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Are we that rare?


TMF Novice
May 20, 2001
Are women into tickling that rare? I should amend that.. are women into being tickled that rare? Because that is the gist I get from hanging around here. I feel like an endangered species or something.

Please don't take this in a mean-spirited way or anything. I guess I am just surprised at how desperate some of you sound. I mean, I could be the Woman Who Fell From the Ugly Tree & Hit Every Branch On The Way Down, yet it feels to me like that wouldn't matter (that much.. I suppose I'm over-exaggerating.) (I just like using that phrase about the Ugly Tree, ha ha.) So... are looks that important? Personality? Intellect? Ability to carry on a conversation? Whether or not I will have sex with you? Or does none of that matter as long as I'm willing to be tickled?

Just ruminating, sorry. 🙂 I may be blonde, but I can be quite the thinker at times.


I'd have to say that, I would like to get to know the woman..personality, intellect, etc- not just tickling.

Looks are ok, but i don't set my standards too high.
A plus...

Actually the only women who are attractive to me are those who are ticklish...I'd walk by a panting Hollywood starlet to be with an ordanairy woman who enjoyed(or even tolerated)being tickled...guess it's a significant feature of this fetish.
Well Dee..

Ya just showed one good trait in a woman at least on the top of my list and that's a sense of humor. 🙂

I think women into tickling may be considered rare as there
are an overwhelming amount of males into tickling.
Or one could argue we are more aggressive in speaking out?

Or Aliens are to blame cuz they are taking all the ticklish
gals up for tickling experiments and not bringing them back.
(Hey, I'm with Mulder!) 😉

But seriously, if you're looking for someone to date or to start a relationship with, you want all the qualities you
mentioned. I only speak for myself but I approach all woman that I'm interested in the same way.

I'm a sucker for a gal that is "soo cute" in terms of her personality, she can be average in looks and just turn out
to be beautiful with other traits.
Her being into tickling, is a tremendous bonus but doesn't
automatically win her anything. I've met (only a few) ticklish gals that were beautiful but they lacked poorly in other ways for me to want to date them further.

Now I'm rambling.. it's late but I really liked your questions.

I don't think you're being mean-spirited and as a guy, yes I can say some guys are very desperate to find a tickle mate. You can just feel it in some of their posts.
Maybe I'm one too and don't know it. It's frustrating.

It's important that the woman be into tickling but it can't be everything.

Hell, just send me a nice gal my way first then I can start
worrying if she's into tickling later.

Crap... Alfred is complaining all the lights in the Batcave are on. So I gotta go.


Before you read this, know that I represent only myself.

In response to your question, "Are we that rare?", the best answer I can think of is, "Yes", for several reasons...

1. Everyone, female or male, is unique. Unique=only one of a kind in existence. There IS nothing more rare than that.

2. Tickling is not one of the most popular forms of recreation. That makes it "different", by definition. Take it from someone deep in the heart of Texas--anybody who's "different" will catch heat from people who don't understand. Thank goodness for forums like this, else there'd be NO place to talk about this safely.

3. Bondage scares a lot of people, even w/o tickling. Many stories, real and fiction, of people being hurt while tied up have been drilled into our heads all our lives. Is it any surprise that so few will submit to it volunarily

These are the reasons why people who like tickling are so rare. Now add to the fact that WOMEN who like BEING TICKLED are rarer still, for a very simple reason. For anyone to submit to being bound and tickled, there has to be a lot of trust on the submissive's part. There's a great deal of mistrust of men on women's part, and rightly so. The majority of abusers out there are men, the majority of abused are women, and for every story of men abusing women a thousand trusts of that man are shattered--until many people distrust all men. Has anybody noticed that many of women who DO want to be tickled...will only allow themselves to be tickled by other women?

Before I get flamed "not all abusers are men, nor are all abusers women, and what does this have to do w/the topic anyway?"

I'm a man (hence the "M" at the end of my ID), and I've seen more than my share of abuse by people of both genders. Trusting anyone doesn't come very easily to much, and that's the quality I value far more highly that physical appearance of women. Can I trust them, and can they trust me? If that trust exists, can't the rest be negotiated? If that trust doesn't exist, does the rest really matter?

Hope this makes sense to you guys.

Houston out.

Hi Danielle:

Glad to see that someone has come to terms with this fetish to feel comfortable enough to not worry about who cares. 🙂

To answer your question.

From personal experience, I can tell you that I have met more men into tickling than women. From all the women that I have been able to tickle, only two have truly enjoyed it. Most of the other ones have not minded the tickling, but would rather do something else. Actually, there is a third woman who I met in a chat who said she loved to be tickled. I have had some "tickling conversations" with her, but it is not the same.

Two in nearly 3 decades. That's a pretty bad statistic. I have to admit that I have not really looked for women into tickling. I am just talking about everyday women who I somehow convince to be tickled or get into situations that involve tickling.

Right now, I am in a position where people know about my obsession with feet and accept it. However, it is going to be a while before the understand an obsession with tickling.

I have found a lot more women who enjoy having their feet "loved" rather than tickled.

I do not know the reason for this phenomenon, but I would say that it probably has to do with certain societies forcing women to be reserved and behave "well". Another reason could be that most women have not been introduced to the "world of tickling" and, hence, they do not know or care about it.

Although I do like to know the woman better and be friends, I am also interested in getting to a "tickling relationship", if possible. Not sex or passionate love, just tickling. You have friends to go out with, I also like to have friends to have tickling fights.

Looks are irrelevant to me if I can find someone who enjoys a tickling session.

I hope this helps.


Knight Tickler
maybe, maybe not...

Well, we have 1460 members, so how
many of you are women? And that's only
those who have discovered this forum.
Maybe we should advertise in other
places... Another way to solve your
problem is to have more people post their
photographs in the member's pics
section. We have 1460 members, but only
32 pictures. I know many people won't
because of the way poeple they know
may react if they saw it. I, for example,
am surrounded by christians, and they
are all judgemental by nature. (One
of the reasons I left the church, though
boy I wish God would tell me something...)
Of course, here's another thing many might
not realize: we are probably the only
ones who come here, so only we will see
your picture. So there.
It's Absolutely Amazing To Me...

As I have said in many of my posts, it wasn't that long ago, that I came to the net. Are WE that rare? Up until the day I logged on for the first time, and this being the VERY FIRST SITE I EVER VISITED, I not only ASSUMED that there were probably more WOMEN into being tickled, but I was unsure as to whether or not there were any other HUMAN BEINGS into such a practice, at all. But now, having been on the net for a few weeks, I realize that it is just the opposite. It seems like almost over night, I went from feeling like the world's strangest, most sexually isolated person...To now, feeling like one of the most appreciated! I feel a great deal of sympathy for the men who are left with a minimal amount of choices due to the shortage of women desiring a good tickle. But, I also can't help admitting that there's a certain satisfaction in knowing that the men are......MINE, ALL MINE!!!!!! Tee, hee, hee!

See...how well they know us! Those ARE great odds.....the ratio of men to women SEEMS very off, but perhaps the Mods know the actual %. It would be logical(in my little Q world at least) that a well ordered universe would have a "balance' in ALL things, so perhaps as was stated in a previous post, we just aren't advertising correctly or enough to pull in all the women that enjoy our fetish/passion....😎
Of COURSE you are that rare! Ever been in the chatroom when a female logs in? She's often dive-bombed by swarms of Killer PC's...and often she's run out because of it. Out of the statistics that were well thought out elsewhere in this forum, I'd guess (probably liberally) 10% or less of us are Female Ticklees. Most of my best TK encounters have been with women who were into being physically/sexually dominated, rather than being tickled. I'm not particularly dominant, but I'll do what I can for both parties to enjoy the TK. And yes, a woman can be a Sasquatch, but if she's a true Tklee, there's a Tkler here for her...or 2, or 5...What attracts us? Well, you sure have gotten alot of replies to your querie...Is it 'cuz you're a Tklee, or could it be the way you made us all THINK with your post? You've got the intellect, the sense of humor, the will, and you're a Tklee...I have no idea what you look like, but hell, I'm ready to tickle you...

Are statistics truths? That's an argument many have taken. Statistics from hosting gatherings for half a decade say that, yes, women are a lower percentage than men in this particular kink. For my gatherings, there's 17 percent women.

Oddly, women SHOW UP more regularly than men. They also show when they say they're going to, or contact me to say they can't make it. They're more often switches (an old bdsm term meaning that they'll switch between being the one dominating (tickling) or submitting (to tickling)).

Other odd bits of trivia noticed over the years:
1) a greater percentage of women that sign up, show up.
2) less drop out. This includes killing an email address to "disappear".
3) none, so far, have dropped out without showing ever.
4) more will tickle their own gender than men will.

There's more men than women, without question, into this, when checking out gatherings.

Half the video companies for our kink seem to be run by women or couples, with the woman often being dominant voice, though. Femfeet, Jan B, Paradise Vision, ANA and even Solefully Yours have dominant presences from women.

The thing I dig, more and more, is how many of we gents into this are showing appropriate appreciation for women showing up. Sadly, there's still the million "wanna" mails and IMs, come-ons from guys with various motivations for behaving thusly.

Oh, last trivia bit - I know of more women who have been "turned" to this interest than men. By this, I'm talking about those lovers we find that end up participating in the kink. Some even stay with it. Some of those attend my events. It's fascinating.

As for the questions given, I've observation (from the gatherings) and my own opinions for you. Are looks that important? Not as much, though when there's multiple 'lees of equal ticklishness, it seems to matter more. When dealing with multiple women from events, though, inevitably there's more to do with how they respond to tickling, and the tickLERS. For me, a more ticklish woman can have quite a sway, though.

Folks that won't play are now, for me, beyond my range. Someone with a great personality, strong intellect, and the ability to carry on a conversation will still, ultimately, be outside of the sexual preference without the willingness to play, largely.

OTOH, a ticklish nutcase is still a nutcase, and no thanks. I guess, like most, I want everything possible. I want bright, bold conversationalist with a willingness to kink, and prefer one that already WANTS such.

My $0.02,

I think it's not that hard to find a girl who likes being tickled. When I talk to girls I very often ask them about their opinion of being tickled and I must say there are pretty many who "don't mind it" and some who really like it ( this doesn't mean you can tickle them for an hour or so, just a reasonable amount of time). Some even complained they would love to be tickled by someone but their partner is just not into it. So the first step - to find them - is not that tough. But it is always difficult to make them actually do it even if I promised them I will not sexually bother them ( and I didn't even talk about bondage). Many of them would feel "guilty" for being touched by another man besides their boyfriend.
Speaking about statistics - I didn't really count it but according to my experience about 1 out of 3 doesn't mind being tickled and about 1 out of 6 likes it. Though I met only 2 girls who liked being tickled for 15 minutes or longer, I am married to one of them so there is just one left 😎 . Both of them said they would love to be tickled for longer time but they get so tired from laughing it starts being upleasant later on.
I can reveal one trick to you. This is a smooth way how to find out about the girl's opinion about tickling without actually touching her. When I want to find it out I just keep an easy conversation with her and there ALWAYS comes a situation where I can use the phrase "if you do this or that I will tickle you to death". Then I observe her reaction. If she starts laughing about that or speaks about this kind of punishment with a smile on her face then she is the right kind and you can easily continue with this topic. If she says nothing or directly and seriously refuses such an action then I always stop talking about that and consider her "unusable". This worked out 100% for me. Feel free to try it out and let us know if this is a reliable method or if I am just the lucky one.
Well, I guess that all depends...

On who you are. To me...the idea of anyone tickling me for anything LESS than AT LEAST 2 hours, is not only unreasonable, but a good way to gaurantee never being aloud to do it again! Tee, hee, hee!
There is balance in the universe, I think. I have this gut feeling that there are women out there into tickling, a lot more than represented here. I just didn't have the nerve to find out, but I'm working on it. The way I find to bring up tickling from a casual setting is just what Martin said, about threatening tickling in a half-joking way.

For me, most girls I know know me as the playful kinda guy. (I'm from the land of southern hospitality, where a lot of hugging goes on). So, I've recently found it useful to get in a playful tickle. Almost every girl I've done this to find it as innocent, and if they protest, I apologize, but at least I have now brought up the subject. Unfortunately, I haven't mastered how to progress from there. The reason being what Houston touched on - it's very risky to put yourself out there since people in the South are more prone to judge you. As a result, I haven't found many so far.

It was at the same time a great relief but utter frustration to find women out there who were trying to find mem to tickle them. AARRGH!!!
I know I don't have high standards, I find myself losing count of the number of women I see on campus that I would tickle -- provided they had a cute enough personality to go along with something like this.

I don't know, from my own personal experience, I think that women into being tickled are harder to find, since it is hard enough to find someone into ticking at all. Maybe some day I will be able to know how to find them.

Thats my piece.


Maybe this should be an entirely new post, but I have to tell you that I sincerely believe that I can tell when a woman is ticklish by some instinct. Perhaps it's body language or 45 years of trying hard to develop a system for just that purpose, but the last 10+ years I think I've been right nearly 90% of the time. Theories on sexuality abound, and one of the most popular when I was in college was based on the shape of a womans fingers, especially the tips (round, square, pointy, etc.) I have always found women with "squarish" fingertops to be the most adventurous. Anyone else have this "instinctive" feel for the fetish? Or shall I just become a subcategory of my own? 🙄 Q
Hey buddy, get yer own thread!!!

Just kidding.

Does adventurousness (is that even a word??) have anything to do with tickling, though? I mean, I really do enjoy a good tickle, but you probably won't find me ever climbing Mt. Everest or hiking through the Amazon Rainforest. Heck, to me adventure is going to the city (ahh, the suburban girl that I am... I think as long as I know my faults, that's a good starting point, right?)

My fingertips are.. roundish/squarish.. if that makes any sense. Definitely not pointy.

Any post in my thread is a good post, by golly!! 🙂

I do want to thank everybody for posting in here.

To be quite honest, with having so few females around, it is a nice ego-boost. I mean, who doesn't want to feel wanted? (yes, I am hanging out in the kiddie pool right now... but I'm not shallow THAT often, really.)

I wish everybody the best of luck in finding someone to fit into their mold of the perfect mate, or just someone to tickle who doesn't charge massive amounts of moolah. If there is any way I could help with this, please let me know & we'll talk. I am game, I am nice, funny, I can carry on a conversation, I haven't quite perfected my cartwheels so I can't do those.. umm... I'm trying to learn how to juggle (when it gets really slow at work.. no people around to knock unconscious when a ball goes astray.) I guess this would all be more suited for a personal, but to be honest, I'm not looking. I am just trying to make friends, get to know people, make my posts longer with random chatter, etc. 🙂

Truly (just one of the crazy people),
First of all, to allow for the proper perspective, and to let others know where I'm coming from, I'm a first-time poster, though I have been regular on the chatroom for almost... what... two months now? I am female, and I just about run the gamut here. I am both 'ler and 'lee, and prefer the chance to be both (nothing quite as exhilarating as being tormented by a 'ler that you just *know* is every bit as ticklish as you are...). I am also into all the gender combinations... I'll do m/f or f/f, and I'm fascinated by m/m.

I have noticed the various trends illustrated here... more men than women, more women into f/f... but ultimately it seems as though the people who would be most out of luck would be male 'lees... first cos the truth is that ANY guy into m/m is far more rare than any other combination here (so far as I've seen), and that although most of the f/f chatters I've talked to like being the 'ler, most of the girls that talk in the room about it who prefer men are generally 'lees themselves. (I have to admit, though... I never thought I'd find so many MEN who would be willing to be tickled...assumed they'd naturally want to be in control!)

I swear, I get the stereotypical barrage of PM's when I log on at times... but the number of them who are m 'lees never ceases to amaze me. I can't imagine why any lady 'lee out there would not want to get revenge if she knew her man was as vulnerable as she was. Just my $.02 though... it takes all kinds I guess.

Back to getting a bit more on topic, though, I do think a lot of it is a control issue... especially with the feminist streak late last and early this century. Myself, I'd never be tied IRL with a man I did not completely trust! However, just casual playfighting,I never have been in a situation where I really, truly hated being tickled. There's a sort of dizzying euphoria that happens with me... and it usually makes me want to fight back as well! And heaven help me if I happen to test the waters and find a guy who is *really* ticklish and doesn't immediately go defensive! It's just too hard to keep my hands to myself...

Anyway... suffice it to say, that ultimately, people who appreciate and truly revel in tickling for affectionate reasons are truly rare to begin with. Among "our kind", however... we women 'lees are out there... really! You just have to look.

Oh! And just as a side note... though I'm dying to find a true m 'lee who will let me have a go... I've found it's not hard at all to "make your own 'ler". Not one guy I've actually managed to tell about this interest of mine has complained at the thought of tickling me... most actually have been more than willing! And usually, they let me play back... just as long as I let them breathe!

Lurking around and taking my time,


First Ohio and now Arizona! Go west young man, go west! Is there no East Coast woman (besides the already occupied Mistress Mia) to defend the (honor?) of the right coast? Glad to see any new faces and welcome! Q


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about the rare (like mine medium rare)

Well I know there are only a handfull of women who are really into being tickled. There are also the few rare women who will let you because of the love they have for their partner who is into it. I myself have only known 2 women my entire life who would actually let me tickle them and it was for my pleasure only (course being a Master would have played into it as well). Even then it was because they knew how it would please me. My life partner and very submissive slave knows of my passion and willingly submits to my fetish. This I did not force on her and never would on anyone that did not want it. Master or not I have no desire to force anything that is not willingly given to me. Damn now I am rambling too. The few who enjoy being tickled are Queens in this land. As far as looks etc. if they fell out of the ugly tree (I love that phrase too) They wouldn't get 10 feet from my fingers. Now that's not to say I am hung up on looks. Personality as well as the way they present themselves play into it as much as anything. I will not tickle someone just because they stand still and say go ahead. Tickling to me is sexual and turns me on to no end, but if there is no attraction for this person then I will not persue a tickling relationship. If my submissive was not wanting to be tickled then I wouldn't. I also would not go outside just to find anyone to tickle. Luckily I have the best submissive a Master could have so I am satisfied.

Bear's Tickling Fantasies
Is there no East Coast woman (besides the already occupied Mistress Mia) to defend the (honor?) of the right coast?

another 'already occupied' east coast woman. 🙂


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Yup yup, we still need an East Coaster to balance the forum out, 🙂 Perhaps the recently heard from Maria? Sorry about not mentioning you Ayla, I'm getting old and senile......
many unheard voices.......

After looking at all these opinions..... here's one more:

There's many more women into this than anyone here can realize (including me). But they wish their voices to be unheard- maybe they're uncomfortable with their deires in what is only perceived as a male dominated scene.

I personally know of several women on this board- close to me in email and phone chats over the years- who are passing themselves off as men- they have their own reasons, some of which you can guess. (No I won't out anyone)

On the other side, I know of some males (and suspect others) of pretending to be women online (an outdated and very old WWW trick)- their reasons differ greatly and are mostly self serving.

Then there's another category: women who are very experienced in this scene, who have done so much, that the usual banter and chatting and such with people is very old, tired and almost boring at some points. How many times can a woman be asked to describe her "most ticklish nightmare" or her "worst spot"? A good example of this would be Ticklegal- well known and respected, experienced with knowledge to share, and very active in this scene in a private way more so over the last two years. She posts when asked something specifically, or for a specific reason... not just blindly to gain attention or to offer an opinion not asked for. And I truly suspect that many of the women out there follow that very same pattern.

As to male tickLEES:

I think that category is growing, but not for the reasons many would like. Guys are not getting more ticklish and "open" to exploring (specially if there's even another guy in the same room even 100 ft away). 90% of guys out there really aren't ticklish, but fake it well in a scene for whatever gratifcation is derived for themselves and their partner... maybe another 5% are moderately ticklish, and can elaborate it... and the remaining ones are horribly 100% really ticklish (they seldom take the bottom roles unless presuaded).


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Well, count me in the vocal female category. I'm all for gaining attention & offering my opinion when it's not asked for. (just ask my parents.) 😀

And have I mentioned my mouth is so big, it accomodates my foot very often? (I've actually gotten better at that... I suppose it comes with age.)

Truly (a smartass, a wannabe-comedian, a middle child),
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