I'm a huge David Cronenberg fan! My favorite films by him are ExistenZ and videodrome. He's a cult film directer so many of you may not be familiar with his work. For those interested he has a new film coming out on the 28th called "Spider", and it looks pretty good.
If your interested to know more about it go to the following site
I know do to his grotesque imagery his movies are not for everyone. But I think he is one of the few directors in the horror (He doesn't just direct horror, but mostly.) genre that has a firm grasp on the human psyche.
If your interested to know more about it go to the following site
I know do to his grotesque imagery his movies are not for everyone. But I think he is one of the few directors in the horror (He doesn't just direct horror, but mostly.) genre that has a firm grasp on the human psyche.