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Andrew's Holiday Wish F's/F F's/M


Jun 25, 2007
The holidays were coming up. Lights were hung. Christmas trees were visible in every other window in the neighborhood. And Scrooged was on cable every other day. It was that magical time of year when one prays that the work days are short and the snow isn't yellow. And Lily was feeling uncharacteristically festive. Though she still adorned herself in black, Her mood was almost as peppy as her friend, Jenni's, usually was. The only thing bugging her was the endless search for an envelope that she needed to write a friend of hers overseas. She could have sent an email, but that seemed so impersonal. Though she was a witch and could easily conjure up and envelope, it would technically be theft. Anything that she conjured for herself had to be from some place in the world. If she wanted 20 bucks, it disappeared from someone's wallet so hat she could have it. But money was one thing. An envelope, she thought, was so trivial, that nobody would care.

She cast her spell and an envelope appeared on her kitchen counter. Strangely, though, it had writing on it. It was used.

“Damn.” She cursed under her breath. She would need to be more specific with her spells. She was about to just throw it away when she saw a familiar name on it. It was written in red crayon. It was a letter to the North Pole... and it was written by Andrew, her occasional boy toy and the electrician over at the Peekaboo Club. She resisted the urge to open the envelope... for about 2 seconds. She ripped the paper open and removed the letter from inside. Just as she had suspected, it was an old letter to Santa. Andrew must have been 6 or 7 when he had written it. Lily was amused at the idea that of all the envelopes in the world, this one would pop up in her home. She wondered how it was still in order and not trashed or ripped up all these years later. She poured herself a little Bourbon and read the letter.

It was heartbreaking.

“Dear Santa,

I know that you are getting a lot of kids this year asking for Pokemon cards and Vice City for the PS2 and other things like that. But this year, I don't want anything like that. I just want friends. I'm so tired of feeling alone and being picked on by the other kids at school. I don't know why I like tickling so much. I only wish that I had friends who felt like me, and didn't bully me. I would do anything for this. I would even spend a day as a girl, cooties or not. Please help me. I don't want to feel so alone.”

The red letters jumped off the page as Lily read them. She felt so bad for Andrew. At the same time, she got a good laugh out of his offer to be a girl for a day, something that would have surely been a nightmare for a 6 year old boy. She felt special to have been given this intimate glimpse into his childhood. And now, she was absolutely determined to grant her toy's wish. She put the letter down and pulled out her cell phone. She had an idea. And Jenni was gonna love it.

Andrew pulled up to the Peekaboo Club. They wouldn't open for the public for another hour or so. He would have plenty of time to fix the speakers that had been having issues lately. He got out of his car and went inside, using his staff key to get into the building. It was Christmas Eve and Sheryl had spared no expense decorating the place. There were lights of different colors and pine ribbons adorning the bar. There was even a patch of mistletoe above the stage. Nice touch, Andrew thought. Sheryl peeked up from behind the bar with a smirk on her face that Andrew knew by now should be feared.

“Hey, there, Andy.” She waved.

“Uh, Hi. Merry Christmas.” He walked towards the bar to speak with her.

“And a Merry Christmas to you, too.” She was a bit more spirited than usual. Something was going on. Andrew just didn't know what.

“You're here early today.” He said.

“Well, it should be a busy night. By the way, I have something for you.” She presented a package to him that she had been holding underneath the bar. It was labeled in red crayon “To Andrew... From Santa.”

“Cute.” He chuckled.

“Open it.” She suggested.

“You didn't have to get me anything.”

“It's not from me, Hon. It was at the door when I got here.”

“That's weird.” He examined the cardboard box. There didn't seem to be anything strange about it. He picked it up. It weighed next to nothing. “Well, it's not a puppy.” He joked.

“I hope not. There are no air holes.” Sheryl pointed out. Andrew looked her in the eye. Even if the gift wasn't from her, she knew something that he didn't know. He pulled the tape off of the top of the box. Once it popped open, a puff of pink smoke shot out. Sheryl stepped back but Andrew got a pretty good whiff of it. It smelled like cotton candy.

“Whoa...” He waved his hand to clear the air in front of him. He looked into the box and stood aghast as he looked down on his old letter to Santa. He couldn't believe his eyes. He picked up the letter and read it as nostalgia washed over him in awesome waves.

“Oh my God...” He whispered to himself. He noticed another sheet of paper in the box, the only other thing in there. It just had one word written on it in red crayon:


He immediately blushed. Someone had clearly found his letter and read it. He was about to ask Sheryl what was going on when the whole world went black...

...Andrew awoke on the floor of the bar in a daze. That smoke had somehow knocked him out. He was on the floor on his back. Sheryl was kneeling down next to him, patting his forehead with a wet towel.

“Welcome back.” She said. Andrew was about to respond when he saw the look on her face. She looked like she had just seen the funniest thing on Earth. She reached down to give him a tickle on his right foot and he looked down at his body to see that he had breasts!

“What the fuck?” His voice had turned noticeably feminine. He was a woman. A naked woman. His whole body had transformed. He had wide hips and D cups. Hell, he could have been a Playboy Bunny with this new body.

“That smoke... Lily!” Andrew got up of the floor and ran out of the bar as Sheryl just laughed.

Lily was relaxing on her couch when she heard frantic knocking at her door. She got up to answer it and found Andrew, in his nude female form, standing in her doorway.

“Do I know you?” She asked, perplexed, until she saw his/her eyes. “Oh, you got my package!”

“What have you done?!” Andrew screamed.

“Oh shush. Come on inside before you end up on the internet.” Lily laughed as she ushered the beautiful electrician inside her home.

“This isn't funny, Lily. You've gone too far this time.”

“Oh stop. First of all, It's really funny. Secondly, it's what you wanted.” Lily brought Andrew into her bedroom and sat him on the bed as she started rummaging through her closet. She tossed him a red dress. “That should fit you. Incidentally, nice tits.”

“I never wanted this.” Andrew answered, struggling to get the dress on. The whole situation was beyond humiliating.

“Yes, you did. I read your letter. You said that you would be a girl for a day if it meant that you would have friends who loved tickling as much as you.” She reminded him. “By the way... What's your new name? Andrea? Angela? Or do you not even want it to sound the same? You do kinda look like a Judith.”

“Oh, Christ.” He realized the irony.

“Now, there is good news and bad news.” She told him.

“What's the good news?”

“The good news is that you do now have friends who love tickling. Jenni and I aside, Sheryl obviously loves making you laugh whenever she gets the chance. The bad news is... you have to stay in that form for more than a day. The spell won't wear off until midnight on New Year's Eve.”

“You mean...”

“When the ball drops, so will yours.” Lily laughed. “Say, how does this feel?” She reached down and tickled him under the left breast.

“Ah! Hehehehe...” He knocked her hand away as he laughed girlishly.

“New body... new nerves... new tickle spots.” Lily grinned evilly.

“Stay away from me.” Andrew hopped off of the bed and backed away from the pretty witch.

“Come on, Andrew. This can't be all bad for you. Every guy wonders what it would be like to be a woman for a period of time. Hell, if you wanted to, you could spend the holidays in your apartment playing with yourself. There are no rules to the body.”

Andrew thought about it. Lily had a point. He had the week off of work after tonight. The club could go a few more days with that speakers the way they were. It was only a few days. It's not like he would be stuck as a girl forever.

“I don't understand. The letter said I would turn into a girl. Why am I not 6 again?”

“Because changing genders is actually a simple spell. Changing ages as well... that's a bit trickier. Although I did initially consider it, I figured you would have more fun with a grown female body.” Lily explained. “Besides, there is something very gross about a grown man turning into a little girl.”

“That's true.” He/she agreed.

“Now, in addition, I am cordially inviting you to spend New Year's Eve with me. I don't want to be alone that night. Just us girls.” She chuckled. “And then, at midnight, when you return to your natural form... maybe we'll play.”

“Not much choice, I guess.” Andrew conceded. “Can't go to a bar that night anyway. I look nothing like my driver's license photo now.”

“I'll say.” Lily folded her arms. “Now are you going to agree to be here at 10 P.M. New Year's Eve... or do I have to show you how ticklish a clit can be?”

“I'll be here.” Andrew promised. Just do one thing for me.”

“What's that?” Lily asked.

“Don't tell Jenni about any of this. I will never live it down if she finds out.”

“I promise.” Lily batted her eyes innocently.


“Okay, okay okay. It will be our secret. Besides, Jenni is out of town seeing her family for the holidays. I'll even relay the message to Sheryl.”

“Thank you.” Andrew started to walk to the door. He stopped and turned.

“How ticklish can a clit be?”

“If I had time, I would show you, but I have to get to the club. Maybe I'll give you a taste of it when you come over on New Years.” She winked in a way that made Andrew blush. He turned back around and left.

It had been a hell of a week for Andrew. He had taken Lily's suggestion of Andrea to heart and had a bit of fun. “Andrea” went out every night, flirting with both men and women. Though he/she didn't actually take anybody home, it was nice to see the world through different eyes. Andrea gained a deeper respect for the female gender over the small period of time, and when New Year's Eve came around, he/she was happy to visit Lily again. It wasn't long before Andrea and Lily were in their PJ's on the couch, enjoying some red wine and discussing the spell.

“So, as a man, you have had the unique experience of spending a week in a female body... What did you do with your time?”

“Honestly, I spent the first day just getting used to the anatomy. The boobs kept me off center and I had to get used to it.” Andrea told the witch.

“Imagine the trouble that Jenni has.” Lily joked. She and Andrea laughed.

“I don't know how she does it.” Andrea sipped his/her wine. “And the shoes. Sweet Jesus.”

“Nobody ever gets used to heels. If they say they do, they're lying.” Lily said. “Did you do anything... naughty?”

Andrea blushed. Lily laughed.

“Hahaha! I knew it!”

“Okay, I admit, I masturbated a few times. It's different, though. When you cum, it's more... um...”

“Internal.” Lily helped.

“Exactly. It's not more or less intense, just different.”

“I've always wondered what it would be like to have a dick.” Lily admitted.

“Well, now that I've had both, I can safely tell you that it's like a vagina, just inside out. And just a little more sensitive to the touch.”

“Oooo...” Lily got a shiver trying to picture what Andrea was suggesting.

“Why haven't you ever cast the spell on yourself if you are so curious?”

“I dunno.” Lily tilted her head as she thought about it. “I think all the hair would drive me nuts.” Lily scooted closer to her friend. She leaned in to whisper to him/her. Her breath tickled Andrea's ear. Andrea couldn't quite make out what Lily was whispering. It sounded like gibberish. It wasn't until a familiar feeling of exhaustion swept over Andrea that he/she realized it was one of Lily's spells. The sleepiness took over and Andrea passed out.

Andrea felt the tickling at her sides. She woke up and looked down to see the gloved fingers tapping ticklishly at her sides Oh no. She looked up to see the devastatingly attractive and painted face of the tickler: Jenni.

“Wakey wakey, rise and shine for school!” Jenni teased in a sing song voice.

“What?” Andrea looked around. She was in Jenni's living room. She was strapped to a special, padded X rack that Jenni kept around for her playtimes. She was also naked once again. And Jenni wasn't the only one in the room with her. The sperm bank twins, Lori and Lana, were enjoying martinis along with Sheryl on the couch, watching Jenni work her magic. And Lily was in a recliner next to the couch with a Tequila Sunrise.

“Happy New Years.” Lily smirked.

“Yes, welcome to our special tickler's New Years Party. You're the guest of honor.” Jenni explained. Andrea turned to Lily, betrayed.

“You said you wouldn't tell her about any of this.”

“I know. I know. But you have to look at it from my perspective: My fingers were crossed.” Lily shrugged.

“So, I'm wondering...” Lana chimed in. “Is she supposed to look like a celebrity or something?”

“Yeah, or is it just random?” Lori asked.

“The transformation is subjective to the person. It's very complicated. But she isn't supposed to resemble a specific person, no.” Lily answered the twins.

“Cause she looks a little like Denise Milani.” Lana observed.

“Ya know what? She kinda does. Just a little shorter.” Lily agreed.

“So, let me guess...” Andrea started.

“You're the entertainment tonight.” Jenni confirmed. “This has all been planned out in advance. Lily told all of us about your little letter to Santa.”

“I think it was the sweetest thing I had ever heard.” Sheryl placed a hand on her chest as if about to cry.

“Totally.” Lori concurred. “Most guys are such macho jerks. But I for one am such a sucker for that boyish innocence that some men have.” The women all nodded. Jenni turned to face Andrea.

“Anyways, we all thought it would be fun if we all showed you just how much you mean to us, and that you do have friends who love tickling as much as you do.” She beamed. “So, we are gonna play tickle with you until midnight, and then, when you return to your male form, Lori and Lana have a surprise for you. Now, ready or not, here I come.” Jenni sang as she lightly stroked Andrea's tummy.


“Is he still ticklish in the same places as when he is a guy?” Sheryl asked Lily.

“Not necessarily.” Lily educated the bartender, “Because it's a different form, the nerves are dissimilar. Andrea could be ticklish in certain spots or even more so in some because it's an altogether different body. I tickled her breast the other day. Now, Andrew was ticklish on his nipples before, but as Andrea, the boobs are a new spot.”

“Is that so?” Jenni grinned evilly and reached down to a small table beside her that held a number of various tickling tools. She took a blue feather duster and fluttered it about the fleshy globes.


“Oh yes. Tickle tickle tickle. I likey.” Jenni approved.

“See?” Lily gestured.

“That's so cool.” Sheryl watched with the others. “But I want to know if the feet are ticklish.”

“I'm sure they are.” Jenni put down the duster and sat on the floor next to the bare feet.

“Oh no...” Andrea bit her lip. Jenni's nails skated along the soft arches as she looked up at Andrea, who was trying not to laugh.

“Oh yeah. They're ticklish. Look at her face.” Jenni commented.

“She looks like she's gotta poop.” Lana joked. This made everybody laugh, including Andrea. Only now, she couldn't stop laughing because Jenni kept tickling and the dam had broken with Lana's raunchy jest.


“Well, I for one am tired of watching.” Sheryl finished her drink and moved over to where Jenni and Andrea were. She smiled at Andrea and began stroking under her arms. Jenni also moved back to the tummy and breasts.


“Little help?” Jenni urged Lori and Lana. The twins giggled and got up from the couch to oblige. Each of them sat at a foot, Lori on the left and Lana on the right, and they both tickled with various gentle touches.


Andrea could barely handle the quadruple assault. Each woman had their own tickle techniques and the barrage of sensations was overwhelming. Suddenly, Andrea also felt a feather tickling about the sides of her neck. She wondered where the sensation was coming from but then laughed harder when she looked over and saw Lily happily feathering the neck of a voodoo doll that she held gingerly in her other hand.


“I think Andrea is just as ticklish as Andrew was.”

“Oh yeah, and these tits are super tender.”

“Coochie coo...”

“Tickle tickle...”

Andrea thrashed about as best she could. The torture seemed to go on forever. Then she felt a tingle in her newly acquired womanhood. Lily was teasing the doll's groin with the feather and cooing to it.

“FUHUUHUHUHHUHUUHUHUUHUHUHCK!” An orgasm took hold of Andrea and as it started to die away, the girls all stopped their tickling.

“Hey!” Sheryl pointed out. “It's almost time.”

“Oh!” Lily snapped her fingers and the straps that had been holding Andrea instantly came undone. The tickled woman slumped to the floor as Jenni made sure that she didn't hit her head. It was 30 seconds till the ball drop. Andrea was about to turn back into Andrew. The girls all grabbed their glasses. Jenni had even been thoughtful enough to pour a shot of whiskey for Andrea so they all had a drink for midnight. The girls began to count down together.

“10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!” The ladies all cheered and drank from their glasses as Andrea began to morph back into Andrew. The transformation wasn't painful in any way. In fact, it felt rather pleasant. A wave of euphoria came over Andrew as he fell back into his own skin. He was still naked, but at least he was him again.

“Andrew! It's so great to have you back.” Jenni gave him a hug and a friendly peck on the cheek. “Of course, technically you never left, you were just in another form, but you know what I mean.”

“Yeah.” He chuckled and shook his head. “That was almost too much for me.”

“Oh it's not over yet.” Lily informed Andrew. “Remember, we said that Lana and Lori have a surprise for you.”

“Yes, Andrew, do you remember the party we all went to on Halloween?” Lana asked the young man. How could he forget being stuck in Renismelthin's little house of ticklish horrors. He had become locked in a dream world where he was set upon by a group of female high schoolers who wanted to tickle him for eternity. Lily had saved Jenni and the rest of them from being trapped in Renismelthin's underworld. Lori and Lana suffered a particularly horrible experience, though. They had been locked in coffins with only their groins visible and Jenni had been tricked into tickling both of them into multiple orgasms.

“How can I forget?” He drank the shot of whiskey.

“I recall that when you heard about what had been done to Lori and Lana, you said you thought you would never be able to handle that yourself.” Lily reminded him.

“Not with me, he wouldn't.” Jenni gave him a smirk that reddened his cheeks.

“But, after eyewitness descriptions from Jenni and the twins as to what the coffins looked like and how they worked, I have been able to perfectly replicate the device.” Lily waved her hand and a coffin appeared in the center of the room. It was exactly the kind of box that Lana and Lori had been stuck in, only formatted for a man. The color left Andrew's face when he saw it. He started to make a run for the door. Sheryl and Lily ambushed him though and began vigorously tickling his tummy and armpits until he surrendered, slumping to the floor once again. The two women helped him up and before he could fight too much more, he found himself locked in the coffin with his front exposed from his bellybutton to halfway down his thighs.

“Let me out!' He beseeched the devious women to no avail. He saw a television screen in front of his face and figured it must be part of the device. The screen popped on and Jenni appeared on it, waving at him in a friendly manner.

“Hey there, big boy.” She purred. “Welcome to your own personal tickle box... Here in a few moments, Lori and Lana are gonna start tickling. Three guesses where.” She winked at him and he gasped. “Now, us girls understand that this is gonna be really intense for you. And since I'm such a cunning linguist, I'm here to talk you through it, so to speak.” The busty clown smiled wickedly at him. “Now don't you worry. Lana and Lori are very experienced with the sensitivity of the male organ. They work in a sperm bank, remember. They have studied the male anatomy extensively and I have full confidence in their... talents. All set? Okay! Let's see that smile.”

Andrew felt two dainty fingers, a thumb and an index finger, take hold of his penis and lay it back so that the underside was exposed. It would have been impossible at this point to measure how nervous Andrew was. A fingertip began to stroke softly at the underside of his penis near the base. It tickled and Andrew felt his lips curl into a smile.

“Atta boy!” Jenni chirped on the screen. “You know we all love your smile.”

The finger repeated the stroke again... and again... and again. It was deliberate and methodical. And Andrew couldn't hold back much longer.


“Uh oh... are we getting the giggles already?” Jenni asked teasingly. Soft, flickery nails fluttered up and down the sides of the penis. Andrew started to harden as he giggled.


“Oh, they are good, aren't they?” Jenni tickled the air with her fingers, mimicking the movements that Andrew was feeling.

While one pair of hands continued the scuttling tickles up and down the penis, soft, deliberate fingertips dragged up and down Andrew's inner thighs. Jenni simply smiled on the screen, humming The Itsy Bitsy Spider to him.


Andrew felt the fingertips at his thighs travel a little higher with each pass. He knew what was coming and tried to brace himself, but it was a losing battle.

“I think that the girls have something planned for you.” Jenni told him. “Something very... very... ticklish.”

The fingers were almost at his balls. He tried to take a deep breath. And then... nothing. The tickling stopped alltogether. Andrew wondered what was going on until he felt what had to be the tip of a marker travel up the seam of his scrotum from his taint to the base of his cock.


“Coochie coochie coo...” Jenni sang to him. He felt another marker tracing along a vein on the underside of his penis. The tracings were so incredibly precise. The kind of touches that only someone with intimate and considerable knowledge of the human body could deliver. Each wrinkle on his balls and vein in his cock was traced with the markers.


“Does that tickle the baby?” Jenni taunted. “Don't worry. The twins are professionals. They won't leave a mess.” Andrew wasn't sure what Jenni meant until he felt warm, wet, soapy towels stroking his penis and testicles.


“Poor ticklish boy... Tickle tickle tickle...” Jenni teased and crinkled her nose. Andrew shook as he came. He felt the towels over his penis to catch the semen as it pumped out of him. As soon as the orgasm subsided, he felt the towels cleaning him up.

The screen flicked off and the coffin opened up. Jenni and Lily helped him out of the box. He was still shaking from the ordeal. He looked to see Lori and Lana wiping their hands off.

“Another satisfied customer.” Lori observed.

“Hey, Andrew...” Jenni held him as one might an infant. She and Lily looked at him lovingly. The clown whispered...

“Happy Holidays.”
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