Well Spartacus, if you find any ladies here in St. Louis, let me know! If either of us find a cutie, and for some reason it doesn't work out, we could swap 🙂
I love tickling womens feet and any other part of the female anatomy that is ticklish ;-).. Seems like there isnt too many Women into it in st louis area though.. In Illinois there is alot of Female/Female Tickling & Male/Male Tickling and the same on the West Coast in California and the East coast like Florida.. Chicago as a few Female/Female tickling events and alot Male/Male Tickling Events. There needs to be more Male/Female tickling all thought I'm not against any form of tickling at all. If someone is ticklish--- TICKLE THEM ;-). I love all forms Female/Female & Male/Male & Male/Female & Female/Male and group ticklings too. I been into tickling ever since i was a kid. I use to tickle my girlfriends and all my friends growing up. It was fun being a kid LOL.. If anyone wants to be a pen-pal e-mail me and maybe we could exchange pictures or links or chat sometime.. Best Wishes ALways and of course Happy Tickles to all