in college, i had a chance to tickle several asian girls, as my college seemed to be predominatly Asian (UC Irvine). ah, memories. it was college that allowed me many tickle opportunities. i remember this one asian girl, who let me tickle her feet. she was Chinese, and she had some height to her. her feet were long and very soft. she had long toes, which she would show me on how they could pick up objects. anyway, i simply grabbed her ankle and began to tickle her feet. she wasnt outrageously ticklish, but she squirmed, and laughed. she pulled away, but there were lots of times i got to tickle her. i think she liked having her feet caressed/massaged, and sometimes tickled. damn....i miss her.....
another one i knew was hysterically ticklish. she was one of those girls that if you simply just touch her feet, she went into hysterics. she also had long toes and the running "gag" was that she can flip you off with her toes. i never got a torture chance, but i was close several times. sometimes she used to try and kick me, but i would grab her ankle, pull off her shoe, and tried to get her sock off, but somehow she managed to get free. (DAMN!!!!!!). another time was with her asian roommate, who wasnt ticklish, but loved having her feet rubbed. anyway, we were talking about the "fliiping off with toes" thing, but her roommate never wanted to show her. so i said, "let's make her show us, and if she doesnt, let's tickle her feet!". she liked the idea and i was excited!!! but when the opportunity came, the roommate chickened out. darn it all. but i loved the sensitivity of that girl's feet. to this day, i still think about tickling her feet, but i lost touch with her. damn!!!
there are others stories if you want to hear them. in fact, now that i think about it, there are lots of college stories. i didnt realize how lucky i was to actually tickle people until i came to this forum.