I don't like saying it or even thinking it, either. Alot more can be gained anyways out of capturing and holding someone. You have alot more leverage. Now he is a martyr, and his death actually makes things worse.
It actually depends on whether he believed he was doing what he wanted in the name of god. The same would go for hitler, if he thought that. Although I don't think he did.
So if Abu Moussad Al- Zarqawri believed what he was doing was right in the name of Allah, then he would have been given entrance into paradise.
I NOTICED! IN NOTICED! 😀 I just wasnt around to say anything...😛 (I know one of the soldiers who was tracking the dude who let them to the guy...(sorry, no clue on names, and too lazy to check! ~.o)
The problem is, however, that we're fighting against thousands of different insurgents and different independently operating cells. We're not fighting this one guy. His death might rock the leadership of the insurgency a bit, however Zarqawi will simple be replaced.
The best thing is we were able to use quite a bit of the intel we gathered at the site to track down hundreds of cells throughout Iraq. So while it is true that this was just one guy, the ripple effect of not only his death but the info we collected put one hell of a dent in their power base. I so love my job!
Oh and as for where he ended up in the after-life, I'm guessing he is sorely disappointed...