No clue, sorry, but wouldn't mind knowing myself - cool pics. 🙂 (For some reason, the speech bubble at the end - ["FRENZIED LAUGHTER!?"] - made me laugh XD )
This has been floating around for a long time. I also think they are the only two shown together. At least the only two I have ever seen together. However, anything featuring Wonder Woman and Imelda Marcos as rivals, well....
This was a commission by our site's original mistress, JulieC. The artist never finished it and what you see is all there is. The artist did several other pin up pieces that have floated around here over the years, including a few on our site.
I read it was a one-shot comic a pro did for Tickle Town a way long ago.
It wasn't really Wonder Woman, just a look-alike to circumvent copyright and show her all the same.