”

“She’s going to tickle your feet to her heart’s content.”

Abby groans and scrunches her toes, eliciting stares of disapproval from the girls filing her nails.

“This is madness... This is all insane! Who is Anubis, exactly?”

”Anubis is your new goddess--”

“Yes, yes, but how come she’s down here? Why are you all here? None of this makes sense!”

Yet again, Virginie seeks permission from the Mistresses before answering. “I will share with you what I know. Many thousands of years ago, when the land was lush and green, there was a great civilization above us. They were remarkable people, ruled by living gods, the greatest of which was Anubis.”

“Living gods?” Abby asks in disbelief.

“Yes. You must not doubt this story, or risk being punished for your blasphemy.”

“Okay... Go on...”

“This ancestral civilization was wiped out by a calamity which burned the entire world, but before that came to be, Anubis had this city built, so that the gods could wait in comfort while the world healed itself.”

”How long did that take?”

“I don’t know. Centuries.”

“How did they live down here for so long?”

“They were gods. They had the means to live forever — a blessing they share with their most trusted servants. If Anubis decides to keep you, you’ll see it for yourself.”

“Have you been granted this... Blessing?”

“I have. And so have they,” Virginie answers, nodding towards the other harem girls.

“So... You are all immortal?” Abby asks, extremely doubtful.

“Yes. Time has stopped for us. Do you know who Napoleon Bonaparte was?”

“Of course I know. More or less, anyway. I’m not a history buff.”

“In 1798, he sent an expedition to Egypt. I was there, as an interpreter’s assistant.”

Abby drops her jaw. “You were alive over 200 years ago?”

“Yes. I was abducted from my tent and brought before Anubis. Since then, I’ve been her favorite source of entertainment, as well as her confidant and interpreter.”

While Abby processes these revelations, the girls finish pampering her. Abby’s ankles are finally released, and she’s sat on a chamberpot.

“Do your business there, because you won’t have a chance to do it for many hours,” Virginie tells her. Abby doesn’t really feel inclined to cooperate, but ends up doing it anyway because she feels that she’s been humiliated enough without peeing herself during a tickling session.

After using the potty, Abby’s legs are mummified from the ankles to the waist. At the same time, a set of padded bronze stocks is mounted at the end of the altar. These stocks look needlessly beefy, and are decorated with a complex pattern of silvery groves.

Abby is laid down on her back, and her meaty feet are locked in the stocks. A roman style U-shaped chair is set in front of Abby’s feet, then everyone leaves the room except for the two soldiers standing watch, as well as Virginie, whose translation services will surely be required.

“Oh my god! Oh my god! I don’t believe this! Please! You must help me!” Abby pleads with the French girl.

Virginie steps closer and tells her, “I can’t help you. I’m sorry.”

The soldiers then open the doors wide, allowing Anubis to enter.

“Oh shit!” Abby curses, curling up her toes and covering one foot with the other.

Anubis walks straight to the stocks, her eyes filled with tickle-lust, and sits on the chair. She then brings her hands to Abby’s helpless soles, and with a huge grin on her face, starts caressing them with her silky hands, as well as speaking in a soft, nurturing tone.

“Such lovely feet you have... ” the French girl starts translating. “So big and strong, yet soft and pretty... It’s a welcome break from Virginie, and her tiny, narrow feet. Come on... Relax them for me...”

Abby swallows dryly and stops pressing her feet together, yet keeps her toes closed.

“That’s better. Nebet spoke highly of them, and how ticklish they are,” Anubis utters, starting to lend her fingertips tickly wiggles.

“Teehee! Stop that...” Abby giggles, twitching her feet away from Anubis’ fingers and starting to squirm her mummified body.

“Stop what? I’m not doing anything yet...”

“Stop... Teeheehee! Stop tickling!” Abby giggles, trying to keep her feet away from Anubis’ teasing fingertips — a futile endeavor, yet exceedingly cute to watch.

“Oh... Does this tickle?” Anubis asks with a naughty smile on her lips.

“Yaaaa-Haa-Haa-Haaa! Yes! Yes it tickles! Stop!” Abby squeals adorably.

“But it’s meant to tickle. That's the whole point...” Anubis taunts.

Abby then shouts, “STOP FUCKING TICKLING!” whilst paddling her feet rapidly, slapping away Anubis’ hands.

The self-proclaimed goddess stops tickling for a moment, appearing both amused and shocked in equal measure.

“I HATE being tickled! STOP TICKLING MY FEET! You CRAZY BITCH!” Abby adds.

Virginie covers her mouth, appalled with Abby’s rudeness. However, when Anubis asks her for the translation, she answers truthfully. Anubis raises an eyebrow and resumes the tickling, but instead of teasingly lightly, she starts scrambling her long fingernails all over Abby’s vast soles.

“YEEEK! YAAAA-HAAA-HAAA-HAAAA!” she howls with laughter.

“I don’t mind an unruly slave girl,” Anubis tells her, ”It makes tickling you extra gratifying. So if your goal is to make this more fun for me, then by all means, keep it up.”

“NAAAA-HAAA-HAAA-HAAA! PLEASE STOP!” Abby laughs, squirming and twitching her feet whilst Anubis’ fingernails pursue her soles relentlessly.

“It will never stop when you want it to. Not ever. It only stops when I feel like stopping. You’re in the underworld, and your big feet belong to me,” Anubis taunts.


For about 15 minutes, Anubis explores Abby’s feet with her nails, then she stops.

“Your feet are marvelous, Abby,” the goddess says while Abby catches her breath. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a pair this much fun to tickle. They are, however, very squirmy. Let’s fix that, shall we?”

The eyes on the canine figure atop Anubis’ headpiece glow briefly in red, then the silver lining from the stocks’ decorative groves comes alive, starting to flow towards Abby’s ankles like mercury.

“Haaaa! HAAA! What is that?! It’s cold!” Abby complains, as the liquid metal starts moving up her insteps.

“It’s the same divine silver which brings my soldiers to life. Just as it can make them move, it can make your feet stand still,” Anubis explains.

The silvery liquid flows up Abby’s insteps and covers the tops of her toes. It hardens to some extent, making it difficult for her feet to swivel on their ankles. It then grips her toes by the sides, just enough to hold them steady without covering their delicate bottoms.

“OH. MY. GOD. That’s so WEIRD! Stop!” Abby squeals, while her toes are gently pulled back and apart from each other. Within seconds, the mercury hardens completely, leaving her unable to move her feet and toes.

“There we go. Now then, let’s see how you like a gentler touch,” Anubis says in a rather gloating tone. By her order, Virginie fetches two feathers from a cabinet on the other side of the room. These feathers are flight feathers, so they’re quite long, with strong cores, and soft, rounded, yet thin tips — perfect for tickling.

When Abby sees the feathers, she can’t help but flare her eyes, swallow dryly, and strain her toes against the silver holding them in place. The latter action doesn’t change her toes’ lack of mobility in any way, but it is quite amusing to behold. Her toes are completely trapped, unable to curl or wiggle, their undersides and recesses exposed and helpless.

Anubis smirks before the delightful sight of Abby’s struggling toes, then brings the feathers’ tips to the pad of her right big toe.

As the tips begin cascading down that plushy, bubbly surface, Abby freezes in ticklish horror and closes her eyes, clearly focusing all of her willpower into bearing the tickles.

“MRRRRRRG!” she then groans, starting to roll her body sideways. She groans one more time, then a thin smile forces itself onto her lips.

Time drags on as the soft tips run down her chunky toe pad. After 16 seconds, she suddenly opens her eyes and starts growling in frustration. Then, as the teasing carries on unabated, she finally starts laughing. Her growl turns into long, painful laughs, each one slightly louder than the former. “Grrrrrr-Haaa-Haaa-Haaa-HAAAA!”

“Really? This is enough to make you laugh, my slave?” Anubis asks mockingly. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had a new girl with feet so terribly ticklish.”

“Haaa-Haaa-Haaa-Haaa... Oh please stop! Hahaha! I can’t stand it! HAAA-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha...” Abby giggles and laughs; not hysterically, but even so, consistently and uncontrollably.

Smiling evilly, Anubis expands the feathering to include the remaining toes.

In no time at all, Abby becomes a cackling, crying mess; hopelessly straining her feet against the silver bondage while the feathers caress her motionless toes, relentlessly teasing their pads, stems, bases, and even the inter-toe spaces.


Abby’s first tickle-session with Anubis stretches on for ages. The goddess only uses feathers and soft brushes for the first hour, leading Abby to hope that maybe she favors lighter tools and techniques. However, it’s only a matter of time until Abby realizes that this isn’t the case at all.

Anubis’ tickling style is just insanely gradual in its progression. She’s willing to spend hours probing a single inch of skin; meticulously teasing it with an astonishing array of techniques until she has learned exactly how to best tickle it.

By the third hour, Abby is screaming silent laughter while Anubis tickles her left arch with a little brush and a sphere-tipped pointer, expertly abusing tickle-spots the girl didn’t even know she had.

Abby feels like she’s dying from laughter every second without actually dying. Her nervous system is completely overwhelmed by the horrifically ticklish sensations being delivered to her foot. Her endurance is utterly spent, yet Anubis’ tickling only worsens.

Then, at last, Abby rolls her eyes towards the back of her head, goes through a surge of convulsions, and mercifully passes out.


Abby wakes up a few minutes later in the great hall, in the arms of a soldier, feeling terribly confused. She can hear several people talking, but the first voice she can clearly make out is Virginie’s.

“Anubis is extremely pleased with the girl you've brought. She wishes to compensate you generously.”

“Whaa... Where... What’s... Happening...” Abby mumbles groggily.

Nuru then exclaims happily, “Thank you very much! This really is extremely generous!”

The sound of Nuru’s voice arouses Abby from her state of confusion. “What?! Is that the guide?! What was his name? Nuru! Help! Help me please!” she cries out. Anubis and the Mistresses giggle at her, and Nuru keeps his attention on the handful of gold coins he’s holding.

“And this concludes our transaction. You may leave with my blessing,” Virginie translates. Nuru bows deeply before the goddess, then leaves the hall.

After the tour guide is gone, Anubis issues orders to her servants, then leaves the chamber with Virginie and the soldier holding Abby. They walk down a long corridor with several heavy doors along the way, then stop before a door unlike any other in the entire Labyrinth — it looks Egyptian, but at the same time, quite futuristic and high-tech.

Anubis presses a button beside the door. A red light switches on above it and scans her headpiece. The door then slides open, granting access to what might best be described as the central hallway of a small, Egyptian themed spaceship.

They all enter the vessel, then into a room dominated by what would surely be perceived by primitive humans as a metal and glass sarcophagus. Abby, reasonably well versed in sci-fi, identifies it as a stasis chamber, or perhaps an automated medical pod.

As they step inside the room, a holographic female is projected beside the sarcophagus, her demeanor that of a helpful attendant. She’s wearing a white gown, golden sandals, and a headpiece identical to the one atop Anubis’ head.

Anubis has a short conversation with the hologram, who turns her attention to Abby. Abby shudders as several lights are projected onto her, likely a scan of some sort.

Once the chat is finished, the sarcophagus’ lid slides open, and the hologram gestures towards it, prompting the soldier to lay Abby inside. The lid then slides itself shut.

Abby, still mummified, casts a scared look at Virginie and starts squirming. A bright light then shines directly on her face, somehow mesmerizing and sedating her. Then, that strange silver liquid starts pouring into the chamber from small holes. It covers Abby from head to toe, yet she remains completely at ease.

Minutes later, the liquid flows back into the holes and the lid slides open. Abby is perfectly fine. In fact, she feels better than ever.

“Wha-What just happened?” she asks Virginie.

“Anubis has blessed you with eternal life. She asked the guardian spirit of the Sphinx Temple to cure you. You will no longer age, and will always be in perfect health.”

“But... But... This isn’t a temple... And Sphinx? What does this have to do with the Sphinx?!”

“That's blasphemy. This is the holiest of places. According to Anubis, this metal temple came from the stars. It’s a blessing from above; a source of eternal life, health and sustenance.”


“Yes. There’s a room with a slot on the wall from which food and drink appear out of thin air. All you need to do is ask. And it’s called the Sphinx Temple because it’s hidden under the Great Sphinx.”

Anubis then interrupts their conversation. By her order, Abby is carried back to the harem for her next session in the stocks.


Over the next few years of captivity, Abby would piece together the true story of Anubis and the “Sphinx Temple”.

About 15 thousand years BC, the primitive people inhabiting the Giza region found a half-buried alien shuttle. Luckily for them, the shuttle had an automated sickbay equipped with an incredibly helpful virtual doctor. This doctor was a highly adaptable protean construct, meaning that it could become a human doctor to treat humans.

Through the doctor interface, the primitive humans were able to use the infirmary to heal each other. However, the alien medical technology did a lot more than just healing; it also corrected several aspects of human physiology perceived as faults by its algorithms. Namely, it gave the immune system a massive boost, making the body impervious to viruses and bacteria; it made the cellular reproduction process foolproof, eliminating cancer; it made it possible for brain cells to reproduce indefinitely, thus eradicating diseases such as Alzheimer's; and last but not least, it disabled all biological processes which trigger aging.

And so, the shuttle was perceived as a temple, and the holographic doctor as a guardian spirit, dispensing miracles. Reverence quickly turned into religion, with the ruling family controlling access to the shuttle, and determining who was allowed to be reborn in the “sarcophagus”.

Over several millennia, Giza became the focal point of a grand civilization, with bits of knowledge far ahead of its time. The Great Pyramid was built by this civilization; not as a tomb, but as a gigantic hydraulic ram pump, designed to inject huge amounts of water from Lake Moeris and the Western Nile into the region’s aquifer, in an attempt to halt desertification.

The Pyramid worked as planned, stopping the Sahara desert from taking over the region for several hundred years. Then, the shuttle’s computer alerted the ruling family of an upcoming planetary collision. In preparation for this disaster, which would lay waste to half the planet and trigger an ice age, a huge underground shelter was built — the Labyrinth.

For two thousand years, the Labyrinth was a microcosm where people were born, lived and died without ever seeing the sun. When this civilization inhabited the surface, it had been a relatively free society, but the rigors of living underground changed them into an oppressive slave state.

At some point a revolt erupted, wiping out the entire ruling class except for Anubis’ family — the clan that controlled access to the shuttle. For weeks, her palace was under siege. Then, Anubis made a discovery which changed the course of the war. She found out that the silver liquid could be programmed to perform tasks beyond healing. It’s not actually a liquid, but a swarm of billions of microscopic machines called nanites. Armed with this knowledge, she created a squad of invincible silvery soldiers which swiftly crushed the rebellion and restored order.

Hundreds of years later, when the surface was finally safe, the slave population left without looking back, leaving Anubis alone with her soldiers and her three favorite maidens, Amenset, Nebet and Ata.

Anubis eventually decided to leave as well, but was forced to return when the distance from the shuttle turned the mercurial soldiers to dust. It would seem that after a certain range, the nanites lose their connection with the shuttle’s computer and stop working.

Unwilling to leave without their invincible soldiers, the four of them spent the next few thousand years hibernating in stasis chambers, waking up periodically to check if the Giza plateau was still uninhabited.

When people finally came to settle the region, Anubis decided that this time around, she wanted to be more than a priestess or even a queen, so she introduced herself to the ignorant, primitive settlers as the goddess of life and death, ruler of the underworld. With the shuttle’s advanced technology and the impressive underground city, the settlers were instantly overcome with awe and wonder, and began worshiping her.

Throughout the entirety of dynastic Egypt, Anubis ruled the country from the shadows, manipulating Pharaohs like puppets, and enjoying unprecedented opulence. It was during this time that she took up tickling torture as a hobby. She particularly enjoyed using the sarcophagus to breathe life and youth into freshly deceased women, then perform a live enactment of the "Weighing of the Heart" ceremony.

In this mythological trial, the heart of the deceased was measured against the weight of a feather. If the heart was heavier than the feather, the person would be doomed to oblivion. But if the heart balanced with the feather, the deceased would be sent to Aaru, the ancient Egyptian heaven.

These staged trials would inevitably end with the poor woman being sentenced to “suffer the feather until the heart is balanced with it.” Which basically meant that the woman would be tickle-tortured until Anubis and her maidens grew bored of her. At which point the victim would be executed, and her spirit would supposedly move on to Aaru.

The Ancient Egyptian empire lasted approximately 5000 years before falling. When Cleopatra, the very last Pharaoh, met her end, Anubis stopped receiving fresh girls. She and her maidens eventually started organizing abductions, like the ones which victimized Virginie and Abby, but that wouldn't happen for nearly a millennium, so the poor girls who happened to be undergoing their feathery penance at the time of Cleopatra’s death found themselves trapped in a living hell of seemingly endless tickling torture.


Two centuries after Abby’s abduction, she remains Anubis’ favorite ticklee. She’s taken away to be tickled far more often than any other girl, and when she’s not being tickled by Anubis or the Mistresses, her fellow captives are encouraged to gang-tickle her as a stress relieving team activity.

Abby is presently in the harem’s common room, pinned face down on a bed. There are two girls holding her arms above her head, and two more saddling her ankles, as well as holding her curled up feet by the insteps.

Anubis keeps several immortal cats as pets. Those cats are presently licking Abby’s tasty feet, encouraged by the chicken grease that’s being repeatedly brushed on her soles. As if this isn’t bad enough, the girls occasionally tickle her sides, underarms, back and neck, either by spidering with their fingers or brushing with their long hair.

“BWAAAA-HAA-HAAA-HAAAA! PLEEEASE! GET THEM AWAAAHAHAHAHAAA!” Abby howls with hysterical laughter while the felines’ raspy tongues greedily lick the grease from her crinkly soles. She repeatedly begs for mercy, but as usual, her pleas fall on deaf ears. Instead of a reprieve, she feels a wet paintbrush spreading a fresh coat of grease on her right foot, and a handful of long fingernails spidering under her left arm.


Later that day, Abby curls up on a sofa, wondering how it is even possible that after such a long time, the modern world still hasn’t found the Labyrinth.

Unknowingly to her, World War 3 broke out in the decade following her abduction. Nukes were fired between NATO, Russia, China and North Korea, resulting in a massive setback from which the world is yet to recover. On top of that, climate change threw the planet into chaos. The rich and powerful have set up a network of walled cities and bastions where modern civilization still functions, but most of the world, including Egypt, has become an impoverished no-man's-land.

It’s impossible to predict when Abby and the others will be rescued, but one thing is certain — it won’t happen for a very, very, veeeery long time.


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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