Anyone remember the S.O.A. videos (Simply Outrageous Adventures)???
I saw two titled Dial a tickle and tickling Revenge. Both were extremely good. Anyone have any of their vids? Email me if you do.
I Wish...
I have the tape with clips from several of their videos.You could send away for it for free when you ordered the catalog. It really is great. I regret that I didnt order something from them when I could.seemed like lots of good foot tickling.
Spotman C
Never actually heard of S.O.A videos nor have I seen any of their stuff around, so I guess, unless someone actually has one or some of their vids, you are S.O.L!😉😀 (Sh*t Outta Luck)
james darke posted a bunch of their clips on amt and abmet a couple years back...they were ok but didnt seem to be a whole lot better than harmony or fm.
james darke posted a bunch of their clips on amt and abmet a couple years back...they were ok but didnt seem to be a whole lot better than harmony or fm.