Well first we would need to meet so i could take some official TMF pictures of your feet. then after that, your feet must be tested for ticklishness to see if their meet the TMF standards. simple as that!
You need to use the 'manage attachments' button int he 'additional options' section where you reply to and post threads. You also need to make sure the photos are the right size for uploading. Most photo programmes will have a way of compressing them if they are too large. But don't compress too much as we want to see the details!
Good luck and shout again if you need any more help. There's about 3000 men who will be happy to help here!
Welcome to the TMF, Shelby, and congratulations on your first post. 😀 This is a wonderful place, have fun here.
First, have the photo of your feet saved to your hard disc, and make sure that it is less than 400KB in size. Make a new post, and click on "Manage Attachements" which you will find below the text editing window in the section labeled "Additional Options".
Click on "Browse" in the new little window that appears, and you should get a selection of all the photos that are on your hard disc to pick from. Click on the picture you want to upload, right click on "select". Then click on "upload" and wait. Your picture should then be uploaded and atached to your post. Finally, click on "Submit Reply".