toneus79 said:
Hi Del, Big Jim and anyone else from London; because yup so I am I.
Anyway about this idea of organising something, I think it needs to be a bit clearer on what one means. Is it going to be a pub evening, where a load of guys sit round saying things like "Cor yea I would like to Tickle that Kylie Minogue girl". If so Boring, Boring, count me out. Also be realistic, no female is going to turn up on her own, in that sort of environment.
Interesting question and one I'm happy to answer. The whole idea of getting a gang of us together need not have to have anything to do with tickling. Sure we all have that common interest in common, but it doesn't have to dominate the proceeding to the exclusion of everything else. In America they call it a "munch", and it's where ticklephiles just get together for a social occasion. If anything else then develops it's a bonus.
Also we don't have to hire girls for the privilege of tickling them. Anonymous though most of them might be, there are quite a few female lees (AND lers!) out there. The whole idea of it being a public social occasion is that people can meet in a neutral atmosphere where they can get to know each other without putting their personal safety at risk. And no-one has to come alone. The girls would'nt be in a massive minority. They all have the interest of their safety in common and it's also in our interests that they not only feet safe, but comfortable as well.
I don't think you could plunge right in and organise a tickle gathering where no-one knew each other either. Sure it might work given the chance, but if everyone or most already knew and felt comfortable with each other, it would be a hell of a lot easier.
As to the question of expense, where there lies a problem. It's not only money that people seem reluctant to spend, but their time as well. There is next to no activity on the UK Tickle Gathering Yahoo Group and the only messages anyone seems to post are "hi I just joined, when's the gathering?"
Probably the best thing to do is for everyone who's reading this thread who's interested in going to a munch or a gathering to add me to their Yahoo Messenger friend's list. I can't use MSN for some reason, so anyone who hasn't got Yahoo GET IT NOW!
😀 When we have half a dozen members online at once, then we can have a Yahoo conference with all 6 of us at once. If we get to know each other online well, then the idea of meeting up for a pub lunch and a drink might not be so far-fetched. My Yahoo handle is thegreenguyuk for anyone who wants to know, so get in here! Put some welly and some effort into it people, because I can't manage the whole thing on my own, no matter how much DVNC helps me out. It needs active participation from UK based people to thrive.