Most random thing you've ever come back with from a night out?
Oh god...flashback memories from high school. I don't know if I can call it random, but for some reason I came home with a cross cut out in the back of my head (this was before I shaved my head). If you have seen the MTV version of Romeo and Juliette, one of the dudes there have a cross cut out in the back of his head. My mum was NOT happy... haha!
Hey Cavum, my fellow dungeon friend!
😀 😛
How's the
ONLY Norwegian guru doing today?
Im doing great, thanks for asking buddy!
Are Norwegians more noble than Swedes?
I have to say no...Moust Norwegian are normaly idiots with no respect for other people. Say for example if your going out of the train/bus/subway, EVERYONE flock in front of the door to get in before you even can get out. Sweeds are much nicer that way (and they have cheaper smoke and alcohol).
We should have stayed being vikings! Conquer all!!
but of course christianity came and fucked that up 😛
Whatever floats your boat... 😛
First and foremost, would you consider yourself Norwegian, or Scandinavian?
I have to say Norwegian to that one! Even after my statement over here, Im proud to be Norwergian!
What is the best gig (in your opinion) that PetroChemical have ever performed?
That has to be the Q-Base festival 2008 in Germany! Huge party with about 20.000-30.000 visitors.
What is your favorite scary movie of all time?
Todays Scarymovies suck ass, so we have to go back in time.
But being a zombiefreak I have to say DAY OF THE DEAD (the original one).
Best fucking zombie movie EVER!!!
How old were you when you first started DJing?
It was in 1996, so I was 13 years old!
Here is a pic of me a few years after I started DJing.
Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
Because I told the bottle I would kick it's ass if it did.
Why doesn't glue stick to the cap on the end of the bottle?
It used to do that but after I opened a can of WHOPASS on the cap...well you understand the story