On another thread discussing the ANA video company, a TMF member made a statement that "most of the T C girls are not ticklish". This member also referred to some other tickle companies as having ladies that are "not ticklish" .
While I try not to reply to threads off topic ( the thread was about the ANA company and I hate when a member hyjacks a thread to talk about their own personal issues; start your own topic of discussion and leave the ANA discussion for ANA topics, please) I found the statement about the T C girls not being ticklish to be so absurd that I felt a need to adress it immediately (with sincere apologies to the ANA discussion thread maker for going off topic).
The reason I felt a need to address the T C statement made by the TMF member is because first, I think the statement is is incorrect( many of the T C girls have some of the best ticklish reactions that I have seen in over 20 years and I have viewed hundreds of tickle movies), and secondly, an off hand, pretty insulting statement like that can potentially cause new members and people unfamiliar with T C products to pass on T C media when making decisions on purchasing tickle products and media. This could potentially affect sales.
I asked this member to please provide the members of the TMF with his specific examples and names of ladies from other companies whom he deems to be "truly ticklish", as this info would benefit the entire community. The member cited a few companies that he preferred, but did not provide the names of the specific ticklees.
T C and other companies I believe try to put out a good quality product which caters to the interests of the community. I know that some of my own suggestions and favorite ticklees have been featured in TC movies and clips after I requested them.
I think the last thing they need is to have their sales suffer due to negative comments with no basis in fact.
However, everybody is entitled to their opinion, and everyone has there own preferences about the type of tickling they prefer. So as kind of a counterpoint to this members opinions about the ticklish of the T C girls, I offer three examples of T C girls that The T C company has provided to the Tickle community via sample clips. These free clips and many others are available at either the tickle theater website or the TC discussion section of the TMF.
My three examples are;
TC5298 sample clip
TC5283 sample clip
Tickle victim 1 sample clip
These are only three of multitude of girls tickled at TC. The hardest part was to select only three but I think they represent the quality of the tickle work they produce.
TMF members, please help new members and potential new customers decide;
Are these TC girls ticklish?
While I try not to reply to threads off topic ( the thread was about the ANA company and I hate when a member hyjacks a thread to talk about their own personal issues; start your own topic of discussion and leave the ANA discussion for ANA topics, please) I found the statement about the T C girls not being ticklish to be so absurd that I felt a need to adress it immediately (with sincere apologies to the ANA discussion thread maker for going off topic).
The reason I felt a need to address the T C statement made by the TMF member is because first, I think the statement is is incorrect( many of the T C girls have some of the best ticklish reactions that I have seen in over 20 years and I have viewed hundreds of tickle movies), and secondly, an off hand, pretty insulting statement like that can potentially cause new members and people unfamiliar with T C products to pass on T C media when making decisions on purchasing tickle products and media. This could potentially affect sales.
I asked this member to please provide the members of the TMF with his specific examples and names of ladies from other companies whom he deems to be "truly ticklish", as this info would benefit the entire community. The member cited a few companies that he preferred, but did not provide the names of the specific ticklees.
T C and other companies I believe try to put out a good quality product which caters to the interests of the community. I know that some of my own suggestions and favorite ticklees have been featured in TC movies and clips after I requested them.
I think the last thing they need is to have their sales suffer due to negative comments with no basis in fact.
However, everybody is entitled to their opinion, and everyone has there own preferences about the type of tickling they prefer. So as kind of a counterpoint to this members opinions about the ticklish of the T C girls, I offer three examples of T C girls that The T C company has provided to the Tickle community via sample clips. These free clips and many others are available at either the tickle theater website or the TC discussion section of the TMF.
My three examples are;
TC5298 sample clip
TC5283 sample clip
Tickle victim 1 sample clip
These are only three of multitude of girls tickled at TC. The hardest part was to select only three but I think they represent the quality of the tickle work they produce.
TMF members, please help new members and potential new customers decide;
Are these TC girls ticklish?