Marcus I'm happy to say that there is another clip of Slyy as the ticklee, and I'm also happy to tell you that I will be working with the lovely Slyy again.
I won't be working with the Indian girl from Ethnic Tickling again, but, I do have another clip of her being tickled by the blonde.
There also probably won't be a revenge tickling from "You Better Talk", but perhaps there will be from "Amazon Tickler"
Veronika is my top model and until she quits (which hopefully won't be anytime soon) I will be doing alot more with her. Maybe Diamond will be back also, she's really cool.
Beth will probably do more tickling stuff, both F/F and F/M
Unfortunately, Alyssa wasn't very ticklish and I won't be working with her again.
Thanks for the feedback and iquiries guys! Hope you have a great weekend!