i had a thought today as i was playing with my cat. it may have already been thought before, if so, sue me.
i think its safe to assume that we all know that most humans are ticklish. but has the same blessing been placed upon animals as well? cats seem to like it when you 'tickle' them under the chin, but isit tickling or do they merely like being stoked there?
if animals are ticklish, then is it all of them, or is it selective (like in humans). do we know and will we ever know? are humans they only ones who will ever enjoy tickling?
i think its safe to assume that we all know that most humans are ticklish. but has the same blessing been placed upon animals as well? cats seem to like it when you 'tickle' them under the chin, but isit tickling or do they merely like being stoked there?
if animals are ticklish, then is it all of them, or is it selective (like in humans). do we know and will we ever know? are humans they only ones who will ever enjoy tickling?