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Ashley TK fic (WarioWare)


TMF Poster
Dec 16, 2004
I actually wrote this a long time ago, but I didn't know if I wanted to post it or not. I guess there's no harm in doing so, and I thought people might like it.

I know not a lot of people have played WarioWare, or at least the games Ashley and Red appeared in, but for those of you who have, you may like this fic. In that case, do enjoy.

Ashley, the dark young witch of Diamond City, stood upon a stool for height as she stirred a bubbling concoction simmering on an open flame in her cauldron. She laboriously twirled the massive stirring stick in a circle, over and over, before finally pausing and peering down into it.

"Good progress today. I think we can call it a night."

Bubbles rising from the depths heralded Red breaking the surface of the scalding liquid, quickly leaping out of the cauldron and onto the floor below, rolling around like a man on fire and squealing in pain.

"It's so hot, Miss Ashley! I don't know how much longer I coulda taken in there!"

Ashley stared at him with her normal tough, cold expression. "I wanted to see how a devil like you would do in a situation like that. Apparently, you'd cry and beg for me to let you out."

"You coulda listened..."

"Yes, but this was more fun for me," said Ashley bluntly, kicking her feet out to land on the ground. She stretched her arms to the ceiling and gave a massive yawn for such a small girl. She beckoned to Red as she walked to the door. "C'mon, Red. Time for sleep," she ordered. Red sighed from his spot sitting on the ground.

"M-Miss Ashley...um...if you don't mind..."

Ashley paused her stride, but it was merely to slip her stockinged feet out of her red shoes and set them aside. Once she did so, she turned to Red. "What is it?"

"Do you mind...I'm not entirely tired just yet...would you mind too terribly if I wandered around a bit before I came to bed?" Ashley remained silent, eyes drifting to the ceiling as she undid her pigtails.

"Hum...so long as you don't mess with my things, I suppose you could stay up for a bit," she said quietly. She shook her head violently for a moment to let her hair down, and gently brushed the black strands from her face. When she did, her expression seemed to have softened, and her eyes more soulful. "Nothing's wrong, is it?"

"Of course not, Miss Ashley! I'd just...like to organize around the mansion for you!"

Ashley didn't smile, but her voice remained quiet and her expression remained passive. "Alright then...I'll keep your spot comfy for when you come to sleep. Don't be up too late; I don't know how I can sleep without my little foot-warmer," Ashley picked up her shoes from the floor and walked into her room, closing the door. Red sat at the door quietly until he was confident the girl had fallen asleep. It was only then did he allow himself to find his way to the large entry doors to the mansion, and stumbled into the night, his thoughts echoing in his head.

...Why do I let her do this to me?

...Why am I here? Why do I stay with her?

...Why...why do I love every second of it...?

When one is devoting 100% of their mind to the thoughts that torture their minds, occurances around them can go completely unnoticed. Their entire existance blacks out, and they are truly at one with themselves.

If done while walking, this can get one incredibly lost, which it did for Red.

"Oh no...what have I done...?" Red's breathing began to increase, finding himself in the heart of Diamond City, lost and confused. He shivered and shook, half from the chilly night air, half from creeping fear and lonliness. Panicking, he began to run around in circles, wailing and crying out, and, in a complete lack of awareness, collided with a parked car.

"Wha-whoa-wha-whoa, kid! Careful on deh cab, we's gotta fix her up nice'n'pretty for the morn', y'hear?"

Red looked up and rubbed his eyes to focus his vision. When it all stopped floating about in twos, the devil finally made out the large, imposing man of a pug in front of him. He wiped his paws on his blue coat and kneeled down as a small, yellow cat with goggles on his forehead poked into his line of sight, which began to speak in a worried tone.

"Heeeeey, y'alright, kid? You seemed mighty troubled just now..."

Red sighed in relief. "Oh, it's just...I'm terribly lost. I went on a walk to sort out my thoughts but...now I have no clue where I am. I'm just so confused right now..."

Smiling, the dog opened his arms wide. "Well, why don't you go on ahead and tell Dribble an' Spitz yer trubbles?"

"Really? You'd listen?" Red's eye's lit up; maybe he could finally get some answers. Spitz, the cat, leaned back across the cab that Red collided with.

"Go on, kid, spill it all out to us."

"Okay...so there's this girl...and I don't know why I stay with her. I probably could have left long ago, but I haven't. She puts me through hell...she does all sorts of mean 'experiments' on me just to see how I cope with them...but each day I always wake up and come back for more. I don't know what it is..."

Dribble looked to Spitz. Spitz looked to Dribble. Dribble and Spitz looked to Red.

"Love," they said unanimously.


"Nothin' but," grinned Dribble, "You've gone gaga for her."

"Terribly beautiful thing, love," Spitz added.

"By dat, we mean terrible..." Dribble started.

"...but beautiful," finished Spitz.

It made so much more sense now. No matter what harm befell him, no matter how cruel her torment, that was how he survived. Anything was worth it to see her hair fly free each night. Anything to stare deep into those cold yet beautiful eyes. Anything to wake up in the middle of the night to admire her angelic sleeping form. She was the most beautiful, most precious thing in the world to him. Finally, it all made sense...

"But she doesn't share it..."

"She don't?" Dribble asked. "Lemme guess, you needs'ta know whachoo gotta do to catch her eye."

"Yes, yes! You gotta tell me, you gotta!"

"You sed she torments you, right?" Spitz inquired.

"Every day...she's so dominating..." Red sighed.

"Fight back," Dribble stated simply.

"Wha...?" Red stammered, startled slightly. Fight back?

"Simple as dat. Show 'er yer a man yerself," Dribble said, "Make 'er beg you fer once,"

"Wow..." Red looked to the ground. "I don't know if I could do that..."

"You can, an' you will!" Spitz demanded, rising from his prone position and pumping his fist. "What you gots dere is a submissive way o' tinkin'! C'mon, pal, be confident! Sure'a ye'self! Don't tink too hard 'bout nuttin', dat's what gets ya doubtin ye'self!"

"Yeah...yeah!" Spitz's words resonated in Red's soul. Something within him knew the cat was right. Something inside him knew he just had to break free and be a man. He threw his fist into the air and leaned back to scream to the entire city, "My name is Red, and I'm DOMINANT!"

"Great job, kiddo!" cheered Dribble. "Mite not wanna yell it dat loud next time, but'cha got it!"

Spitz bounded to the ground and opened the cab door. "Now get in heah and we'll take ya home so you can prove it!"

Swelling with newfound confidence and the warm feeling of friendship in his soul, Red eagerly hopped into the back seat of Dribble's and Spitz's cab, soon joined by the two cabbies; Dribble driving and Spitz in the passenger's seat. "Where's this girl live, pal?" Dribble called back.

"We live in the famous mansion overlooking the town," Red responded matter-of-factly. Dribble gave a mock shudder.

"Dat place always gave me da creeps...but I'd be more'n happeh teh take yuhz to da gurl o' yer dreams!" Dribble gunned the engine and let loose a howl, driving wildly into the night.

The cab screeched to a halt before the ominous gates before Ashley's mansion, but Red's door was already half-open by that time. Bounding out of the cab, he turned and waved enthusiastically to his new friends.

"Thanks for bringing me home! And thanks even more for the advice!"

"You evuh need a lick of advice and a set o' wheels, you call Dribble 'n' Spitz!" Dribble cheered enthusiastically.

"Dominance!" Spitz squealed.

"Dominance!" Red returned, pumping his fist and charging into the dark, ominous building. The two watched him run off, smiling to each other.

"Dere ain't nuttin' quite like helpin' a pal in need, ain't dere, Spitz?"

"Not much else tops it, yeah," Spitz sighed wistfully, "such a beautiful t'ing."

"Yeah..." Dribble sighed. The two sat back and relaxed, relishing in their victory. After moments of pleased silence, Dribble turned to his friend, without a change in his expression, and said, "We forgot deh fare again, didn't we?"

Spitz wailed and held his head in his hands. "How d'we support ourselves, Dribble?!"

Red strained to open the large doors leading into Ashley's dark room. Peering in, the room seemed to stretch on forever, but to Red's panicked mind, it felt as though her room were a tunnel stretching on to eternity. Taking shaking step by shaking step, he snuck closer and closer to her massive bed. Focusing his view on his objective and straining for a glimpse of the girl, he failed to pay attention to what was on the ground and tripped, falling directly downward. He yelped loudly and struck the carpeted floor below him, pain shooting through his stomach and chest. Wincing, whimpering, and rubbing his aching body, he looked back to see what he had tripped over. Squinting his eyes to peer through the darkness, he realized he had tripped over Ashley's shoes, carelessly tossed next to her bed, long, black socks stuffed haphazardly inside. Sighing, he stood up again and climbed up the side of the bed, gasping lightly at the sight.

Her hair cascaded across her pillow, dark but with a kind of shine to it. Her eyes were closed tight, but her mouth was opened barely an inch, as her chest and shoulders slowly rose and fell in tune with her light breathing. Her arms lay across her pillow, fingers pointed toward her bedposts. Red put his hands to his chest to ensure that his heart still beat after seeing such beauty. But though his heart sung and recited poetry about her heavenly features, his mind concocted evil, sinister plans to break her and force the girl to beg him for mercy...and he knew just how to do it.

Red slid off the bed and hustled over to Ashley's discarded shoes once more, but this time, he confiscated her stockings out of her shoes. He smiled to himself at the length of them, and eagerly climbed back up onto the bed. Sneaking over to her bedposts, he gently, ever so carefully, pulled her arms closer. He put both wrists to the head of her bedframe, and wrapped one of her stockings around her wrists, tying them as tight as he could to the frame. Ducking under her blanket, he swiftly crawled down to the foot of her bed and sat at her bare feet. He ran his fingertips across her exquisitly soft sole, shuddering gently at the touch. Her toes idly curled, but didn't move. Shaking his head and regaining his senses, he brandished the other stocking and used it to tie her ankles together. He accomplished his goal, but being so close to his love's feet began to play tricks on him and insert suggestions into his mind. Without concious thought, he gently nuzzled the soles of her feet with his head, softly moaning and smiling. Grinning like a fool, he planted gentle kisses on her toes until he realized that he had lost sight of what was important; this was not just a way to get her to accept him, this was his coming of age, how he proved that he too was a man deserving of her attention. He leapt off her bed and rushed over to her writing desk, climbing up the chair and snatching a fluffy quill feather pen that Ashley favored. He bounded back to the object of his affections and swiftly tossed the blanket aside to expose her nightgown-clad body. Moving closer to her head, he began to lightly feather her nose, which slowly began to twitch and sniffle.


Red grinned and shook the feather over her nostrils. Soon enough, Ashley sneezed, which distracted her enough to wake her up and realize her predicament.

"Wh...Red? What did you...what's wrong with you?!" This was it. This was his time to shine.

"I...um..." He choked, and stuttered, but when he looked into Ashley's irritated, annoyed eyes, he found the courage to speak. "Ashley, I'm tired of you using me like nothing more than your slave!"

"You are my slave. Get to the point," she growled.

"No!" Ashley's eyes widened in surprise; Red only hoped his didn't do the same. "I am not your slave, Ashley! And I'm going to prove it by making you beg me for mercy for once!"

"I'd like to see you try," she scoffed.

Red grinned. "Just you watch," He skipped happily down to the foot of her bed, Ashley's watchful eyes on him at all times. Standing next to her feet, he paused to relish the most beautiful moment before touching the feather to the soles of her feet and sliding it up and down her bare soles. "Kootchy kootchy koo..."

Ashley's toes twitched just barely, so much so that Red may have missed it if it wasn't what he was specifically watching for. Her foot wiggled slightly, attempting to push the feather away in vain. "I can't believe you're doing this," Ashley groaned. Red remained silent, only grinning as he continued poking the tip of the feather around the wrinkles of her soles.

"Any second now," he teased, "you'll be giggling and laughing and begging me to stop." He slid the feather up and down her feet, slowly and methodically. "Sooner or later, I'll strike a sensitive spot, and once you give in, you're all mine." He pinched her toes with his clawed fingers and seperated them gingerly to stroke his feather in between her toes. He could hear light snickers coming from her end of the bed, and soon enough, heard something even more satisfying.

"P-Please...n-no more...!"

Grinning sadistically, Red dragged his feather across her arch and reached over to scratch in between her toes.

"Kitchy koo...!"

"No...no, please...! Hahahaaa!" Struggling against his torture, Ashley finally gave in and exploded into hysteric laughter, music to Red's ears and assurance that his goal had almost been achieved. Letting loose giggles and cackles as Red's tortourous implement carressed and explored every inch of her soft, sensitive feet.

"Enjoying yourself, Ashley dear?"

"St-stop, stahahaahap! This is so stupid, Red! Haahahahaaaa!" Instinctively tugging at her legs, Ashley wailed and laughed like a girl half her age.

"You won't think it's stupid when I get exactly what I want..." He focused his feather's torment on her arches and reveled in her increasing laughter.

"I won't give in to anything, hahaha! Not to you, not at aahahahall!" Her toes wiggled and curled uselessly as Red explored her soft arches, tormenting her left foot with the feather, and teasing her right foot with his fingers. He couldn't help but smile widely as he relished in her panicked giggles and wrinkling soles. In fact, he couldn't help but help himself, as how close he was to her beautiful feet and how much he desired her crossed to inflame his passion and courage, and he proceeded to lick his lips and dragged his tongue up and down her soles. The sudden change in tactics, and the tactic itself, startled Ashley as she squealed in surprise and giggled openly. "Ack! Red, what are yooaahahahaha!! No, no, no!!" Her toes wiggled frantically, which only served to feed his desire as his tongue migrated toward the struggling toes, licking underneath and in between, taking them into his mouth and sucking deeply, each attack upping the level of Ashley's laughter exponentially.

"Mmm...ahhmm..." he muttered, losing himself in the taste of Ashley's feet, which he had desired for long but acheived only in lonely fantasies. Though her laugher and begs for mercy thrilled him, for those moments of bliss where his tongue met her sole and mouth enveloped her toes, Red lost sight of his original goal of torture and had temporarily averted to one of desire, one of indulgence. Every lick, every slurp, every taste was a moment of victory, triumph over staring at her feet from afar and indulging in her discarded footwear late at night. He slurped and nibbled to his heart's desire as her cackles and giggles caressed his ears and played with his desires. Only when he had tasted and enjoyed every inch of her bare soles and given fair attention to every last one of her ten wriggling toes did he look up and speak once more.

"I'd be happy to stop once you give in to my demands, Ashley..."

"No no no! You can't make me!"

"I'd think that in your position," Red sneered, hopping off the bed, "you'd know that I can." Making his way over to Ashley's desk once more, he climbed up the chair and snatched a vial of ink.

"Red, what are you planning? What are you going to do with that ink?" Ashley asked, raising an eyebrow as she watched Red climb back up onto her bed. Keeping a steady hand to avoid spilling any ink out of the vial, he dipped the pointed end of Ashley's prized quill into the vial. Withdrawing it and holding the quill between his fingers like a pen, he touched it to her sole and dragged the feather down, leaving a trail of ink and elicting screams of laughter.

"Perfect," he muttered, as he went to the top of his line and proceeded to draw a curve from the top halfway down to form a P, and then added another diagonal line to form an R. "Can you guess what I'm going to write, Ashley?" he asked, not halting his duties for a second. He listened for any sort of response hidden inside her peals of laughter, but the focused, pointed tip of the quill scratching her soft, sensitive soles proved far too effective for Ashley to express any form of coherent thought. "That's okay, I'll just keep on writing then. You can guess later," he giggled, now finishing writing RED in large letters on the ball of her foot, pausing with the quill tip firmly pressed at the bottom of the D. "How does that feel, Ashley?"

Red looked between the girl's toes to see Ashley's face. Her eyes were wide open in laughter, her mouth in a wide, laughing mouth he had never before seen on her face. Sweat and tears already streamed down her face, matting and mussing her hair and pressing it to her head. Her shoulders and chest heaved as she panted and gasped for air before she could finally speak. "You're...you're evil, Red...it's...it's too much..."

"Enough to make you give in?"

"N-No!" Ashley's previous infuriated stare had now given way to a softer, more sympathetic look, all but broken. "I...I don't want to give in to you...I can't let myself..."

"Fine," Red stated simply, quickly beginning to continue writing near the arch of her foot to her sudden yells and screams of laughter, "I've still got plenty of room to write." His slow, deliberate handwriting never ceasing, but never increasing, continued to make long, wide strokes on the sole of Ashley's foot, increasing her whines and squeals thusly. His hand swooped and dove across her foot, almost as though he were conducting a veritable symphony of laughter forced from the poor girl's lungs. In no time at all, the world "RULES!" had been purposefully written onto her bare sole, primarily filling up her arch. Moving his attention to her right foot, Red grew bored of writing and began to idly scribble across her other sole randomly, which did nothing to decrease her laughs and giggles. Whimsical curves and shapes decorated her foot until at last Red's artistic inspiration fizzled, and he placed the quill back into the vial he got it from. He stood and walked over to the girl's head, grinning devilishly at her state. He took a kind of perverse pleasure in her tear-stroked cheeks and matted hair as he gently brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes. "Are you going to listen to me now, Ashley?"

"A-Anything...I'll listen to anything...I'll do anything...anything..."

"Good," he said, smiling calmly at her. "First," he began, "I want to be treated as a friend, not as a slave."

"O-Okay...I can do that..." she sighed.

"Second," he continued, "I want some consideration to be paid to the things I say and suggest."

"Alright! Alright! Anything else?"

"One final thing," he said, rubbing his chin. He sat down next to her head, his eyes downcast. "I want..." he sighed, "I just want to know you appreciate me. I go above and beyond what you ask of me, but I do it because I care about you, and sometimes it's really discouraging when I feel like you don't care about me." He rubbed his eyes idly, sighing a bit now that it was off his chest. Ashley simply smiled.

"Oh, Red...of course I care about you. I'll be sure to show it more often from now on, as long as it'll make you happy."

Red squealed in joy and tugged at the sock binding Ashley's hands to her bedpost, who eagerly stretched and exercised her free arms. "Thank you so much Ashley, it all means so very much to me!" he almost sang, happily skipping his way down to her feet, which he swiftly untied. "You know, I didn't do this just to get you to appreciate me, I did it to prove to you and myself that I was strong enough to do it..."

When Red turned around, the last thing he saw was Ashley swiftly bringing her shoe down on his forehead, and his world went black.

"Ow..." Red groaned as his vision swam in front of him. He shook his head to clear it to see that Ashley, now fully dressed, including her footwear, standing in front of him in her basement/dungeon. A quick tug at his limbs confirmed that he was strapped to the wall in an X position. "Wh-what?! What did you do that for, Ashley?!"

"Using my socks to tie me to the bed was a good idea. It's just that you didn't tie them well enough. It would've been child's play to slip myself free. You may want to work on that," she lectured.

"Slip yourself...wait, so you could've...?!"

"Yeah, I would've had no trouble pulling myself out. Those bonds were pretty weak. But for practice, it suited me better to see what you could do."

"Aww, what a downer," he groaned.

"Also...about the things you did to me up there..." she whispered, glaring, slowly closing in on him.

"N-No! Ashley, wait! Gaaah!!" he protested, struggling and wiggling frantically against his bonds as Ashley slowly took step after step toward him, closer and closer until she was practically upon him. Red closed his eyes and braced himself, wincing in fear.

All he felt was a light kiss on his cheek.

He opened his eyes to see Ashley smiling adorably, even blushing a bit. "Thanks for what you did, Red. It was nice to know you had it in you."

"Aw...Ashley...thanks, Ashley..." Red giggled, his blushing invisible against his red skin. His giggles stopped for a moment when Ashley waved the feather quill he was using to break her across his vision as she continued to grin.

"But that doesn't mean I don't want to get you back," she sang, teasingly. Agonizingly slowly, ignoring his pleas, she inched the feather closer and closer to his vulnerable body.

"Kitchy kitchy koo..."

As the sun began to rise and Red's tickled laughter echoed in the early morning air, neither of the two would get any sleep.
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Wow....incredibly detailed man....you really know how to set a scene....
Its just as good the second or third time around buddy. Great work!
Great story... I am interested if you will make more...

That was really good, I've always wanted to see ashley get tickled
That is awesome dude, you'd think there is a sweet little girl under that dark side 😉
along with monas fic this deserves a bump and more praise than it was given
both stories were good and the TK-scenes were all good
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