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Adventures of Hawkeye and I ( Part 1) F/M


Nov 28, 2019
This is part 1 of a series I am starting about me and a long time lee. There will be other parts as they come to me.

Part 1: Ticklish Encounters

It was another random night on the TMF chat. I had been looking for male Lee's for hours. It was slow on that end but chat in main was going well. It was a weekend and having had a long week, I was ready. I had been bantering with others in the main chat off and on that particular evening. It was a gun night and the excitement was in the air.
I randomly looked over and saw a red circle in my pms. Flipping over, I saw that I had a pm. Looked at the username and had never heard or seen it in my life. ' Why not?", I thought. I was getting bored.
" Hello there," he said. I been watching you in main chat all evening. " So much magnetism! Soo magnetic. I had to drop you a line and tell you that.
" How refreshing, " I thought. Someone that noticed something about the real me and not just tickling. I typed a thank you and then we got to talking.
" It's quiet bbn in the house tonight, " he said. " I'm not usually on this late. "
" It varies for me, I replied. " depends on who's on."
"Ohh, I am so glad I caught you then. Do you ever roleplay?"
' Sometimes, I replied. " It depends on what they mean by roleplay. "
" I'm pretty open, he replied. " Whatever you are comfortable with. "
I thought for a minute. " There is a type I have been doing lately. The lee pretends to be Waylon Jennings. I, well, I am me."
" Do you mean the 70s singer?"
Here we go, I thought. This could lead to a great conversation or it could end the chat. I had begun noticing, If they didn't know who Waylon was, they were usually way too young for me. " Yes, I replied.
" That's awesome, he replied and my shoulders relaxed. This might be a nice evening after all.
" There's one video of his I am thinking of making into a roleplay ", I replied.
" Oh really? Can you send it to me.?"
" Sure, I replied. I flipped over to the YouTube tab and typed in " If I Can Find a Clean Shirt". I clicked share then copy link. I switched tabs and pasted it in the chat. " There you go.
" Oh thsnks! Listening now."
A few minutes passed and I went back to main. Then, I saw the red dot again and clicked over.
" Love this, he had replied. What were you thinking of doing with it?"
"Oh, I am moving the white haired man out of the video. My. Character takes his place. She has been standing at the bar watching Outlaw for weeks now and she has seen his shady behaviour. She is out to teach him a lesson."
" Oh I love it. Want to try it tonight?"
" Sure," I replied. If it was too bad, I could always end the roleplay.
" Okay, what do I do, he replied.
" You have been summoned to th he cantinas. You see me eyeing you and wave. I beckon you forward with my nails."
" Okay, I am coming to you, wondering what does she have in store.."
"Follow me, I reply, stepping into character. " I lead you down a hallway to the back room. " Lie down on bed, I say, pointing to the bed.
"I go to the bed, hesitantly, confused.Then, I see you locking me in. What do you think you're doing?"
I walk over to the bed and graze your tummy with my nails. " Stress relief, I reply tersely.
Woman, sre you crazy? Do you know who I am? I can get stress relief" * I pull on the restraints.
" Not the kind I am going to give you, " I reply. My nails circle the navel without going in. * I look into your eye, watching your every expression.
"I throw my head back in helpless laughter. * You can't do this! I got lawyers. I Help, I yell into the room
I grinned, feeling like he is really getting into this. " They can't hear you, I replied curtly
I had this room soundproofed earlier. I was waiting for you.". I smiled at him
" Hey, what are you trying to do. My body squirms and flails helplessly. *
" Don't even think about calling for Willie. I hired 3 Spanish harlots to keep him occupied. You are going nowhere. " * I slid my fingers inside the pits, circling my nails and hoping, on the other end CV of the screen for ticklish pits.
" The laUghter I had been holding in Flower out vb of me uncontrollably. Tears glide down my cheeks, totally caught up bbn in the laughter and lost in th he grip of your ticklish nails*
I grinned on the other side of the screen. Pretty sure this might be tickle gold, in or out of character. * I moved up to the neck, a hitbox miss on guys. Either really ticklish or not at all. * My nails grazed back and forth on the side of your neck, alternating the pace and intensity * I hoped for a ticklish response..
And I got one.This is his worst spot, he replied, tears pour out of his eyes and he clasps you. " I will never forget you or this night. "
" I won't you either, I replied and sincerely meant it. He was the best fill in Waylon I had found yet. Little did I know how much he would fill.
" I just realized it's really late here! I should get to. Ed. Let's talk soon. Do you have anywhere else we could. Hat. This connection is lousy vb on here.
" I am on kik I replied. We exchanged names and he signed off for the night. I sat in my living room with thoughts CV of Waylon and a bew mysterious stranger mingling in my mind. I went to bed with a smile on my face.

End of Part one, chapter one
To be continued...
This was awesome! I enjoyed reading Part 1/Chapter 1 where I can't wait to read about what happens next in the future chapters. While reading this, I was able to paint a picture in my head of what was going on where I stuggle to comprehend what I am reading but I fully understood while reading this. Nice job, you did an amzing job, and keep up the good work!
This was awesome! I enjoyed reading Part 1/Chapter 1 where I can't wait to read about what happens next in the future chapters. While reading this, I was able to paint a picture in my head of what was going on where I stuggle to comprehend what I am reading but I fully understood while reading this. Nice job, you did an amzing job, and keep up the good work!
Thank you Sean! Glad you were able to enjoy it!
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