BigJim said:
PS2's are generally not fit to play any DVD's on account of damaging them,(a problem I and lots of UK consumers have had) but a US disk will be in black and white with bad sound on it anyway. A lot of DVD players on the market are multi region though and so are most PC's with a DVD drive.
PS2's aren't good for playing DVD's? Aw man, how am I gonna play my PS2 games since all PS2 games are DVD's? Darn Sony people, they tricked me into buying their games and now I can't play them cause they're DVD's! lol
Actually, I haven't had any problems playing DVD's on my PS2...could it be because the UK version is made differently than the American version?
One thing you don't want to do is using the vertical stand for the looks cool and different with your PS2 on its side...but that isn't too good for your disks.
I've heard that the reason some disks are gettin scratched up is because they're not weighted properly on both sides ( on side might be slightly heavier than the other)...or something like that. One reader in Gamepro Magazine came up with an interesting solution: put one piece of clear tape on the right side and left side of the DVD ( it doesn't have to be a big piece of tape)...usually that helps it get held down better.
But you have to make sure that you have the same size pieces on each side ( both peices on the TOP side, not the bottom, of course. after all, the PS2 has to be able to read the info on the disk. lol ) and are the same distance from the middle.
You might get better ideas to solve the problem by writing to
[email protected]
they usually have some good solutions.
(oh yeah and if you havin probs with the disks that have blue bottoms, well, that's cause they're lighter than other cd's and dvd roms. )