I was about to say that, when I fly, I always obey instructions from the crew without argument, but then I had to remind myself, I'm only 99 and 44/100 percent pure on that. See, if there's any turbulence at all, I feel like I'm having a near-death experience, and for that, I need to be a little drunk. So, I have been known to have a glass of red wine at the airport bar, order a second glass on it, and smuggle the wine onto the plane in a travel mug that looks like I'm drinking coffee. Also, when the flight attendants are collecting cups and other trash, I will sometimes hide the fact that I'm still drinking it. One time, the attendant told me she had to take it, and I said, "Believe me, I need this more than you." But then I surrendered it. Actually, I think I held the rest of the contents in my mouth and let little sips go down over the next ten minutes. But beyond these little imperfections, which are essentially a matter of self-medication, I obey authorities when I fly, and think movie stars should do same.