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And What Happened the Next Morning?

The Jersey Devil

TMF Poster
Nov 23, 2010
(This is the third installment of the saga that's still on-going, though the rp itself is rapidly reaching it's conclusion as I move on to other stories that are in the process of being written. As for the lack of posts following in between each post, that comes from an obvious lack of feedback, so yes... Eventually I'll just stop posting but I guess I might as well try to finish this. Enjoy people.)

Needless to say last night drew a lot of attention on the two or at least mainly on Rain as they eventually retired back to the tent for a little more fun before passing out once more. This time it was safe to say that she was effectively out like a lamp for hours on end, having forgotten her own meal that she was preparing to make before the day was over... But on the plus side of that, they had the birds to cook still when morning came. Perhaps she was just tuckered out from forced exhaustion as it actually took her quite an effort to wake up, and by the time she cracked a single eye open, the sun was already starting to rise, meaning she missed a good two to three hours of dusk for the usual tasks she performed early in the morning. Like before, modesty wasn't her forte as she was covered in a simple chest wrap and loin cloth which only hid key parts, half covered in the fur as her body was sprawled across her bed, laying on her stomach, her right cheek buried against the fox pelt she used as a pillow with her hair left a mess. Dear lord, how much did they drink last night?

He stirred in his own bed, sitting up as the sun stroked the camp. He saw Rain relaxing on her bed, and spoke softly. "Mornin'. Didn't expect to see you there..." He was admiring her fine figure, quite happy in fact to see she has decided to lay with little more than she had on yesterday. He was wearing his basic sleep attire - just some light pants. His eyes were heavy like they always were in the morning, but Rain's figure helped alleviate that.

The most that came from her with a soft murmuring as she finally rose up on her elbows, causing a dip in her spine as she arched the front of her body up with a loud pop along her spine. "What did we do last night?" She finally posed the question in a groggy tone, pushing her hair back with one arm as she let out a quiet laugh, grinning from ear to ear as eyes were barely open to half mast. She had a general idea, but it was all just a single blur of color and sounds in her head, and whatever it was, it left the aches and pains in her bones usually related to a rather exciting evening, especially further down south.

He smiled, standing up and walking over to her. He joined her, sitting by her midsection. "I don't remember fully, although it was fun, I'll give you that... maybe it started when you tried to tease me in the bar?" He leaned forward, brushing a bit of hair out of her face, admiring that, although she was tired, she was still beautiful. "Best clue I can think of that says what we did." Arathus ached as well, but more so in the muscles. He had a clue, but wasn't sure about it - so he dismissed the idea.

In that moment she didn't even bother to support her own weight as she dropped back down on the bed just a few seconds after he brushed hair from her face. "Oh yes... I remember having fun like that when I was a young girl; it was the particular games we played in my village. Makes me wonder just how long you spent in Spain." She quipped with a tired wiggle of her brows. "Well I guess it's time to actually get some food." Came her muffled voice from under the soft fox pelt, left leg curling up and back in an idle stretch of tired muscles. Day two, which meant the majority of her work didn't start JUST yet, unless she wanted to.

He smiled, calmly running his hand down the length of her mostly bare back. "Now, now, I always have a stock of preserved food for when I can't be bothered to hunt. Why don't we just use that?" He leaned in, his hands massaging slowly into her skin. He took note of the fine pelts she used acknowledging her skill with all manner of tools. "I think you need to spend the morning relaxing..."

Her back arched with the touch to her skin, causing a dip as her foot lowered back down to the bed. She just gave a nod with another grumbling moan as she finally turned onto her back, the covers completely pulled away from her body now, leaving her splayed and mostly naked atop the bed, absently looking at the roof of the tent. "I'm too tired to argue, so I'll just take your word for it."

He nodded; looking to make sure the tent flap was closed so no cold air could blow onto her fine figure. He got up, calmly rubbing her back as he did. "I'll start a fire, and then I think I'll tend to you." He smiled, calmly setting the wood up, and with skill of a practiced fire-starter, lit off a balanced, even and warm flame. He reached for his chest, pulling forward a smaller hide bag from inside the massive wood crate. From there, he brought the sack to Rain's bed, taking his seat by her - wherein he offered her the contents of the bag, a decent amount of venison.

"Always tending to me, makes me wonder..." She quipped as he stood, and just lay in bed the entire time, arms outstretched and gripping the wooden frame of the bed she was using, leaving her upper body taut. Ah, food... The food was rough like jerky, a technique she was very familiar with, and had a salty sweet flavor to it as she brought one hand down to take a strip and raise it to her lips, seeming like she was chewing it forever in between swallowing and biting. Her rumbling stomach didn't argue, mostly because she was always hungry with how active she was.
He chuckled at her, eating at his own stock of venison that he hadn't offered to her - he needed energy too. Absent mindedly, he continued to stroke her skin with light touches, down her legs and up her back, slowly.

She was laying on her back now, but the touch to her stomach was welcomed none the less as she countered it with the occasional idle stroke down the length of his spine once her hand was free, having finished her portion of food. She probably should've had more to eat but she could sustain herself without a full, hearty breakfast at least until afternoon supper, and by then she was hoping to be awake enough to go out and about, if not just to get some fresh air. "I have a feeling that if it were up to you, I'd never leave this bed." She quipped with a quick laugh.

He chuckled, shrugging. "Would you want to, my dear?" he offered back, caressing her skin softly, tickling here and there - something told him she enjoyed it. Overall, he was enthralled with her beauty near him. Her touch on his bare spine sent shocks through his body, and he twisted into the touch pleasurably.

"Well I do enjoy being social, as it's been so long since I was able to talk so openly among people." She answered with a flex of the muscles of her arms, her arms still outstretched above her body; fingers felt something that brought a curious raise of her left brow. Tilting her head up, she caught sight of leather strips secured to the top of the wooden frame used for the beds. With a rub of her heel along the opposite end, she came to a similar discovery. "Apparently I needed to be 'bound' last night?" Wiggling her brows with a giggle, which was also mostly due to the deft tickles along her torso.

"Did you?" He turned his head to her discovery, smirking suddenly. He moved slowly, wondering if it was okay, and slide her hand into the cuff for her. "If you say so, miss Rain... I’ll have to personally verify that though." He was excited now; the prospect of Rain being trapped - willingly - and unable to move was enthralling. Her body was mostly exposed, and he knew she'd love to be played with by now. He just hoped she consented to the session that was to come.

She raised both brows in surprise, but also gave no protest in response as she felt the leather cords being secured around her wrist. "I was speaking more of what happened last night." She suddenly chimed in with a giggle as she gave a soft tug of her wrist once she felt it was tied, but nevertheless felt the excitement already welling up inside of her. She barely remembered what happened last night but if this was a part of it? Well she just kept quiet as she watched him work.

"Haha, I suppose that may have happened... we'll never know...” He proceeded to lock Rain's other hand in, then sliding down to her feet – tying them up in turn. Luckily, they were on the outskirts of camp with no one around usually. This would be fun, as excitement was growing inside him. He loved the idea of this woman trapped here - willingly trapped - and at his mercy.

Just imagine the feeling on her end as she didn't know what to expect, even trying at her bonds as her wrists were bound together as well as her ankles, the slippers still on her feet though. Probably fell asleep with them on to keep them from freezing. Perhaps it was just to give a show, but her whole body came alive with its sudden -slow- wiggling and squirming, looking back at him as if trying to anticipate what he planned to do. "And what would be rolling around in that mind of yours?"

"Well, I want to see something about you... You're a tease, and I love it. So, why not tease you back?" He stepped towards her midsection, caressing her soft sides with light, nimble fingers that danced away on her skin. He didn't bother getting dressed - he didn't think the two would be going anywhere today. Probably wouldn't, if this ended up working out.

"I consider myself prehehehety fahahahair!" She was trying to say, but he started caressing her sides which caused her to giggle and fidget back and forth with nowhere to go... Sucking in a deep breath suddenly, she fell silent as she bit at her bottom lip, looking straight up at the roof of the tent.

Arathus smiled, the giggles delighting him so. His hands strolled around her belly, making little circles with his nails. Every move he made tried to get the best reaction out of her - he knew what he was doing. How long did he spend in Spain, treating the women there to this type of work? Who would know - but Rain was in for some good times.

Her stomach sucked in, muscles twitching and sending such delightful sensations through her system as the skin seemed to quiver everywhere he touched, as if it had a mind of its own and tried to avoid his fingers. Meanwhile, Rain was just giving the expression of boredom as if teasing him as she managed to fake a yawn, laced with a soft yelp as he hit a particularly sensitive spot.

He slid a few nails over that spot, back and forth, teasing her soft skin. Then, suddenly, he slid one hand up to her ribs, scratching the skin softly, making little marks in the crevices between the bones. "Haha, is someone a bit bored?" He teased, letting the sensations ripple up her body.

She was back to clamping her mouth shut as her body danced to the tune of his fingers, pulling away and trying to sink further into the bed as her stomach rumbled with built up laughter, only increased as he reached her ribs, causing her arms to tug at her restraints to try and pull them down in protection.

He smiled, noticing her reactions to the touches - suddenly, he straddled her. He used his weight to pin her waist down, the positioning to use both hands on her delicate ribs. He scratched lightly across soft spots, teasing the skin there with repetitive motion - his hands moving with her flowing motions. "Come on, you know you like this!"

She let out a muffled growl that never left her lips, nostrils flaring with the sharp intake of breath she had. Soon she found herself gritting her teeth as her inability to pull away from his hands only made it worse, arms tugging as she just shook her head repeatedly.

He smirked, noticing her frustration of being unable to escape. He leaned in, his hands scaling to her smooth underarms - dancing with vicious, slow strokes. "What are you doing, dear Rain? You do like this, don't you?" He gave her a teasing grin, hoping she realized that she's in for a good long session of what he learned to be Spanish pleasure, especially when he got to her feet.

She felt the directions his hands were heading, which prompted her to tug more tightly on her wrists. "No! Nonono-Eeee!" She let out the sudden squeal as he reached her underarms, mouth wide open and teeth baring as she let out a torrent of sweet, uncontrolled laughter, her head shaking from left to right as her body squirmed with all of it's might. "Stohohohop! Oh myhyhy GohAHAHAD!"

He stopped briefly - then resumed with full force. He worked his fingers, all ten of them, into her bare hollows - the skillful dancing and work of them all he could do to keep her on her toes. "Aww, I think someone has a ticklish spot here!" He smirked, realizing how much he loved not only her giggle, but the laughter that accompanied every stroke he made.

She thought she couldn't thrash anymore, but suddenly the sensation doubled and she was trying to buck him off while that wild mane of hair became a blur from her shaking head. "AHAHAHAHAHA! BY THEHEHE GODS!" She shouted, now screaming with laughter as her body became alive with a single focal point-those tickling fingers! And oh how worse it became as he verbally taunted her, causing her to curse and swear at him in her native tongue in between laughter.

He slowly stopped, pulling his hands away - satisfied for now. He got off her, patting her legs softly, stroking them with firm, loving touches. "Now, dear, I found out something about you. You're like a lot of Spanish women... but there's still something I need to confirm to see if you outdo every last one of them." He motioned towards her trapped feet, wondering how she'd respond to the next step of this little session.

A part of her felt relief as the tickling came to an end, but another part was almost saddened by it as she was panting, barely able to do much but suck in much needed air as he stood up and started away, making her yip with the touch to her leg. Then as he spoke she rose her gaze just to see where he was heading, and some instinctual voice made her redouble her efforts to struggle as her feet wiggled about, still confined in their slippers. "And what were you curious about? Nothing else to be known, mano! N-no need! I can answer your questions just fine."

"It's more fun, though, if I bring them out in the forms of laughter or giggles, darling Rain." He slid off her fine slippers, setting them carefully down - then gracefully ran his fingers up her soft, delicate soles. He wanted to see the reaction to the first touch.

Her feet were wiggling away from his hands, trying to stop him from removing her slippers as she let out a whimper at feeling them being removed, causing her toes to involuntarily wiggle as if trying to run for the hills... Like a woman possessed she watched him with anticipation and dread, and as his fingers came closer her feet actually recoiled back as far as they could, which made the first touch the worse as she let out a gasp, back slightly arching as her feet flinched and froze in place.

He smiled, making slow, steady scratches up and down her feet, frenzied at times - but mostly calm and calculated. He ran his nails with each wrinkle he found, and then suddenly strayed from his old plan. His fingers found her arch, scratching deeply, slowly into her skin.

To some degree her feet were worse than her underarms, especially when it came to being restrained as it drove her absolutely mad with sweet giggles mixed with the occasional bout of laughter when he would scribble frenzied patterns along her feet, causing them to twist and jerk in every single direction at times, but what she didn't expect was the assault on her arches that caused her to grow silent with a sharp intake of breath, her midsection rising off the bed several inches as no sound left her lips, but her stomach was a quiver with the silent laughter. She was absolutely petrified by the sensation.

He did it a few more times, his nails dragging down her arches agonizingly slowly, his hands teasing her feet mercilessly. Every move he made was designed to bring out the sensations he was looking for, and he was happy with his finds so far. She was a doll, a beautiful woman who he respected greatly, and probably the best woman he'd ever encountered.

Not once, not twice, not even just three times! He was doing it over and over again and it was driving her absolutely mad! Her lungs were screaming for oxygen but all it got was throaty laugher laced with deep grunts as he started the process over again, her body twisting and pulling in utter agony as she was whimpering by now, growing silent as he repeated it another time as a moan passed hoarsely through her throat.-

He stopped, raising an eyebrow. He climbed over her body, smirking into her tired face as he stopped tormenting her bare, beautiful feet. "Well, dear Rain, it seems I found something interesting with you..." He runs his hand down her arm softly, then back up it.

When it was over she was still coming down from the sensation caused by his fingers, panting up a storm as she practically collapsed onto the bed from total exhaustion. The worst part was that she could still feel the tingling caused by his hands across her entire body, especially her feet, and as she felt his weight on her, her eyes only opened to half mast, letting out breathless giggles as he stroked her arms, a whimper leaving her lips in response to his words.

He leaned in, kissing her forehead softly - much like a protector would - and just rubbed her skin. "Dear Rain, how are you feeling? It's not over yet, but I want to know... just how good you're feeling." He realized how close he was to her just now, his face blushing up. Her skin was warm, and her body attractive enough to bring most men to their knees.

Those words made her heart sink as she whimpered even more, brows furrowing in frustration as she weakly tugged at her restraints. She was still torn between bliss and agony, as her loin cloth had grown moist from her own excitement-willing or unwilling-and she was now bound like a prisoner to that sensation.

He kissed her again, teasingly caressing her hips with his hands. He noticed she was wet, and whispered in her ear with a gentle tone. "You're excited, Rain. Going to tell me why?" He lightly traced her waist, just above her loin cloth, his nails going with the skin lightly.

Her whimper grew as her hips thrust upward against his hand, letting out a gentle moan that grew and grew until she was caught in throes of panting, but he was asking her something... Shaking her head back and forth, all she could do was mutter and mumble incoherent words. The spark of desire was already ignited, fuelled only by his tantalizing ministrations as her body grew to be one gigantic, receptive nerve. Why is she excited? She could almost scoff at the question as another rogue whimper left her lips, staring at Arathus through eyes only open to half mast.

He continued teasingly, sliding his hand under the loin cloth briefly, massaging there with a loving touch. He knew her condition, and he knew how to make her love it all the more. His hands caressed her hips, waist, even moving the loin cloth around with some gentle pressure. This woman was beautiful, and she was too sweet to let her suffer.

Her body danced to his every touch, her midsection rolling with the repeated gentle thrusts of her hips at his touch as when his hand slid under her loin cloth it was met with a sharp gasp. "Ohhh.... Mmmmm-please...." She whimpered, teeth clenching with a sharp hiss as his onslaught continued.

"Please what, darling?" He rubbed there firmly, under the loin cloth to apply directly to the supple skin - her body swaying under his making his own body react. He felt her warmth, he beautiful movements draw in his desire. He worked his hand skillfully, tickling there in fact at times. "Mmm, fun times..."

"Arathus! Pleasssse..." She cried in a single whimper as she felt direct contact once again on her moistened sex. She was trying to beg for her release but could only manage so many words at a time, and as if being sharply stung, each time he tickled her there she let out a brief cry as her body writhed beneath him.

He gasped, holding his own desire in to fulfill Rain's, his hands caressing her mound - tickling it, sliding in briefly. "Rain! You'll feel the pleasure... just let it happen...” He knew how to work her over, tickling -inside- her mound by now, his fingers wet with her fluids.

Her eyes shot open in that moment before screwing shut again as she bit her lip with a throaty groan, her hips working against his hand, pumping against the fingers inside of her that made her quiver and moan loudly and with reckless abandon, feeling as her climax built up inside of her.-

He ran his fingers down into her, the fingers brushing against the supple insides of her mound - teasing mercilessly. He rubbed his own body against hers, his breathe ragged from the tension he felt within himself - but he had to fulfill his duty here. Every move he made was to try to get her to feel pleasure.

She was riding the sensation with an endless wave of thrusts that came fluidly from her entire body rolling straight down to her hips, her breathing growing ragged as her chest heaved, and as he grew more diligent in his own teasing she suddenly arched up off of the bed, wrists and ankles tugging with all their might as her whole body grew stiff, a loud moan coming from deep within her lungs as she hit her climax, causing her body to slowly lower back down to the bed as it came forcefully through her whole body, lasting several minutes due to the consistency of his own hand working inside of her, making her practically wrench about in agony until the last of her orgasm passed through her body, leaving a limp, empty shell of a woman on the bed.

He held her in his hands, rocking her softly. He had wiped his hand off, smiling at Rain all the meanwhile. He waited for her to wake up, cradling her. "Rain, Rain, Rain, how was that?" He smiled, his fingers caressing her hair and neck. He didn't bother clothing her yet, knowing she might want more - and well, she was a sight when this barely clothed; Beauty incarnate.

It took several minutes for her to come down from her cloud of ecstasy, her chest rising and falling as she sucked in air by the lungful. Her whole body was a quiver still, rippling along her torso in pleasant shuddering as her eyes finally open, glazed over from her ordeal. "I'm not the only tease..." She quipped softly with a pleasant smile, eyes closing once again with a soft murr.

He leaned down, kissing her forehead tenderly. "Maybe not, but you do it better than I. I just know how to work a Spaniard woman into frenzy..." He smiled softly, rocking her in his arms. She was fragile right now, tired, but he'd protect her...

"So you say..." She quipped breathlessly, and as she tried to wrap her own arms around him she suddenly remembered that she was still bound, which caused an involuntary whimper to leave her lips as her body turned in his grasp, resting her forehead against his shoulder.

He chuckled, deciding to undo the bounds at her wrists, holding her up in his arms. "How's that, Rain? That better?" He ran his fingers down her spine, rubbing firmly into her back. He wanted her comfortable, letting her know he was there.

She wasn't growing tired, quite the opposite actually as time went on. For her it was almost invigorating to let out such a release-especially after spending years without the company of a man-and now she was reaping the benefit of the wonderful glow she felt from head to toe as her arms wrapped around his chest, trailing softly along his back as she held him close. "You are a cad, you know that?" She stated, laughing at her own words.

He smirked, laughing boisterously. "I don't consider myself a jerk, not until I do...” He dug one finger into each of her underarms, tickling there mercilessly for all but a few seconds. "That!" He laughed again, holding her close to his bare chest.

She let out another squeal as she fell into a fit of laughter for that brief moment, causing her to jerk and squirm in his grasp as she fought to get away, and when it was done she pounded her fist firmly against his chest.

"Ack! Hey!" He grinned at her, tickling into her sides this time, his fingers digging mercilessly. "Now, that wasn't very nice, Rain!" He wriggled her in his arms teasingly, wondering how much more sensitive she was after that release.

She wanted to fight, but it was far worse as she couldn't even hold her laughter in this time, mixed with the feeling that her limbs were made of water as she laughed against his chest and clamped her arms down again, trying to pull away.

He smirked, enjoying her futile attempts to escape as his hands strayed to her bare middle, her stomach exposed. He swung his fingers back and forth there, letting her realize she was just going to get tickled until she gave in. "Now, now, just take it sweetie!"

With her hands free she couldn't help but struggle against his tickling fingers as he reached her stomach, swatting at him a few more times as that sweet torrent of laughter continued. Finally she stopped fighting, but it was a willing effort as she had to grip the post of the bed again with both hands, knuckles turning white as she gripped it and fought not to let go.

He smiled, slowly stopping the tickling. He held her in his arms, smiling. "Well, Rain... Care to enlighten me on why you're so receptive to tickling?" He leaned in, stroking her hair out of her face. She was beautiful.

She finally relaxed when he stopped, catching her breath yet again as she stretched out her body from head to toe, feet wiggling in their captivity for a handful of seconds. "Only if you answer my question first about what you meant earlier, me and other Spanish women..."

The afternoon rolled around, and as the two settled in for an even longer evening, Rain was just a little displeased that he never really got around to answering her question. Perhaps she'd have to get him back eventually...
Which is a total shame, as you're pretty fucking good at writing vivid scenes, in putting together great action, and in trying to show the audience layers inside your character.

Great continuation, very nice to see this progress, and I enjoyed reading this like the others. Hope to see more from you soon, as you're one of the best new writers I've seen in the tickling community, and more folk should take a look at what you write and give it a good read. 🙂
Well thank you for that particular feedback... Not sure if I'd go as far to consider myself an elitist, but it was sure fuckin' fun writing it.
LONG! good and long(ha!... just remembered something funny) But you must like writing to write something this long(nice job!):wsleep
Well compared to other works it's up there, but not necessarily a novel. I just can't do a quick one-two story and call it a day, but that's just me...
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