I have been having bondage/tickling scenes with really ticklish girls during sex for a long time and i have never seen really ticklish girls in any video or clip i have watched from any company. I have bought or rent tickling videos many times and although in some scenes the models have fake well one could tell it was only faking. Maybe that's the reason why not so many people buy tickling videos. Another question is: why pay to have tickling sessions with someone you don't know? It's much better to have sex with a girlfriend or somebody you like and introduce her to your fantasies than pay to have sex or even tickling sessions with somebody you know is there just for money. Just to finish, it looks like many people are ashamed of their tickling fantasies. Ok, you won't start spreading around you like to tie and tickle women but c'mon, as long as you keep it as sex play with your partner, it's harmless. Everybody have their sex fantasies and if you can't talk about it with your partner so what kind of relationship do you have?