Game progress is moving along, and today's web site update offers bunches and bunches of new screen snaps, including the first look at our newest model, fresh off the camera. Personally, I think she's the best one yet, so come gander.
The design document has been updated as well, with a slightly more detailed look at how the game will actually play. Concept art, a running screenshot, completed dialogs, it's all good!
I's happy. I'm going to hang out in the chat now.
Game progress is moving along, and today's web site update offers bunches and bunches of new screen snaps, including the first look at our newest model, fresh off the camera. Personally, I think she's the best one yet, so come gander.
The design document has been updated as well, with a slightly more detailed look at how the game will actually play. Concept art, a running screenshot, completed dialogs, it's all good!
I's happy. I'm going to hang out in the chat now.