Hi I am a male ler who lives in Halifax Nova Scotia. I find it is extremely hard to find any females lees out there from around here. I have only really met one and do not understand the problem. Are the girls here really that shy or just do not want to admit to themselves that they are ticklish or enjoy being tickled...
I have met several from surrounding Provinces like New Brunswich and Newfoundland but for the likes of me I cannot find any who live in a City the size of Halifax.
If you are indeed out there and would like to drop a line just to say so and tell me a little about yourselfs please do with no commitmnents involved. I am just curious as to how many ticklish females are out there from here and who is not afraid to reply.....
Thanks and I do look forward to hearing from you all
I have met several from surrounding Provinces like New Brunswich and Newfoundland but for the likes of me I cannot find any who live in a City the size of Halifax.
If you are indeed out there and would like to drop a line just to say so and tell me a little about yourselfs please do with no commitmnents involved. I am just curious as to how many ticklish females are out there from here and who is not afraid to reply.....
Thanks and I do look forward to hearing from you all