I've always had an eclectic taste in friendship. (I've thrown parties where half the guests had arrested the other half. It was a lot of fun and everyone seemed to have a blast! Alcohol is a great un-inhibiter!) Anyway...
I had a friend who was a bouncer in a *****-house. Well, truth be known it was a massage parlor. Me and another guy (Bob) went by his (Don's) place of work to make some plans for later when he was free. We (all three of us) got to shooting the breeze with one of the hookers. We were talking about different things men were "into" sexually.
The lady said we had no idea just how odd some of her customers were, so we tried to pin her down to specifics. She said most of the stuff was just to weird to go into. Eventually, after harranging her for awhile, she said that she'd had two different customers that week who were into tickling. Boy, did my ears perk up! The biggest shock though, was when I looked over at Bob, he was more excited than I was! He began to rapid-fire questions to her about tickling feet. He was trying to get specific details: how the client had approached her, his technique while doing it, if she enjoyed it, etc. I just remained quiet, being much too in-the-closet to be willing to draw attention to my interest in the conversation. The girl was very reticent about pursuing the conversation, and soon Don asked us to lay off, so Bob and I took off.
Hey Bobby P, you on here?