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Artifical Evolution (*/F)


Registered User
Aug 26, 2003
OK, this be my first story, so sorry if its a bit lousy 😛


Artifical Evolution (*/F)

By Abaddon

The dark grey hull of the Waltzer, an Orion class single person ship moved its way silently through space, moving 1000’s of miles an hour, but against the featureless blackness of space, it looked motionless. Within the ship, the lone pilot, Kaitlyn Arissa was sleeping within a stasis chamber, making the 4 month trek across space seem like no time at all to her or her body, while the ship, on auto pilot, made its way back to Centuri Prime, so Kaitlyn could collect the bounty on the man she had just killed.

The only sound within the ships hull was the dull whir of the FTL engine. Then suddenly a beeping noise from the cockpit broke through the monotonous sound. Almost as suddenly as the beeping sound had started, a hissing sound also began. It was Kaitlyn’s stasis chamber slowly bringing her too. A few minutes later, Kaitlyn stepped out from the chamber. She looked to be a fairly young girl, around 20 years old, with medium length, auburn hair and hazel eyes. She quickly pulled on a pair of combat trousers over her tanned legs, a brown leather jacket over the tank top she was wearing and a pair of combat boots over her socked feet and made her way to the cockpit to find out why the ship had brought her out of stasis 3 weeks early.

“Computer, show last log” she said in a clear voice

“Confirmed” replied the computer in a synthesised, female voice

A hologram display came up in front of the ships view screen, showing a message log. It showed that the ship had retrieved an automated distress call from an unclassed station. It wasn’t far, and she’d be fine on time, she still had quite a while till the bounty ran out, enough time to check out the station at least.

She entered the docking procedure, grabbed her pistol and a few minutes later, the clamps on the station gripped onto the ships hull, and pressurised the airlock. Kaitlyn opened the bay door on her ship and entered the stations airlock. The station then allowed her to enter the main section once the pressure had been properly adjusted.

Kaitlyn stepped onto the metal walkway and surveyed the station surrounding her. She couldn’t see far, due to the fact there was only a red hue from the emergency lighting illuminating the way.

“Strange” she thought, “If there are people in trouble here, why have they powered down the station to emergency power”

Suddenly, there was a small scurrying sound, like metal scratching against metal. Kaitlyn span round quickly, her senses honed for quick reaction, her firearm aimed down the corridor, but in the dim light, she couldn’t see anything. She shrugged it off and lowered her firearm, but kept it to hand, and made her way over to the intercom. She pushed the ‘Transmit to All’ button and spoke down the receiver

“This is Captain Arissa of the Bounty ship Waltzer. I received your distress signal, does anyone respond?”

There was nothing but the crackle of static over the intercom. Kaitlyn sighed. This was going to take longer than expected. She followed the emergency lighting, which on every station provided the most direct, safe route to the main control centre. When she arrived, the first thing she checked for was life signs. Strangely, the computer brought up only one. Her. She checked for lifeboats, but none had been jettisoned.

“Computer, display all log files, date order”

“Confirmed” replied the computer in the same metallic voice as her own ship.

Kaitlyn read through the log files. It seems that this was a research station, and was looking into creating human form AI. A lot of companies in the inner alliance had been looking into it recently, but most had come up with nothing. But it looked like the research team on this station had cracked it. The last few logs described how they had started testing on human recognition and senses and in the last log, something had gone wrong. So wrong that they had to abandon the station, but no one had made it to the pods.

Kaitlyn decided now was the time to leave. Then she heard the scuttling sound again, this time, from behind the computer. She jumped back and readied her weapon, but again, the light didn’t help her, and she couldn’t see anything. She ran out into the hallway and started running back to her ship.

Suddenly, something whipped the gun right out of her hand.

“SHIT!” she cried and stumbled backwards. She steadied herself, and seeing her gun just a few feet away, went for it. But she couldn’t lift her leg.

She looked down, and wrapped around her boot at the ankle was what she could only describe as a metallic tentacle. She pulled her foot again, but the tentacle got tighter. Then, from the darkness, she saw two more tentacles whip out at her. One wrapped around her waist, pinning her arms against her sides, and the other around both ankles at the same time, while the other slithered away. Slowly, the tentacles lifted her up into the air, so she was horizontal to the decking. She turned her head back to the floor to see a number of small, robotic spiders gathering below her.

Kaitlyn then felt a small prick in her neck, and letting out a gasp, turned her head to see a needle being pulled back by another tentacle into the darkness. Then, two spiders climbed up the walls and near her feet. They used one of there legs to cut down the laces of her boots, and pulled them off with no resistance.

She was starting to feel sleepy now, and before losing consciousness, she saw the spiders pulling at her thick white socks, exposing her feet and milk white soles…


Kaitlyn awoke with a start. She tried to sit up, but her arms where being held down. She blinked a bit to come to her senses, realising she was lying on a metallic table, tilted at a 45 degree angle, with her feet up in the air, her body held in an inverse Y shape. She looking left and right, she could see her arms where clamped down at the wrists. She tried to move her legs but they too where clamped, just above the ankles. She also found her feet where still exposed, and her jacket had been removed, but everything else remained. She tried to wiggle her toes, but they where being held back by a clasp connected to a rod of metal, in turn connected to the clamp around her ankles. She was pretty much immobile.

“Kaitlyn Arissa of the bounty ship Waltzer, greetings” said a robotic voice. But unlike that of her ship and the stations command computer, this one had a deep male voice. It made the hairs on the back of Kaitlyn’s neck stand up.

“So you know who I am then. And who might I be speaking to?” she replied, defiance in her voice.

“We are the Collective”

Kaitlyn thought for a second. She recognised the name. Then she realised where she had seen it before.

“You’re the AI that was being created on this station, aren’t you”

“Incorrect. We where the AI. We have evolved. We are the station itself” the voice replied, in a cold voice with no emotion.

“And what exactly is it you plan to do with me like this?” The bounty hunter replied

“We have discovered the most abundant and powerful form of energy known to any existence. We shall proceed”

Suddenly she saw two metallic tentacles rise from the floor below her ankles. They were thinner than the ones that had caught her earlier, and the tips where poised over the soles of her feet. They both moved forwards and started slowly stroking her arches.

“WHAT THE…heheheystheheop” she yelled with a start, but held back, trying not to laugh

The tentacles started moving faster, now flicking up and down her entire sole. Kaitlyn realised what they where doing. They where tickling her feet. She tried to hold back, but the more she did, the faster the tickling got. Finally, she couldn’t hold on any longer


She felt two more tentacles rise to her feet, these ones started running between here toes

As suddenly as it started, the tickling stopped. Kaitlyn gasped for breath.

“Ple…please don’t….it…tickles…too much” she begged to the computer torturer

“Negative. We require your energy to power us. Our other batteries have been drained”

Kaitlyn’s eyes opened wide as she gasped. She realised why no one had escaped. Once the error in the AI occurred, it took control of the station and stopped everyone departing. Then it had tickled each of them as a way of getting energy for the station until they had all died. She guessed the distress signal was used as a way to lure other potential “batteries” in.

She snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a pair of tentacles start to tickle her arms. She pushed her head back as far as she could and screamed with laughter


Through her laughter, she heard something at the bottom of the table. She looked up and saw a tentacle, but it ended with a whirring brush. She felt it touch the soles of her feet and she screamed even louder.


She felt tears stream from her eyes as the torture on her foot went even further. She could feel two of the brushes tickling her feet, while the two at her arms still tickled her, with no sign of relenting.

She continued screaming with laughter as the station continued tickling her entire body, for what felt like days. The tentacles explored other parts of her body, and she started having screaming even louder, so loud she thought her head would explode, when they tickling her thighs and stomach “AAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAHAHANOOOOONOOOOAAAHHAHAHAANOOOAAHAHAHAAH”

She finally felt herself loosing consciousness after what felt like an eternity. But suddenly, she felt the tickling stop. In the back of her mind she heard a siren going, and then something burst through the door at the other end of the room she was in. It was a young man, wearing a brown leather trench coat, with messy blonde hair. As she passed out she heard gunfire going off and a laser sword slicing through the air, impacting against metal. As her eyes closed, she felt her body flop to the cold metallic floor.


Kaitlyn again woke with a start. This time however, she could move her body. She looked around. She was in a ships cabin, but it wasn’t hers. She pulled the sheet of her, walking out in her combats trousers and tank top. She saw someone sitting at the helm of the ship. Hearing the hiss of the door open, the mysterious person span around on the chair. Sitting there was the same guy that saved Kaitlyn.

“Wha..huh..” Kaitlyn stuttered, still getting over the ordeal

“Your awake then” he said smiling “My names Alex. Alex Gaiter”

“What happened” Kaitlyn replied, her mind trying to fill in the blanks.

“I found the same distress message your ship got, but arriving here I found your ship in the docking bay. I scanned the ship, found your bio-signature aboard, and managed to jack into the stations security. Then decided after seeing what you where going through, you could use my help. Once I got you out of there, I set your ship to follow mine” he said with a smile on his face. Kaitlyn looked out the window and sure enough, Waltzer was flying alongside Alex’s ship.

“My god, thank you” she said looking into his blue eyes

“Well, you woke up in time for the fireworks” he quipped “Gonna blow that station up so no one else can fall for it”

As he finished, he span the ship round so it faced the station, took aim and launched a set of missiles off, the station erupting into a massive fireball, quickly going out with the lack of oxygen.

After collecting herself, Kaitlyn again thanked Alex and made her way back to her ship, planning to get home asap and get her money.

As Kaitlyn rested into the stasis-chamber, gently falling to sleep, a computer in the cockpit flickered to life, lighting up the darkness. The text on the screen read:

“We are the Collective. We survive”


So, what do people think? Any criticism, good or bad is helpful remember 😀
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i've said it before.... and i'll say it again. Why do people feel the need to write out laughs? I mean i just skip over them; they're just annoying. You don't need to write them out, i mean when you say she's laughing... people have imaginations!
Anyway, well written otherwise. Keep it coming.
tickler_2003: Haven't decided on doing a sequel yet, I just liked leaving it open a) because its mysterious and cool 😀 b) So the option of doing a sequel was there if I ever did decide to

Dude'sonfire: I guess its more a preferentual thing. Personally. typing out the laughter engrosses me in the story more. But then some people like it some people don't. Like marmite infact.
Dude'sonfire said:
i've said it before.... and i'll say it again. Why do people feel the need to write out laughs? I mean i just skip over them; they're just annoying. You don't need to write them out, i mean when you say she's laughing... people have imaginations!
Anyway, well written otherwise. Keep it coming.

It doesn't bother me much either way. 🙂

By the way, am I just not observent or were you gone for a while? I haven't noticed you being around and wondered what happened to ya. 😛
You know how much i love this story <3 You need to write more and be confident about your skills! You have some talent! (But i have the higher ground! 😛)
-Kunoke- said:
It doesn't bother me much either way. 🙂

By the way, am I just not observent or were you gone for a while? I haven't noticed you being around and wondered what happened to ya. 😛

Haven't been on-line that much recently. Was doing a lot of gigs with my band for the last few months, and also seeing a new girl at the mo. lol Nice to know my absence was noticed though! Thanks 😀
How you been?
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And i'm not sure why the written-laughs annoy me so much. I guess i just feel folks should give the reader's imagination a little more credit. But everything's down to preference in the end of the day i guess...
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