A while ago in the general forum I started a thread about my having schizophrenia. The aim of this thread was to create a dialogue and show that while people with my illness make mistakes we are just people and are not dangerous.
Unfortunately, while most were accepting or indifferent to this thread, some resulted to believing stigma and bullying. I was informed by a reliable source of people in the chatroom discussing my condition as if I was an inherently bad person, comparing me to 'Norman Bates' from Psycho. I know who these people are but I will not name them for fear of people taking sides.
For one thing, Norman Bates was not a portrayal of schizophrenia, it was an (inaccurate) portrayal of multiple personality disorder, which is a completely separate illness. Schizophrenia impacts on me in the following ways:
-I hear voices, sometimes telling me to do things, not always violent things and I never do them anyway. If somebody was following you around telling you to eat a ton of icecream all the time would you necessarily do it?
-I occasionally hallucinate, however for me I am most of the time able to tell when things aren't real.
-I often feel paranoid, like I am being watched.
In addition to this I also have severe depression, common in people with mental health problems.
One of these bullies decided to twist my story stating I tried to kill myself over some girl. That is not true. I tried to kill myself because I was incredibly depressed, and couldn't cope with anything in my life, I hated the world and wanted to get out. I had briefly been talking to somebody on this site, and when I tried to kill myself I decided to end that relationship and sent them some angry messages. At no point was I killing myself because of them or threatening them. I was just trying to destroy any connection I had made because I was ending my life. I later sent them a message apologizing.
I write this post because this is supposed to be a happy good natured place for enjoyment. This is supposed to be a place where mature adults can talk, sometimes about their fetish, sometimes about other things. We cannot let this bullying continue. People with mental health problems are not evil. We are more likely to hurt ourselves, or be hurt than hurt others intentionally.
In the past, and to a large extent today, people have been judged and branded 'bad people' for their sexuality, kin color, sex, ethnicity, and all sorts of reasons. This is the same with mental health. This is discrimination and needs to stop. I was disgusted when I heard the was people were talking about me due to an illness, an illness I did not choose to have. There is no place in this forum for that. If you see discrimination you need to stop it and report it.
I am not my schizophrenia, it does not define me. I am a person, like the majority of people with mental health problems. We do not deserve this judgement and bullying.
I came to this site to make friends who share my interest in tickling ,not to be bullied, and I will not stand for it.
If anybody wants to talk about me they can message me directly to my inbox.
Unfortunately, while most were accepting or indifferent to this thread, some resulted to believing stigma and bullying. I was informed by a reliable source of people in the chatroom discussing my condition as if I was an inherently bad person, comparing me to 'Norman Bates' from Psycho. I know who these people are but I will not name them for fear of people taking sides.
For one thing, Norman Bates was not a portrayal of schizophrenia, it was an (inaccurate) portrayal of multiple personality disorder, which is a completely separate illness. Schizophrenia impacts on me in the following ways:
-I hear voices, sometimes telling me to do things, not always violent things and I never do them anyway. If somebody was following you around telling you to eat a ton of icecream all the time would you necessarily do it?
-I occasionally hallucinate, however for me I am most of the time able to tell when things aren't real.
-I often feel paranoid, like I am being watched.
In addition to this I also have severe depression, common in people with mental health problems.
One of these bullies decided to twist my story stating I tried to kill myself over some girl. That is not true. I tried to kill myself because I was incredibly depressed, and couldn't cope with anything in my life, I hated the world and wanted to get out. I had briefly been talking to somebody on this site, and when I tried to kill myself I decided to end that relationship and sent them some angry messages. At no point was I killing myself because of them or threatening them. I was just trying to destroy any connection I had made because I was ending my life. I later sent them a message apologizing.
I write this post because this is supposed to be a happy good natured place for enjoyment. This is supposed to be a place where mature adults can talk, sometimes about their fetish, sometimes about other things. We cannot let this bullying continue. People with mental health problems are not evil. We are more likely to hurt ourselves, or be hurt than hurt others intentionally.
In the past, and to a large extent today, people have been judged and branded 'bad people' for their sexuality, kin color, sex, ethnicity, and all sorts of reasons. This is the same with mental health. This is discrimination and needs to stop. I was disgusted when I heard the was people were talking about me due to an illness, an illness I did not choose to have. There is no place in this forum for that. If you see discrimination you need to stop it and report it.
I am not my schizophrenia, it does not define me. I am a person, like the majority of people with mental health problems. We do not deserve this judgement and bullying.
I came to this site to make friends who share my interest in tickling ,not to be bullied, and I will not stand for it.
If anybody wants to talk about me they can message me directly to my inbox.