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alcohol vs marijuana


TMF Regular
May 8, 2001
2 days ago a good friend was killed by a drunk. ran down in the street and then backed up over because the drunk motherfucker thought he hit a deer or a dog and backed up looking for it. i was told that he was already dead before the guy backed up but that counts for exactly shit as far as im concerned. the only thing that counts is it was a fucking senseless and pointless MURDER of a loving husband and father. drunk driving fatalities should be considered nothing short of first degree murder. intentional or not that son of a bitch still used a weapon to murder a man who to my knowledge never caused a moments pain to anyone in his life. alcohol and a car are the same as a gun and bullets and should be treated accordingly. i dont have any facts or numbers but i would love to see the statistics on alcohol fatalities as opposed to weed related deaths. id bet everything that the numbers on weed would be far lower. i personally have never heard the term high driving accident. drunk driving is an all to common phrase. lets get real for a minute people. when was the last time you heard of anyone dying from marijuana abuse as people die from alcoholism? when was the last time anyone heard of somebody overdosing on weed? i was in the medical field for 6 years and i seen everything. iv seen alcoholics with fucked up livers and their guts swollen like a balloon ready to pop. iv seen young men and women turned into vegtables for the rest of their life cause they wanted to celebrate their birthdays or something. iv also seen them turned into vegtables without ever having taken a drink in their lives but they had the misfortune to be in the other car. altho im sure its not unheard of...how many times have you heard on the news that the accident was marijuana related? you hear that far far less then you do the word alcohol. so what do you do about it? i say bring prohibition back. BAN ALCOHOL. it didnt work the first time because the goverment took something away from the people without giving anything back in return. its time to legalize marijuana as an alternative. its outrageous that people are sent to prison for years for smoking marijuana when others are slapped on the wrist for drunk driving. of the two which is the real threat to society? according to what iv read (and i havent read much on it yet...if anyone can prove me wrong then by all means do so) the only thing they can find wrong with weed is the fact that you smoke it which is never a good thing...but not as bad as cigarettes because theres no tar or nicotine or any of the toxic shit the tobacco companies load their product with. the fact (in my perception) is that marijuana is illegal for no more reason then outdated and illogical and blatently stupid political incorrectness. the goverment tries to protect us from ourselves by sticking their collective nose's in where it doesnt belong and in typical beaurecratic inefficiency says its ok for you to drink the more harmful and incapacitating (and FAR more addictive) alcohol but forbids us to smoke a plant. ITS NOT A DRUG. ITS A DAMN PLANT...GET OVER IT. and what good has the laws on weed done? none whatsoever. people still get it when they want it and there are people in prison who's only crime is that they like to feel good. marijuana and children is another can of worms all together. those creeps who hang out around schools and sell to children belong in prison. but in all honesty.. is it any worse then giving a bottle of whiskey to a child? i dont think so. the only difference is the one who gives a child booze doesnt go away for as many years. what sense does that make? american society accepts alcohol when its responsible not only for the deaths of many who consume it, but the deaths of people who had the bad luck to be in the vicinity of people who consumed to much. marijuana users are branded as criminals. point blank. no further discussion needed or wanted. its time we woke up as a nation and realize what the real threat to our society is. its the one thats legal. case closed.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. That's terrible! I've lost a number of friends to drunken idiots like that. It's enfuriating that they get off so easily.

While I don't think that prohibition should be reinstated, I do agree that marijuana should be legalized. But, BOTH need to have enough controls to keep things in check. People who abuse alcohol will abuse weed too. Either one could lead to wrecklessness. What we need to do is start enforcing the laws on the books and throw their asses in jail when they're caught driving under the influence of ANYTHING. Instead, we keep letting them off and then wring our hands and wonder why when they finally kill someone. :sowrong:

I'm sorry about your friend drkjedi458.

However, driving while high can also cause accidents. I know some guys from high school who like to drive the wrong way down the highway at night with no headlights on and see how close they can get to trucks before they pull away. I think it's only because more people drink and drive rather than smoke and drive that the alcohol related accidents are more numerous and high profile. Just my ignorant opinion...
I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I agree with you on most points, although I wouldn't want to suggest that driving while stoned is any more acceptable than driving while drunk. Either way, you're taking your ass and everyone else's in your hands.

I do have to agree about the blind eye we turn to alcohol. It's very easy to adopt an old-school attitude and go with the pack, accepting alcohol because it's advertised and cool, and slamming weed because everyone else does.

Yeah, it's only a plant...but it is still a drug. It affects judgement and perception. I'm not saying that's a bad thing occasionally, but there's no such thing as a %100 safe drug. There's always risk involved.

However, the dangers of alcohol go farther than just the driving fatalities. How many times have the police been called to a domestic disturbance that was alcohol-related? Pot-related? Same with robberies, vandalism and other crimes. Not everyone reacts the same way to every substance, but in general...alcohol seems to break down the barriers we put around our aggression, while weed adds a few layers.

I don't think you're ever going to see alcohol banned. It's too accepted, too many advertising and tax dollars are created from its sale, and too many politicians simply cannot do without their three-martini lunches. But it would be nice to see someone have the balls to take a stand on weed. The UK hasn't made it legal per se, but has decriminilized its possesion to the same level of offense as a parking ticket, more or less. It is my belief that decriminilizing pot would cut down on some crime...not that pot itself causes crime, but that the police are bogged down with what is considered crime right now. I'd much rather see the manpower shifted to keeping drug cartels from Columbia and the like from setting up shop here.

Again, I'm terribly sorry about the loss of your friend.
hang the bastard

i esp. feel sorry for your friends family. they are victims
of this bastards selfish behavior!
i agree he should be charged with murder. but here in illinois the charge is vehicular homicide, with a max penalty of 7 years i believe.
the charge for toking and driving is the same as drinking and driving, "d.u.i." driving under the influence...
i feel that this is a poor time to expound on the virtue of leaglizing
pot. if pot is de-criminalized, you'll just have more accidents!
just penalize the assholes who do any kind of drug (leagle such as booz, or illeagle ie., pot, lsd, hourse, etc.) to excess, harsher!
how about we just get high on life?!!
I hope I didn't give the impression that anything should be forgiven if it involves pot rather than alcohol. The thread brought up by Drkjedi was "Alcohol vs. Weed" and aside from the horrific death of his friend, a comparison was made and I agreed.

Let me be clear on one thing, though. I feel that anyone who uses anything and then injures or kills someone with a vehicle should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. There is no difference in substances when a vehicle is involved. You are taking a responsibility not only for yourself, but for others as well when you drive. It is sub-human to think that you can do so under the influence of anything.
While I share the view that driving or otherwise doing harm under influence of any substance should be punished to the fullest extent, I'd like to inform you on a few other facts as well:

Possession and consumation of small amounts of cannabis (hashish) is legal in the Netherlands; I'm not sure about marihuana. If you ever take a visit there, the place to go are the 'Coffie Shops', which are quite different to the American variety. You can smell Hashish from as far as a hundred of yards around those shops, you may even buy it there. Legally.

While this policy has made the task of the Dutch drug police department much easier, a huge cannabis tourism boom from all over Europe has set in, causing a lot of extra work for the cops of the surrounding countries. Most of the European governments are conservative and refuse legalizing of so-called 'soft drugs'.

But driving a car or utilizing heavy machinery under influence of drugs are punished everywhere. Sorry about the tragic loss of life, but neither banning alcohol nor legalizing other drugs will solve the problems of idiots on our streets... :sowrong:

BTW: Nobody should forget that heroin, opium, and cocaine are made of plants as well; many of the most powerful poisons we know are made by Mother Nature herself, but so are many of the most powerful medicaments... 🙄
Isn't alcohol made from plants too? Like corn liquer or rye or that gin stuff? and Hops for beer? Isn't it all plant derivatives to start with?

Doesn't matter what type of "drug" it is, legal or not. If anyone is the least bit affected they should not be behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. I'm fortunate enough to have never caused or been involved in a drunk driving accident even though I was quite a drinker in my day.

We lose more people in alcohol related accidents each year than we have lost in all the wars we've ever fought combined.... think about that.

(a grateful recovering alcoholic)
hal, it is legal to have marijuana in the netherlands. It is not legal to grow it. Also, the coffee shops cannot ask you to buy, or even hand you a menu without you asking. You have to ask.

It is my two cents that drinking is worse than weed on a user basis as well as the consequences. Who wants to get really drunk and throw up? It's just a great big body buzz. The only advantage I see is that it's legal, and that it doesn't stay in your system like the THC in marijuana. Also, employers don't give a fuck if you drink or not. I have been known to smoke once or twice (a day), and although it impairs judgement, rational thought is still present. I know many people that actually drive better while high. Also, alcohol is physically addictive, and potentially lethal. Pot isn't. Pot is no different than Coke (the refreshingly delicious drink, not the very illegal drug) when speaking of addiction. The only kind of addiction is mental, no shakes or anything like there is with alcohol. Also, there are ways of smoking it that filter out 99.5% of carcinogens (vaporization, check it out). Saves your lungs...doesn't hurt your liver...I don't see the problem.

The real problem is the culture surrounding the herb. Just yesterday 50 bucks was stolen from me in a sour deal. Fucker ran with my $$
He was probably armed, and was with a group of friends. He can keep my 50 bucks, i'm glad i got out of there unharmed. Same group of guys stole a WHOLE LOT of bud from friend of mine. This leads to anger, which can lead to violence. That's no good at all. This sort of shit happens, and it didn't just randomly occur. Notice how this doesn't happen in Amsterdam; because it's legal, there is a set price range, and legitimate businesses give you a straight deal. That's really all I ask for. Had marijuana (once marketed as a cure-all medicine before pharmaceutical companies pressed for and got it banned) been legal in this country, low-lifes would have to get their jollies off dealing heavier drugs, which I do not condone. I'd rather have Cops dealing with the fuckers that deal the hard drugs, and get over the fact that they're wrong about pot, and legalize it already! We should follow Amsterdam's lead, and legalize pot, while toughening up the heavy drug laws, and focusing on enforcing them. In the mean time, Imma move my ass to Amsterdam 😉
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dear mr. scoobie...

first did you report the armed robbery you suffered yesterday?
were you aware that under the law, you have to report a crime, esp. a fellony? and you are in posession of knowledge of a drug theft. also somthingyou MUST report!
second i am appaled that a moderator of the board is encouraging illegal drug use.
third if you will promise to renounce your american citizen ship, and make it aone way ticket, i'll pay for yor plane fare.
lastlly. as a former police officer, and presently a nurse, i can say w/o fear of being wrong, that you are mistaken about the medical/physical results of pot use.
First off, I should probably clear a few things up. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, I certainly do not wish to do so. I do not encourage drug use. I certainly don't think everybody should go out and use marijuana. It is a personal choice, and there are consequences and risks that go along with it. It is my opinion that it's better than alcohol, if one was to use these substances recreationally (although legality is a big factor). I typed rather hastily, and should have chosen my words better. The thread is titled alcohol vs. marijuana. I am simply in favor of legalizing the illegal drug. I definately did not intend to express encouragement of using the drug. I did report the robbery, hopefully they will be caught and prosecuted. In doing so I risked my own hide, but I also knew that it is my obligation to report things like this. However, I only guessed that they could be armed. I didn't want to find out for myself. However, since I was not assaulted, nor were any weapons shown to me, it would be misleading to report it as an armed robbery.

Also, about two years ago, my grandmother died of colon cancer. She lived with us my whole life, so it sucked a whole helluva lot. Her Doctor would have used medicinal marijuana, had it been legal to perscribe it. She basically starved to death after radiation poisoning. Had she been able to use the drug, she would have at least died comfortably. :sowrong:

Steve, I may not know you that well, but from reading your other posts, I have come to respect your opinion. I hope you don't think I'm an idiot because I sometimes take part in the "activities" we are currently discussing (I was kidding about the once or twice a day thing). You referred to everyone that uses any sort of illegal drug as "assholes". Though I know many drug-users that are, well, assholes, I would like to think that I'm an okay guy. It hurts me to hear that you not only wish for me to leave the country and denounce my American citizenship (which I would never do), but that you would also pay for my one way ticket. 🙁 I certainly didn't mean to upset you. I respect your opinion, though I think it is wrong for one to make such a rash generalization. However, you do make several good points. Just about every drug (legal or not) can be bad for you somehow. Marijuana kills brain cells, and hurts your lungs (as do cigarettes). Use it at your own risk, and again, I do not condone it. It is just my opinion that the harder drugs, which criminals thrive on, are what the focus should be on.

Srry if I offended, I seriously considered not replying to this thread in the first place, because I know my point of view is a controversial one.

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I never really got the impression that Scoob was promoting any drug use. He's expressing his opinion.
scoobie i guess i overreacted (alittle)

what made me "go off" on you was when you said you were moving to holand, becaue drugs are legal there. that kind of attitude is abhorent to me! if as i now think, you were just using hyperboly (sp?)
then that is a different story. you are welcome to stay with me here in thegood old us of a.
your robbery could still bcharged as an armed one. if you tought they were armed, or meacing you with hands in pocket etc., then it is that same as brandishing a weapon. even threat of violence w/o a weapon is still a felony, an would be "strong arm robbery"
i am glad you aren't a daily user.i would feel sorry for you it you were.
i have heard of cases like your grandmother's before. but the dr. is incorrect. she could have been given medicinal marijuana. itha the thc removed, but retains the medicinal benifits that she needed. i worked on an oncology unit for 3 months, i hated it. i just couldn't get used to loosing my patients.
thank you for your overly generous praise.
Yeah, I was only kidding about moving to Holland just cuz drugs are legal there. It's a very lovely place with a very rich history (and a beatiful canal), but I'm quite happy right here in America 😀

The drug that you're speaking of, is it Marinol? I've only heard of it, don't know much about it. The thing that gets me is that they were able to give her opium, but not medicinal marijuana or any other forms of the THC present in it. 😕

Also, it is an interesting point you make about the armed robbery. But one things for true and sure, I'm staying the hell away from that part of town. :scared:

Thanks for your respect and forgiveness,
Scoob 🙂
It is a proven fact that marijuana use relieves the symptoms of glaucoma. I read an article in a medical magazine about a man who was a pot smoker. When he was diagnosed with glaucoma he stopped partying entirely. The medicine the doc prescribed wasn't doing shit. This guy figured "Hey, what the hell. I might as well start getting stoned again" And Behold, the minute he got stoned his eyes temporarily cleared up, probably due to the pot relaxing his muscles. (If necassary I will dig up this article).
areenactor-- I have respect for you and your opinion. I have respect for every police officer that gave his life on 9/11. In this demented world of child molestors and murderers there is a need for law and order.
But I must also point out things like PBA cards, which are total bullshit. No one deserves special treatment from the law. I must also point out a young man from the town I grew up in. This guy was a cocaine user & dealer, as well as a borderline date rapist. He had numerous infractions erased and he was never charged. Why, you might ask? Because his father was the chief of police.
My point is this, areenactor's stance against pot smoking should have nothing to do with his former job as a cop. If you are against pot, that's fine, and I respect your opinion. But being a cop does not make one man any more lawful than the next. As a matter of fact, in some cases, being a cop allows someone to be a bigger criminal.
There was a female stock broker who used to work for my company. She was a great broker and made her clients alot of money. But we had to fire her because she missed too much work. Why was she missing work? Because she didn't want to come to work with bruises on her face. Why was her face bruised? Because her Above the Law cop husband used to beat the living shit out of her. Why was he never arrested? You guys can figure it out.
Being a cop does not give one the right to preach, because there are alot of crooked people in law enforcement.
Being a priest doesn't make one closer to God, because some priests are pedophiles.
No institution is without blemish.
Sticking to the point of this thread, You should not drive or operate heavy equipment if you are drunk or high.
The affects of pot can be shaken off alot faster than the affects of alchohol. I know many people who smoke pot every day, and many of them are millionares. But every one I've known who got drunk on a daily basis only ended up in some kind of trouble. Drinking should be reserved for free time and special occassions.
i'm not asking for special concideration...

and as police officer i never did!
my father was on the job for 25 years, he never took so much as a cup of coffee, and i wasn't on long enough to be swayed into that habbit.
yes i got off on speeding tickets, a time or two, yes exactly two.
i had no respect for the guys who abused their power.
anyman who hits his wife to the point to making marks is wrong! he should be charged the same as any criminal on the street. no more, no less.
i mentioned my past as a cop, and my present as a nurse, to explain that i've seen the results of drug, and alcohol abuse first hand!
all you pot smokers all say the same thing "on pot i can straighten up faster than on booz". this is pure B.S.! you just think you can, just like boozers think they don't look stupid.
daily pot smokers are the same as alcoholics. they have built up a tolerance to their drug of choise. both are wrong.
in an earlier post i refered to people who overindulge to the point of intoxicatin as "assholes" if this applies to anyone, well so be it!
when you get intoxicated, you are a mencace to other people!
as i also said earlier, get high on life. no need to make drug dealers, or the liquor companies richer!
and as was the point of the original post, people get hurt!
it seems pretty silly to me that pot is illegal. thankfully most folks in a position of authority these days have a little empathy for your average-Joe pot-smoker. and jail time for having a little personal stash is a lot less than it used to be... but just the fact that it is illegal makes it part of the whole ‘drug ring’. that part bothers me. if it were legal, it wouldn‘t be.

no one ever gets stoned and beats their wife. they may hog the Doritos... but violence is out and giggle fits are in. what could be wrong with that? 🙂

drkjedi, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. sometimes the things that life throws at us feel un-survivable... but in the end we are glad we did. take care of yourself.
im dropping out of this thread

the talk of legalizing drugs offends me.
so i'm going to do the gentlemanly thing and walk away.
if a person is a nasty drunk, they will be a nasty pot head! i've seen it myself.
have fun here.
I'm sorry to hear of your loss 🙁

Living in St. Louis, home of AB, I've grown up very aware of the politics of alcohol. As an older, and wiser friend of mine once said, "There's only enough room for one legalized recreational drug in America, and the lobby for the alcohol producers has a lot more money than the weed smokers to ensure that it stays that way."

That's always stuck with me.
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