Really old video, she says it at 4:30:
Wow. "Super ticklish". She says it great, lol. "Stop tickling me." Eating my heart out!
Cross.....spectacular find!
She was still ticklish as of last year, when she had her body painted for the "God Is A Woman" video. Fantabulous!
Here's the clip:
View attachment 612612
You can see all of her other confirmations in the Ticklish Female Celebrity List Part One thread. (This one - which is the greatest confirmation yet - will be joining the others shortly!) (Cross, I will be sure to namecheck you! 😉 )
I know it's different for each individual, but how often do we see people lose sensitivity especially within a few short years?
Um, I didn't mean that to be taken all that seriously, lol. And it was six years, to be exact. And a girl of 20 may still have her teenage skittishness, and learn to control it by the time she's 26. I'm thinking specifically of a girl I knew in college who wasn't ticklish, but told me she used to be extremely ticklish. She was 23 when she told me this and said she had willed it because "it was a waste of time" and didn't want it to interfere with sex. So there's one case for you right there.
You never know what people are going to take issue with on this Forum! At least I don't! Amazing. I really need to stop posting so much!
Thanks again, Cross. FANTASTIC find.
I didnt mean anything malicious or offensive with that post. I was genuinely curious lol. Youre a great poster, Internet, i apologize if that read wrong
Translation: super ticklish = mildly ticklish
So all the Victorious girls are on the higher end of the ticklish scale lol. Although, I think Liz might be the most ticklish out of them all.
Why do you say that?