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An adventure in the world of swords, sorcery and monsters


Registered User
Jul 8, 2005
i'm trying to revive writing.com interactive story called Fantasy Tickling Adventure and i'm posting my contributions so far, here in the form of the story. hopefully we'll get this thing going. feel free to contribute

also, note that this is first time, i wrote something like this, so go easy on the critiques please 🙂

short intoduction: you have heard about a mysterious far continent from your mother, the only explorer known to venture over there and come back. she describe to you advanced "sentient pigs" civilization that inhabits the continent. you decide to follow in her foot-steps. that where this story starts: http://www.writing.com/main/interact/cid/1206138

An adventure in the world of swords, sorcery and monsters

Voyage to a New World

After a month long maritime journey you finally land. All the trouble of finding a captain willing to take you all the way here (no small feat in itself, considering the bad reputation of this place) finally seems worth while. You had to sell family house and basically all of your possessions to be able to pay for this little expedition, but you have no regrets. You are a free spirit, who never enjoyed being tied up to one country, let alone to one city, so you are looking forward to the new life of adventure and exploration, with nothing to tie you back to your previous life.

After dropping anchor several hundred meters off shore, you and a landing party load your cargo onto a small boat and complete final stage of the journey. Standing knee high in the water after jumping off the boat, you see relatively narrow stretch of beautiful sandy beaches both to the left and right and beyond them, to the left a forest for as long as eye can see and to the right forest gradually turning into a low grassland for many miles. Wonderful position to get some rest and enjoy a seaside vacation for a few days, before you go on exploring, you think to yourself.

After unloading your equipment and supplies and helping you to set up a base camp at the edge of the forest, captain and his crew bid you farewell and head back to the ship. Their plan is to travel back as soon as possible, leaving you all alone, but you don't mind that one bit. A little solitude sounds prefect to you right now. After all, though a girl, you are one of the best sword fighters of your (now ex) homeland. You have been in many dangerous situations before and managed to get out of each and every one of them unscathed. You are more then capable of taking care of yourself.

By the time you change your clothes and boots from those suitable to the sea voyage to more land-friendly ones, you see ship already turned around and slowly getting away towards the horizon. Well there's no turning back now, you think to yourself, and turn away from the sea to look inland once more. A short survey of your camp's immediate surroundings is in order, but where to go first...

You are ready to go exploring and venture into the forest

Forest doesn't look too dense and is at your doorstep, so to speak, so you decide you need to look around a little bit. After you take about 20 steps into the forest, you realize trees are high and though they are not too dense, amount of light reaching you is still limited. More importantly, though unbeknownst to you at this time, a pair of eyes is carefully watching your every step and studying your every move.

You start off going parallel to the shore one way and then back and keeping close to your camp, but very soon you can't see the beach any more. Every now and then you you kneel down to inspect some berries or mushrooms, in order to discover alternative food sources. You can catch fish, as long as you are near the sea, but you prefer more diverse diet, if you can help it, especially since you prefer to keep your food supplies carried from the ship in-tacked for as long as possible, because they may prove much more valuable once you journey further away from the the shore. At one such time you feel something sharp and hard inside your boot get stuck into the sole of your foot. You sit down and take off your boot, you turn it upside down and a small rock falls out of it. You remove your sock too, to reveal soft-looking, wrinkly sole and your pretty burgundy red painted toes. You rarely used to wear any foot-wear that displayed your feet, but you enjoy painting your toenails to match your hair color. You made sure to bring with you ample supply of your favorite toenail polish into this adventure.

A little further away from you inside some bushes, that pair of eyes was still staring at you very hard. The moment you removed your boot, a hunger grew in those eyes and the moment your bare sole appeared outside your sock, a tongue came out of the mouth beneath those eyes and lustfully licked the lips out of which it came. While you were sitting unsuspectingly and massaging your sole to make the pain go away, a decision was made and a plan was hatched in the brain behind those eyes.

After few minutes you replaced your sock and your boot and decided you ventured deep enough and should be getting back before you lost your way in the maze of trees. You stood up and turned around towards the beach.

Forest doesn't look too dense and is at your doorstep, so to speak, so you decide you need to look around a little bit. After you take about 20 steps into the forest, you realize trees are high and though they are not too dense, amount of light reaching you is still limited. More importantly, though unbeknownst to you at this time, a pair of eyes is carefully watching your every step and studying your every move.

You start off going parallel to the shore one way and then back and keeping close to your camp, but very soon you can't see the beach any more. Every now and then you you kneel down to inspect some berries or mushrooms, in order to discover alternative food sources. You can catch fish, as long as you are near the sea, but you prefer more diverse diet, if you can help it, especially since you prefer to keep your food supplies carried from the ship in-tacked for as long as possible, because they may prove much more valuable once you journey further away from the the shore. At one such time you feel something sharp and hard inside your boot get stuck into the sole of your foot. You sit down and take off your boot, you turn it upside down and a small rock falls out of it. You remove your sock too, to reveal soft-looking, wrinkly sole and your pretty burgundy red painted toes. You rarely used to wear any foot-wear that displayed your feet, but you enjoy painting your toenails to match your hair color. You made sure to bring with you ample supply of your favorite toenail polish into this adventure.

A little further away from you inside some bushes, that pair of eyes was still staring at you very hard. The moment you removed your boot, a hunger grew in those eyes and the moment your bare sole appeared outside your sock, a tongue came out of the mouth beneath those eyes and lustfully licked the lips out of which it came. While you were sitting unsuspectingly and massaging your sole to make the pain go away, a decision was made and a plan was hatched in the brain behind those eyes.

After few minutes you replaced your sock and your boot and decided you ventured deep enough and should be getting back before you lost your way in the maze of trees. You stood up and turned around towards the beach.

The way is blocked

In front of you, standing directly between you and your camp, you see a creature you did not expect, not in your new world anyway. A little bit of panic creeps inside of you, but you manage to suppress it. If only you brought your sword with you, you'd feel much more confident, but you didn't expect any trouble in the isolated place like this and so soon after you landed. For a moment you and creature remain still and silent and just stare at each other, each of you expecting the other to make a move. You try to use those precious few seconds, to come up with some plan of action, but you are unsuccessful, the tension is just too high, for you to think straight. Finally the creature steps towards you and speaks

Welcome to the forest of the Lone Orc Warrior

By the tone of her voice and after getting a closer look at her, you realize that the orc is a female, but that doesn't make her any less threatening. She is carrying a long serrated knife at her belt and a bow over her back as well as a quiver of arrows. Her clothes are green to make her harder to spot in the forest. She doesn't wear any armor, but her clothes outline strong muscular body. Confrontation would probably not end well for you, you decide.

After that one sentence and one step she stopps again, studying you with those mean eyes. Her gaze tells you that she does not mean you well, at least not by your definition of well. She has already decided that you are not a bigger threat then she can handle, otherwise she would not have came out from her cover, and now she is just trying to make sure before she comes at you. Also, though you can't be precisely sure of it, it looks to you that, from time to time, her eyes drop down to your feet for a split second and then go back to your face. You don't even want to begin to think about what her intentions are. Orcs have a bad reputation in your homeland, even though they are not native to it or to any of the neighboring kingdoms. They are not all evil, but they are clever and many of them can be greedy or cruel. Some of them are known to be killers, looters and pillagers, but such tribes lived far to the east of your home and you never heard of any o them coming close to your kingdom. Others are notorious assassins, thieves and burglars trained in special guilds, but those too are known to you through stories only. Finally in some countries they even live alongside humans in towns and cities, but they are not much liked even there. Your realize that your knowledge of their specie is unfortunately lacking and you can not use it to deduce anything about your rival. Could it be that your mother did not know about them much more then you do, and that swine-people she described to you, were actually orcs, whom she have never seen before and thus couldn't recognize when she saw them here? It doesn't look too unlikely at all, from where you're standing right now. You would probably not realize that the creature in front of you is an orc, had it not told you so itself. The thought of being all alone on the continent full of orcs did not appeal to you one bit.

Suddenly you are pulled away from your thoughts, as the orc starts again towards you. She doesn't seem to be running anywhere close to full speed, still you don't have time to study here moves and try to guess her motivations. The moment you caught full glance of her appearance and equipment, you decided that you probably can not win a fight, at least not without major injury, so you decided that flight is a better option. It's true that orc knows the surroundings better then you and that you probably can not hope to outwit her in the forest, but if you can only manage to get back to your camp, you'll find your sword there and that should boost your odds in the inevitable fight.

You manage to stay in front of her

Even though you are running through the completely unexplored forest, you are somehow managing to keep her behind you. But any time to try to make a turn to the left or right, she seems to be there in the matter of seconds, forcing you to go back to running away from the shore. After a number of unsuccessful attempts to change direction you lose your barrings and find yourself just running away from here rather then towards anything. Every now and then, you would see here flanking you and would turn your back at her, running in the opposite direction.

After maybe fifteen minutes of this, you ran into a clearing in the forest. In front of you, you can see a what looks like a small well kept house. Hope stirs inside you, maybe you can ask for help from the inhabitants of the house or at least find something you can use to defend your self in it, when the she-orc reaches the clearing just few steps behind you. As you start towards the house, you can here her laugh out loud behind you and wish you "Welcome to my hideout".

Before you have time to process her words, she is on top of you and you are both on the ground. As you hit the dirt the wind is knocked out of you and you are stunned for a few seconds. Then utter and complete darkness comes. As you come to, you realize that you have been blindfolded, your hands have already been tied up behind your back and your ankles are crossed and being tied together as well. As she lifts you up over her shoulder and starts to carry you, presumably towards the house, the truth dawns on you: you weren't managing to keep her behind, by your speed, she is much faster then you are. She was stirring you this way all the time. This doesn't look good at all, you think to your self, as she lays you back down, with you face towards the ground.

The fun begins

You can feel her sit down on your ankles pinning them down and completely preventing any movement, but then nothing happens. You try to concentrate and detect what's going on, but you can't hear or feel anything. After a minute you decide to try to think of some kind of escape plan. Even though your mind is working at full speed, you are drawing a complete blank. You have never been in a predicament remotely similar to this, being strong self-reliant young woman.

As you are lost in your thoughts you seem to feel a barely detectable prick at the side of your right foot. You try to concentrate on your feet, but still being a little dazed from the initial fall, you can't seem to feel anything. You decide that it was probably nothing and that your senses are probably playing a trick on you in your groggy state. As you try to go back to thinking about escape, again an odd feeling comes from your right foot. This time it seems that the sole of your sock has been stretched away from the sole of your foot, and then as you hear ripping sound, the terrible realization hits you. The earlier prick on the side of your foot was actually a knife cutting away the sole of your boot, and now with the sock ripped open, the bottom of your foot is completely exposed and facing up towards the orc. Before you have time to ask yourself why, you hear the orc's euphoric voice:
"Well look what we have here! It seems I hit a major jackpot today." As you hear her talk you feel the weight on your ankles shift towards your feet a little bit, as if she was leaning towards them to inspect her handy work. "I think I'm gonna have lots of fun with you girlie. Look at all those beautiful wrinkles".

As you hear her utter those words, you realize that you are reflexively scrunching your toes, making your already wrinkly sole even more wrinkly in the process. You relax your foot, but only for a second, as you feel a poke of a sharp nail in the middle of your arch. Giggle escapes you and you hear your captors satisfied giggle as well. Getting you here so she could tickle your feet, would seem as far fetched motivation as any, just half an hour ago, but at this moment, you have no doubt of it. Those glances at your feet, back in the forest, make sense now. She was teasing herself, knowing what she was after, even then. Also taking off your boot and sock in the middle of the forest, now looks like a much less smart thing to do, knowing that those hungry eyes were gazing at you all the time and were even more stimulated to come after you, after such an inviting display.

You are brought back from your thoughts as you feel a finger, starting at your heel, going over the arch and up resting on the ball of your foot. You fight hard to suppress further giggles, but your tormentor seems annoyed by your resistance and wriggles all five fingers of one hand all over your sole, getting you to laugh hysterically in the matter of seconds. Satisfied with the result, she pulls her hand away, but before you have time to thank the sky for that mercy, you feel something wet and hot traversing the same path as fingers, just a few moments ago. Starting at the heel, paying special attention to the arch, continuing over the ball of the foot and ending at the toe-pads. "Who would have thought that a sole can taste so good, after a long run. I'll have to keep that in mind' she announces as she goes for another lick, electing new stream of giggles out of you. "I love big wrinkly ticklish soles, and your sexy meaty tootsies are gonna keep me happy for a long long time", she announces as she goes for another lick.

that's it so far, as i said, feel free to add to the story, or explore some of the alternative branches
This is a great Interactive, though there are way too many options without any chapters added...
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