Oh, I just ADORE cats (well, I love ALL animals, but I happen to have a particular weak spot for cats). I have 7 of them myself. They include:
Peanut - Our old man. 17 years old, doesn't look or act a day over two. I think he will outlive us, and we'll have to provide for him in our will. He is a tiny, scrawny, loud mouthed seal point siamese. He's also cross eyed, and looks like Yoda when he puts his ears back. He's also the family thief. Even if he does not like what we are having for supper, he will not rest until he steals a portion of it off someone's plate (if he decides not to eat it, he leaves it strategically placed in the middle of the floor somewhere, to be stepped on and oozed between the toes of an unsuspecting victim a few hours later).
Tiger - Age 13. Another one who looks and acts like a much younger cat. He's a HUGE, but very lean, brown tiger striped short hair. He refuses to drink water out of the 2 water dishes. He'll only drink his water from the fish aquarium. He also can not meow, and merely squeaks and chitters when he decides to be vocal.
Snowball - Age 11. The family "baby", despite his age. He's a big fat white fluffball. Unlike his two older siblings, he was cursed by bad breeding and failing health, and due to arthritis, he has a hard time getting around the house. He is scared of everything, and we don't see him for 2 days every time there is a thunderstorm. He is the most lovable and affectionate cat I have ever seen, though. And has a purring motor that can be heard clear across the house.
Earnhardt - Age 7. MY baby. He's a HUGE, FAT, gray tuxedo with a bad attitude. If Garfield was ever personified in a real life cat, Earnhardt is it. He's sassy, lazy, and unbelievabely intelligent. He does not like children, and will slap any who come within swatting range. He has a permanent scowl on his face. But he's a total momma's boy, and sleeps curled up on my pillow every night. He also "talks" to me, meowing a reply every time I speak to him. I love this cat to pieces.
Rusty - Age 7. Medium sized, lean, white with rust colored spots, short haired. Rusty has been cursed by a very low level of intelligence. He's a sweetheart, and very affectionate, but he's about as bright as a night light. Roll a kitty toy toward him, and he merely looks at it with a confused look upon his face. Constantly looking for a lap for curl up in (usually mine). He's a permanent part of my recliner.
Wimmer - Age 6. The screamer. Medium sized black and silver tortoise shell. Another one who is scared of everything and everyone. Hides most of the time, except to come out occassionally and scream at the top of his lungs like a baby who has just swallowed a razor blade. He is my daughters "baby" and has a foot fetish. He loves rubbing on feet, sleeping in feet, and making love to shoes. Has the brightest and most brilliant green eyes I have ever seen.
Seven - Age 7 months. The actual baby, in terms of age. Medium sized (though I have a feeling he is going to be huge when he is full grown, given the fact he has a tail the length and thickness of a lemur), lean, solid slick black with orange eyes. Our halloween kitty. This cat is a demon spawn. He is the naughtiest little thing on 4 legs, but has a face that melts his would be punishers on sight. He gets into EVERYTHING. He opens the kitchen cupboards and crawls in (usually the one the cat food is kept in, where he will claw and chew holes in the dry food bags and eat to his hearts content). He rips the lace draperies down in the living room at least twice a week. He drops his jingle ball down the entire flight of stairs at 3am (which are hardwood, and NOT carpeted, btw), only to chase it down, catch it, carry it back up in his mouth, and repeat the process again until a) he gets bored, or b) every person in the house is awake and plotting his death. He also thinks the aquarium is a 24 hour sushi bar.
I could not pick a 'favorite' out of my cats. I love each and every one of them in their own special way, for the unique traits they bring to the mix. If I had to pick a favorite type, it would be the fat sassy kind. Appearance and/or breed does not matter. So long as they are fat and sassy. The best kinds of cats in this feline lovers heart.
Mimi 🙂