Thank you Mr. Chavez, and RIP.
It's moments like this when I hear the last survivor of X or X event... so many events throughout History that pass away... Its amazing to me that this man was still here amongst us, after all this time. And that makes me happy. To have been here to see all the changes. To have survived. But it's also somber to me that the last witness to this is gone. Even though it was such a tragic event. It almost feels like... you can feel the breeze carry away the entire event once and for all. It's a strange feeling. Hard to describe.
Thank you for your service Mr. Chavez. While his military service is impressive, it's more impressive to me that he "finally" retired at 96!!
Mr. Chavez, you are an inspiration for more than just your military service. RIP.
That entire generation is fading away as time marches on. One can only hope the sacrifices they made stay relevant.
Not many World War II veterans left now. 🙁
Rest In Peace, Mr. Chavez.