This fellow is floating along in his hot air ballon. In his hand he has his map. (Pilots call them a sectional chart) While he checks his few instruments and reference points, the wind blows the map out of his hands and out into open air. Well now he feels lost. So he starts looking around and he sees a guy putting the yard lines down on a football field. He says to himself, I'll go down and ask this guy where I am!
So he lets some of the air out of his ballon and he comes floating down above the football field close enough to the guy to yell down at him!
"Hey man, where am I?"
The aggie replies, "You can't fool me man, your up in that balloon!"
So he lets some of the air out of his ballon and he comes floating down above the football field close enough to the guy to yell down at him!
"Hey man, where am I?"
The aggie replies, "You can't fool me man, your up in that balloon!"