Cliquity Clique Clique 😉
...especially if you're "clique-worthy".
NEST deals with the clique rumors every year, not always but most often from people who've never actually attended the event :cool
I've been attending NEST since 1999, and the emphasis has always been on both socializing
and on play; there's plenty of both every year. As a supposed Cliquer I won't waste my time disputing accusations, they'll continue no matter what, but I will mention that for the last several years NEST has had a "NEST Newbian" group for first timers and it's been very successful. We have online chats for several weeks before the event, where we answer many questions and do our best to help people feel more comfortable. We do our best to help folks plan their weekend so they can do everything they'd like to do, and there's usually a mini-party and/or dinner just for new folks on the first night of the event so that they can get to know one another and not feel overwhelmed. On Saturday morning we have a New Person's Orientation where we continue to answer questions and discuss issues like asking someone to play if you're shy, to help people have fun in any way that we can. Those running NEST can't hold your hand and make sure that you play, but there are
plenty of opportunities all weekend, especially at the Sunday Main Event which IS a play-party complete with ample play equipment (St. Andrews Crosses, benches and bondage chairs, etc). Every effort is made to make sure no one feels left out; that's one reason the event gets bigger every year, with people coming back year after year after year, despite the yearly nay-saying
Anyone with questions is welcome to PM me here or at the TMF, and there are plenty of other people who actually attend who will also share their experiences. It's difficult to find someone who's not in the Clique though, since once you say anything positive about NEST you're labeled a brainwashed Cliquer by some, ah well...:rolleyes