Ahh! I see said the blind man
No not blind, it's windows keeping you from seeing!
I suppose some would have a problem changing the file extension if it doesn't show up in Windows. Windows, why do you torment me so?
Well it's time you take control of your computer. Tell windows you are the boss. Then again if this ain't your computer, just leave it be. This can not be helped.
Follow the steps below and learn. This will not harm your computer. It will just change the default views windows imposes. Default views don't work in all situations. For instance if we are manipulating file names to push them onto a server to share with everyone. Its also good to see the file extension because a number of file extensions are represented by a single icon like mpeg, wmv. and wav. I like to know which program will start when I open a file. I especially don't like windows hiding stuff from me. So lets get started.
Prestep 1. This change will just allow you to see the whole file name and can be easily reversed for those of you who need the smallest of file names so that all your icons can be lined up prettily. Its just a check box that when checked you can't and when unchecked you can. Follow the steps to find the check box. And don't be afraid yet. A file extension is just part of the name of a file. For example a file named "My Favorite Tickle Clip Ever.mov" has an extension 'mov'. I see that it will open in Quicktime Movie Player. A file named "My Favorite Tickle Clip In All the World.wmv" has a file extension 'wmv' and will probably open in Windows Media Player. Other extension examples are .zip which will be opened in a compression program like winrar or winzip(if only my zipper worked), .txt files which open in a text editor and .exe or executable files. These are program files and when opened run whatever they were programed to do. There are a lot of extensions and most are just the three or four letter end after the period in a file name.[Note: There can be more than one period in a file name.] So lets see all the file extensions on your computer.
Step 1. Open My Computer or any folder. Find the folder you saved the DMKS5 files. Across the top, click tools for a drop down menu, then click 'Folder Options...'
Step 2. Click the second tap - 'View' across the top. You will see lots of check boxes and radio buttons. Go ahead read them.
Step 3. See 'Hidden files and folders' and the two radio buttons. The next one is the one we want, 'Hide extensions for known file types' Click on the check in the box. The check dissappears. Click it again. The check comes back. Notice that nothing else happens. You didn't press 'Apply' So here goes. Click the check mark in the box and it dissappears. Click 'Apply' See the file extensions at the end of each file. Move the Folder Options window if it is blocking your view, by dragging the title bar out of the way. See? Click that check block again and apply and the file extensions are hidden like before. We want to show them so you can get back to my other guide to change a file extension. So do that.
Step 4. Click OK. See my earlier guide to delete the spoof file extension '.zip' and put hacha on the job of joining those pieces back into a clip.
These steps are easily reversible especially if this is not your computer. This guide written with XP users in mind. Never delete a '.sys' or '.dll' file unless you mean to. Windows will take care of you, despite your best efforts to kill it. Any further help contact me via Private Message. Do not contact me when I am feeling down and don't feel like talking. The shell must break before the eagle soars.