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Alien Abduction Video....LOL (discuss)


TMF Master
Sep 23, 2004
I remember seeing this about 10 years ago on UPN. They aired it as a serious documentory and didn't air the credits at the end that proved it was fake. At the time I thought it was real...hell i was only 10. This time around I knew it was fake before I even got to the credits and got a good laugh outta it. Still a very well put together little mockumentary. Hope you all enjoy!


Now for the discussion part. Despite the fact that this is an obvious fake, I do believe that we're not alone out here. This supposed "infinite" space is, by that adjectives definition, WAY too big for it to only be us out here. I also think that any aliens we may encounter in the future won't be hostile. Most people just fear that because of stories and a crazy media that can only get people's attention if they scare the shit outta em.

Your thoughts?
LOL I remember seeing that too when I was young. I'm pretty sure I got no sleep that night.

As far as life out there goes, I agree that the universe seems just too big for just one planet to have life. And aliens have always been portrayed as so much more technologically advanced than us, yet I'd bet that if they do exist, they aren't so advanced that they have discovered us yet either. I'd bet that there would be a good chance that it might not even be us that would discover them, but that it'd be them that discovered us, except we'd be the aliens.
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Ah, the old Lake County video. I saw that when it aired, and I also recorded it. For a fake, I think they did a good job. The dead giveaway are the credits themselves at the end though. They clearly acredit the aliens as "alien 1 played by" "alien 2 played by", etc. LOL

UFOs and aliens have always interested me since I was a kid, as did the 5 levels of close encounters. I have people close to me who have had close encounters and some people in my family feel they've been abducted and have had very lucid dreams about aliens for no reason. While skeptics can explain everything about aliens away without the presense of proof, I believe God, in His infinite wisdom and power, would not limit Himself to creating only what we know to exist, though I'm sure there are systems of checks and balances in place. Aliens from another planet, galaxy, dimension, or what have you, are not necessarily more advanced than us, though it would be logical to believe that there are some, perhaps many, that are far more advanced than we are, possibly by thousands or even millions of years.

When you take into account the idea of wormholes, alternate dimensions, and other universes, existance, as we know it, is very small but unimaginably large when you take these types of matters into consideration.

I am drawn to the UFO phenominon, and I have been looking to include it in my artwork for a while now. I could go into any number of endless conversations discussing just this subject matter alone, and every time I have its been an enjoyably experience. Its only fun, however, if you are conversing with someone who is equally as interested as you are.
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It always amazes me how resilient life is when it comes to conditions that under conventinal thought would cease the activity. There are approx ten million to one trillion stars in each galaxy and probably more than a hundred billion galaxies in our observable universe(wikipedia). The age of the universe from the time of the Big Bang, according to current information provided by NASA's WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe), is estimated to be about 13.7 billion (13.7 × 109) years, with a margin of error of about 1 % (± 200 million years). Blah Blah Blah. Basically what i'm getting at is that while we've over come numerous odds to get to where we are(as living things) the odds are in favor of the fact that we(life) is not a unique event.

I think the speculation over whether or not we have been visited is more out emotion than anything else. I also think it's part of culture i.e. green men in the 60's and greys in the 90's. If you want extraterrestrials.... we might have some but they didn't travel in a flying saucer and rape people with probes...
I could be wrong....alot can happen in 4billion years

It's a difficult topic. Because it can't necessarily be proven or disproven and several of the topics are hypotheticals, it's simultaneously easy and difficult to believe in aliens. On the one hand, the common belief is that the universe is so unbelievably huge that there has to be other planets capable of harboring life. This is iffy, as every time I've heard it, the planets considered capable are ones with an atmosphere similar to ours. While it seems arrogant to consider we're the only ones in the universe, it also seems arrogant to assume that only our type of atmosphere can harbor life. Similarly, I've seen few take into account the fact that Earth is eight light-minutes away from the Sun. Were we instead on Mars, life would not have flourished due to the increased distance.

Similarly, it's difficult because if there is other life, there's not going to be much of a chance that we'll find it. As stated, the universe is an incredibly large place. The life we know of is flourishing around an insignificant sun at the edge of the Milky Way. We're so far away from another star system that we'd need to find a way of keeping astronauts alive to actually reach them.

I'm not saying that there aren't aliens. For all we know, there could be millions of different species, giant intergalactic wars, what have you. But for all effects and purposes, we haven't met them and unless they accidentally find us, I would say we're alone in the universe.
I'm gonna talk about abductions for a bit since we were on that subject briefly. Like Vlad, i also have family members who have had very detailed dreams about aliens for no reason. I did some research on it a few years ago when it really peaked my interest, and found something very interesting.

There is one theory, that people's supposed memories of "alien abductions" and being examined or "probed" by aliens may actually be distorted images/memories of being born. For example, the supposed "beam of light" or "dark corridor" that people say they are sucked through may actually be memories of traversing out of the womb. The brightly lit "probing room" filled with aliens may actually be the first blurry images of the delivery room and the doctors shining bright lights while using their instruments on the infant.

After all the trama of birth, years of ageing, and then the imagery depicted by novels (ect) of alien beings... dreams of abduction could very well just be the human mind remebering birth and simply using the fresh thoughts of aliens and abductions to portray it.

Always thought that was a neat little point of view for the whole thing.
Well, I'm always skeptical of people who say they've had alien encounters, because, they never seem to be normal people(at least the ones that get interviewed on TV). There could be life out there, but I don't see why it matters so much to people. The funny thing is, since outer space is seemingly infinite, if earth is the only planet with life on it, we'd probably never know. I never understood why people are so interested in outer space, when there's still plenty of things left to learn about Earth.

As for whether I believe in aliens, I think it's definitely possible, but it's unlikely we'll find any. I think it's even more unlikely that we'll find something more advanced than we are. A person's sense of logic and reason was a trait that developed over a long period of time as a survival mechanism. So it seems unlikely that we'll find something that developed the same way. I think life on Earth surviving this long is because of special conditions like our distance from the sun that most planets won't have, making them unable to have life. Maybe we are the only life out there. How scary would that be?
All of this presumes that said aliens use, fall under, and are subject to the same laws of physics that we do, and, that they share the same galaxy and universe as we do and so share similar situations and existances. We assume that we know all of the elements, how they work, how they exist, and that that there are none other than we're exposed to and fimilar with.

Perhaps aliens have their own periodic table, elements, matter, and anti-matter. Its surprizing how few people care to concieve that. Everyone is so certain that all existance, wherever it is, however it is, has to fall under the power of what we know drives us. It proposes that everything is explainable, understandable, and harnessable, by our science. A logical impossibility. We cannot presume how the unknown can be handled and whether or not it can be, or even whether it can be grasped as a concept. When you consider this, it turns our science upside down and wounds our pride as a race. It throws our science out the window and forces us to see our own limitations and lack of all-powerful knowledge and wisdom.

If people are only thinking so far as aliens living on Mars, or a known planet, then they're not expanding their mind around the concept of a greater universe.

I also think it is dangerous to assume that they're not already here and haven't been since our creation. "When they come we'll know, but until they land in their ships and greet us, not only have they not visited, but they don't exist" is rather arrogant and ignorant. It doesn't account for any stealth, recon, or any other type of situation that aliens could imploy. If humans can infiltrate enemy territory and blend in, why can we not afford aliens the same luxury, hypothetically?

The problem is people don't take it seriously enough. The reason people don't believe in aliens is because the very concept undoes everything humans feel they understand. The idea of something greater than them makes them feel small, insignificant, and trivial. It makes them question why they're here, what life truely is, whether theres a God, or whether theres a way out of this. People don't want to feel that way because they're content and happy with the idea that they feel they've wrapped the universe and existance into a neat little package.

The concept of something beyond us unravels and undoes all of this human arrogance and reveals us for what we ultimately would be in the face of a greater universe- a mere pebble in it's belly.

Man wants to believe he was created to dominate everything and understand everything. When he learns that there is an entire universe beyond this one planet, and that his goal is impossible, he is supposed to be humbled, yet he is not.

Man is ultimately at war with himself, as he cannot overcome his human condition, limit, and frailty, no matter how hard he trys. This leads to his destruction sooner or later. It is inevitable. Our quest to become God is a pandora's box, and I thank the real God that I won't be around to see it.

Heh, its funny. I think we'd probably end up starting a war with an alien race before they did against us. Its always the other way around in science-fiction. Go figure.
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Vladislaus Dracula said:
The reason people don't believe in aliens is because the very concept undoes everything humans feel they understand. The idea of something greater than them makes them feel small, insignificant, and trivial. It makes them question why they're here, what life truely is, whether theres a God, or whether theres a way out of this. People don't want to feel that way because they're content and happy with the idea that they feel they've wrapped the universe and existance into a neat little package.

To rephrase something you said to TheChameleon: That would be YOUR reason, not THE reason.

Now, a bit more on topic. If we were to go about this over probability, then chances are there is life in other planets among our universe.
I like Sci-Fi stuff and all, but don't really believe in aliens visiting earth. I'm more than satisfied with the explanations psycologists, clinical psycologists and psychiatrists give about abduction related subjects, and find them far more interesting than the abduction claims themselves too 😛
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Meh, the only problem I have with people believing aliens exist is just that their theories seem to contradict themselves. Since they're more advanced technologically, why the hell would they even take interest in us in the first place? They're advanced enough to travel through space from god knows where, but they just have to visit Earth, because that's the only place worth invading right?

Like when Vlad said in his post, they could be using stealth, recon, etc. and that people don't want to believe in aliens because their existance would make people feel less significant.The prob with that is, you're still assuming humans are that important that these aliens are flying from everywhere to research or whatever it is they do. So even it were true, it still wouldn't make us much less significant since even aliens are amazed at what's here. The 2nd thing is if they're so advanced, they wouldn't tiptoe around us like people are claiming. If they're so advanced and have been visiting for as long as these sightings have come around, they shouldn't have any reason to hide. What can we do against something that's more technologically advanced than we are? Unless they aren't, in which case we're still more important.

The point is that people that think aliens exist also seem to think they would care about us. Knowing whether something is out there or not is really unimportant in the end, and what we gain from it won't be nearly as much as we sacrificed to get it. Alien life isn't taken seriously because in the end it doesn't really matter whether they're out there or not. Life's too short to worry about things outside of Earth that we don't know. There's too much crap on earth we don't know that people don't seem to worry about solving. When people talk about aliens invading our planet in order to research, dominate, observe, whatever, they're personifying them. These people are still assuming that these aliens think like we do, because of course, if humans had this sci-fi alien technology, this is exactly what we would be doing if we found a planet with life on it. Humans as we are today is something that came about as a result of many different changes and conditions. I doubt we'll find anything more "advanced" than us. Even if there is something, it hasn't discovered us, and I doubt it cares about us. So it doesn't matter.
Assuming they are advanced is a part of the problem, since most anti-alien arguments focus on the presumption that something superior to us would simply not be wasting it's time.

People need to undo everything Hollywood has taught them.

You talk about personification. Well, the same thing goes for this too. We are personifying them as superior and aloof, maybe even indifferent. We are using ourselves as the judgement point and then projecting how we think onto them based on how we would think in their situation looking at us. Its also presumptious to assume that if they are superior, or several races of aliens are superior, that just because that is true they would not have an interest or should not have an interest in us. We have no reason, outside of our human logic, which will ultimately fail us in such matters, to exclaim that it is as we say it is. Theres that human arrogance again.

"They don't have an interest in us" (extremely debatable) "We won't be visited anytime soon." (as if we already haven't been and they aren't already a part of human existance) "We're too far out of their way." (not necessarily true, we have no way of knowing that scientifically)

These are personal opinions based on the human vantage point that if anything out there is superior to us it will not be wasting it's time with us. Because many of us don't care about them (mostly because we don't believe they exist), we assume they feel the same. Thats us putting human thinking onto an alien, and assuming their situation based on ours. It simply cannot be done.
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So, basically what you're saying is that the argument is pointless since everything is all speculation and theories, which would mean we're on the same side?
Maybe so, but I find it a very entertaining topic, nonetheless. And, for what it's worth, there are so many sub-topics to discuss. Just talking about the mere existance of aliens is pretty bland and never enough for me.

The subject of aliens, for me, is inevitably a spiritual topic as well. I get to thinking how vast the universe is and it's just that much more credit to the majesty of God's creation. Although, I'd only expect another person of faith to see it this way, I think that whether you believe God did all of this or not, its still a marvel, and humans would be truely blessed and fortunate to even see a portion of what the galaxy and then the universe has to show us.

To be a part of universal history is a great honor. I just hope we don't screw it up and that we learned a lesson from being on Earth.
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