Just when I had bought a 6 TB hard drive in January of 2020 and thought well I'll never fill that up, along comes newer producers and some older and start selling 2-3 gb clips with no option for clips that are like 800 mb. Am I the only one annoyed by this? It's especially annoying seeing as I back up my favorite clips to flash drives that I take with me when I leave the house, but the max size of those is way less than 6 TB, which is making it either I need a bigger flash drive ( I already have 3 0.5 TB ones), more of them, or just not backing up these clips and if my computer becomes damaged somehow I'm out those clips forever.
Unless I'm the only one is it too much to ask these producers to either knock it off or offer smaller options?
Unless I'm the only one is it too much to ask these producers to either knock it off or offer smaller options?