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Aunt Monica's Will (group/f, some nudity)


TMF Poster
Nov 14, 2004
It had been years since Kyla had seen her aunt Monica. In most cases a family tries to stay together or at least in touch over the years but Kyla's aunt was a sucker for the strange and mysterious. The Occult called to Monica's very being, and that had always kind of creeped out Kyla. Monica had taken her in as a child after Kyla's parents mysterious demise, unfortunately to Kyla's dismay she always felt like a guest. Not being allowed in this room or that but it hadn't been a problem since the house was bigger than most Motels. It was a stuffy environment for a small child, and with no children living close Kyla pretty much kept to her own imagination. This actually worked out for the better as she would become a pretty decent writer. Not to say she was on the top 10 bestseller list, but she kept a modest collection of books she wrote, and had one book make the top 30 one year keeping her at a rather comfortable lifestyle.
So when one day in the mail there came a letter from the estates of Monica La'Rue, it came as a total surprise to Kyla. She had no idea what her Aunt might want, it certainly wasn't coffee and a catch-up chat. Enclosed it read....

Dear Kyla, you are the last living Heir of the La'Rue family. Should this letter find you well, we'd like you to call the number below immediately. Tickets are to be purchased on your behalf to La'Rue Estates in Delta, Colorado where the will is to be read following funeral proceedings for Monica La'Rue. We at Delta funeral home send our sincerest apologies for your loss.

Wilbur Finesteen
Delta Funeral Curator

Kyla sat up in her oversize Virginia style chair and re-read the letter several times. She had had no interest in her family tree but was she honestly the last?
"I'm certainly not any Mohican" she joked to herself. But maybe a change in families would have suited her well had she of known what kind of road lay ahead of her.

As if the over zealous flight attendant wasn't enough to make Klya have a bad flight, she could have blamed it on the ever nosy passenger she was sat beside. B11 was not her lucky number apparently. By the time the flight ended she was at an em pass of exhaustion. Barely able to keep her eyes open she wandered out of the plane as the de-board lights flashed in the background. Awaiting her was a well dressed driver head to toe in black (including cap) with a sign which bared her name.
"I hope you had a good flight miss La'Rue, its a bit of a drive as you might remember", poked the driver.
"Not what I would have expected, but at least I'm here and not in some mountain" Kyla jested.
Glancing back to his ever flashing watch, the driver began to grab her bags and shove them into the roomier 50's style trunk that seemed like it was out of a Al Cappone Bio-pic. "Lets get you to where you need to be Ms. La'Rue, the executor was expecting you earlier.
As the driver finished the packing of the back trunk, Kyla flopped into the back seat enjoying the feel of the velvet interior of the car on her face. It wasn't long until the back trunk was slammed shut and they were ready to depart from the ever busy Blake Field Airport.

It seemed like only moments until Kyla was at her childhood home. (I must have fell asleep) she thought to herself. As she got out of the car, the driver laid out all of her luggage and said his goodbyes. As she fumbled with a bag and the gigantic oak style doors a well dressed lady came to the door to aid her.
"Ooh, let me help you with those bags my darling. I'm Nadeen Finesteen, my husband Wilbur had to take a short leave to tend to other business but he told me he'd be back shortly. Would you like some coffee?"
Instantly Kyla felt under dressed in her pink blouse, brand name yoga pants and sneakers. "Yes, that would be fine thank you so much" agreed Kyla. Mrs. Finesteen led her through the halls into a slightly more modest kitchen Aunt Monica must have set up as a personal kitchen to the Maids and butlers.
"Here, have a seat dear, how do you like your coffee?"
"Two cream, two sugar is good" Kyla replied. Nadeen Finesteen was no slouch in the kitchen, she had coffee ready in a matter of moments. As she sat the cup by Kyla, she took a seat directly across from her at the table.
"What do you think of all of this my dear, it must be hard to be the last of your family" Nadeen empathized. Honestly at this point in the journey Kyla hadn't taken a lot of time to think about it. She had always been kind of a loner even though men flocked to her when turned up at a bar or in a public place. She just hadn't found her soul mate quite yet and she wasn't quite ready to give up on that childish dream.
"I guess, but than again I was never close to Monica, she had a weird way about her" Kyla laughed.
"I know what you mean dear, not to say I don't have kind words to say about your aunt, she wasn't the most outgoing and bubbly person I've ever met. Interesting is probably the best way to describe her. Some people even think she used a Ouija board to bring restless spirits into this house". As Nadeen started to talk her face became quite serious and if Kyla looked really close she could even sense a bit of fear. "But then again, people talk a lot out here, not much else to do" Nadeen jested as she formed a weak chuckle to accompany it. "But its late my dear, why don't I should you a the room we've prepared for you and we'll review the will tomorrow in the light of day".
"Sounds like a great idea, your coffee is good, but it would take a lot more to free me from this jet lag I'm feeling". Kyla left her cup where it sat, picked up a bag of clothes she knew she'd wear and signaled to the door that she was ready to depart. The room was set up nicely. Her bed was like something out of Prince Humperdinks Castle, and completing the room was golden candle holders hanging off the wall, nothing modern. Just how she'd remembered it..... Eccentric.
Nadeen was about to leave when she turned. "Goodnight, sweet dreams. See you at 8 am sharp". And with that Kyla was left with her thoughts of what the will might say, she wasn't overly concerned, but curious.
As she slept she had the weirdest dreams, some familiar faces, some unknown, one of them possibly Aunt Monica, she was even more uncertain when the light of day was felt through the slits of her eyes. Too exhausted to get undressed last night she peered over to the wind up clock on the wall, it read 7:45. Looking into the mirror to straighten up her hair and face she realized that she wasn't wearing a bra under her blouse. She could have swore that she hadn't taken anything off last night. Diving back into the blankets she surveyed the bed for the lost bra, but to her amazement, nothing was found. She finally decided to shrug it off, put on another set of clothes and forget the endless night of tossing and turning. This time she decided to go with a matching set of black lingerie, blue colored dress shirt, some slacks and black boots. She dressed quickly and set off down the stairs to meet the Finesteens. Walking down the hall and past the small kitchen again she saw they had already made themselves at home, drinking coffee settled around the table at the corner of the room.
"Kyla I presume" questioned Wilbur as he made his way over for a handshake. "I'm sorry for your loss, she was an.....interesting woman to say the least".
"You don't have to humor me Mr. Feinsteen, we weren't the closest. But I appreciate it all the same."
"Yes, very good. Now lets get down to brass taxes shall we?". He jestured to his wife for the papers he required. "According to this will most of the late Mrs. La'Rue's actual money is going to her charities of choice, however she does have kind of a Brewsters Millions proposal for you here".
Kyla was a little put off by this, being her only relative she wasn't getting a dime. Couldn't they just have told her this over the phone? "What kind of proposal is this?" she inquired.
"Well, its nothing difficult, no kind of fear factor style challenges. She states that if you can stay in this house for one week without leaving these doors, the house and everything in it is yours. I have been personally hired if you do so decide to take this challenge to install cameras outside of all the exits to make sure you keep your end of the bargain. And of course you'll have plenty of food, there is an extensive library upstairs which I assume you remember. "
"Not really. I was told to keep out of most rooms as a child, but it would be nice to finally get to explore all of the nooks and crannies of the house. And a summer house in Delta is a good place to get away and write a novel every once and a while". The excitement in her voice brought a smile to both of the Finesteens.
"Than it's settled. Starting tomorrow for one week, I'll see to it that everything is taken care of. Anything specific you like from the market?"
"I trust in your judgement Wilbur is it? If my Aunt trusted you, I believe I can as well."
"Very good, we'll see you tomorrow Ms. La'Rue, and might I add you'd be a fine addition to our little community here". Wilbur and Nadeen made their way out of the house. Looking back only to smile once again and wave goodbye. "Oh wait, some of the rooms are locked, here is the master key. Or skeleton key, whichever you like to call it" stumbled Wilbur as he handed it to her.
As Kyla took the key in her hand, she found it hard not to notice that it literally did have a skeleton shape for the head of the key. "Thanks again" she called from the hallway as the door slammed shut behind the Finesteens. She looked around unable to decide where to start looking. {Maybe old aunt Monica had bought a couple my books} she thought to herself scaling the stairs up to find the library she never seen. Of course in all the excitement she had completely forgotten about the loss of her bra. As she reached the door, she did in fact find the room locked. Using the key, the door opened without problem, and inside stood an immaculate collection of all kinds of books seemingly in category. Romance on the left side of the room, a bit of horror and fiction in the middle, and the left is what caught her eye. Clearly the most passion she had towards anything in this room was the occult, new books, old books, ones that looked as though they were bound in birch bark and human skin. Some of the older ones she pulled out were written completely in Latin, while others seemed to have an offset language she had never seen before. Just a whisper from one of these could make this closed in room breezy and a chill run down her spine. Already she was rethinking the weeks time she would have to endure, it would be doubtful after that if she spent anymore time here.
"Ohh old Aunt Monica, why were you so gullible, I'm sure you paid a fortune alone for some of these books, and for what?". Her questions went unanswered in the solitude of only her own company. All of the sudden she thought she heard footsteps coming from the downstairs hallway. "Must be the Finesteens coming back for another coffee" she said as she began to giggle to herself. Kyla then proceeded to put the old supposedly leather bound books back in their spots and made her way down the stairs. As she started down a dark figure raced towards the basement door. Her pace quickened, but was only fast enough to see the basement door slam shut. Getting to door, she again pulled out her key to see what the big deal was. {Must be thrill seekers seeing if there are any ghosts about} she thought to herself. The strange thing was that the basement door no matter how hard she tried would not budge, the key was absolutely useless. Knocking a couple of times, kyla than felt stupid for even attempting. The only thought was to go back upstairs and continue to read those weird books upstairs, clearly she was seeing things, and it wasn't even the first day yet.
Kyla awoke the next day in a chair in the library. " I must have fallen asleep in here last night, do I ever feel terrible". Grumbling and wiping the sleep from her eyes, it only took her a moment to realize what was wrong. Her breasts were rather colder than they usually were and as she looked down it appeared as though something sharp, possibly a pair of scissors had been used to cut down the middle of her shirt, not forgetting the bra in the process leaving the front of her top completely open. "What the hell happened last night, am I sleep walking, did I fall and not remember". She scratched at her brown hair stunned at seeing her 30c's at attention from the cool breeze coming from a crack in the wall. "My god, first my bra goes missing, than this. I'm locking every door tonight. And if this is the work of some local pervert kid those cameras will catch him in action. I'm not afraid to sue!"
Reminding herself of Wilbur Finesteens final job, she decided to change her top and go downstairs to see how he was coming along. When she got there the job was done and a note was left reading...

Dear Ms. LaRue, I'm sure you'll be successful in you challenge. This house is not haunted, I'm sure of it. Good luck and all the best.

ps. Made myself some coffee. I also left you some.

Sincerely Wilbur Finesteen

As she read the end of the note, looking up she noticed that the door to the basement was actually open. "Wilbur must have fixed that for me" she said aloud to herself. Feeling an adventure coming on, she decided to grab that last cup of coffee for courage, and take her chances down the stairs. She had never been down there, but what was the worst that could happen?

She was all set, a flashlight, a cup of coffee, a fresh shirt, and she was feeling good, fear had yet to enter her mind since she had first woke up. As she made her way down the wooden stairs, she came to a landing with a door on one side and another older concrete set of stairs on the other. After a moment to debate her final decision was to go all the way down and work her way up, half because she wanted to see how deep it really went. It seemed like forever she had been walking until finally she reached the final four stairs to the bottom. "Alright almost there" she prodded herself nervously. Suddenly the flashlight she was holding started to flash finally going out leaving her in pitch black darkness.
"Where is the light around here anyways" she said out loud to the darkness. A flash lit a corner of the room as a match was struck only a few feet away from where Kyla was standing. A hooded face was all she could see.
" You know there ain't no switches down here Ms. La'Rue, your orders" addressed the man in black.
"My orders, I just got here, you must be mistaken. My aunt owned this house before, I in..."
"You also told me never to listen to your stories Ms. La'Rue, this domicile is for torture and torture alone" poised the man in black cutting off Kylas words now seeming more like a plea.
"Torture, that's not really my thing, I best be getting to the main floor, if you'll excuse m...". The door slammed behind Kyla, she was now officially terrified and in complete blackness aside from the weak light of a match that should have been out by now.
"You know the deal Ms. La'Rue, are we doing this the hard way or the easy way?" inquired the man in black.
"I'm not my aunt, you have to listen to me I..."
"Have it your way". He stepped back out of the light and a double clap of hands instructed other figures to step out of the shadows. It was hard to say how many people stood around Kyla. They started in tugging at her shirt, her belt, than a faint sound of scissors could be heard. The sickening sound of her blue dress shirt being cut off her body was alarming and arousing at the same time. What was the use of struggling if you couldn't see and the door behind was closed without a knob. The many hands continued to do their work. A snip of a bra-strap as it tangled in with her already mangled shirt, arms restraining her as the dark figures worked her belt, but after a while it was cut too for good measure. She than felt herself being lifted off the ground. They even cut all of her shoe laces, mangled her socks, ripped off her panties until she was naked and kneeling on the cold concrete floor. Right away she was lead to a seat rather comfortable on her firm bare ass.
"Please, please believe me, I'm not Monica, I'm Kyla, my aunt died and she gave me this..." The match lit again and the man in blacks face came into view.
"You know even if you were right, I'm just a humble torturers apprentice, do you know how pissed my master would be if I let a sweet thing like you go? I'd be the laughing stock of the undead torturers society." He finished with a smile as hand clasped hers and tied them above her head. Her legs pulled out and a bang of wood on wood let her know she was not going anywhere for quite some time.
"Lights please" the man in black instructed. As the first bit of light hit Kylas eyes it took her a moment to adjust. What she saw when her vision cleared was an array of torture devices hung all over the wall, about 10 men all dressed in black like the one she saw in front of her with a shit grin, and the bulk if not all of her clothes in a pile. "I'd like to start by saying thank you for being here today, good of you to stop by. Beautiful body and even though were a tad on the dead side, I imagine we'll enjoy this just as much as you". About to speak in her defense, Kyla was instantly gagged by her own underwear, an adhesive material was applied so the panties would stay. A wooden door was opened in between her legs and an apprentices head came out and dove into her hairless pussy. Two others began sucking on her pretty toes painted a bright red.
"Yes Miss La'Rue might be dead, but we are forever. This house is forever". The many hand of the apprentices didn't miss a spot, and neither did their tongues. Two were making love to each of her breasts, pulling and sucking. Even another trap door under her ass had dropped and someone was tickling her ass. It was torture and ecstasy in unison, no one feeling for more than a moment accept for the nagging tickling and her laughter echoing through the concrete catacombs of the basement.
"And now for the finale Kyla, I hope you enjoy". Between the sucking, and the tickling, Kyla begged in her gag for it to end. Hopeless as it was to try, she exhausted her mind, as they exhausted the rest of her. The man in black was up to something. She couldn't focus at first, but it was becoming clear. The tongue doing a workout in her pussy was not letting up, and her will to resist was long since retired. Her toes were soggy and her breasts chaffed, but still she tried to focus. It was her clothes, they were all on fire, the only thing she had left was the mangled pair of panties gagging her pleas. Than her breasts began to throb, the licking more seductive than playful now. The apprentice at her mound had oiled her well, she was not any kind of slut, only really having sex from her last boyfriend years ago but without trouble he had one, two, three fingers in her and counting thrusting them in and out viciously. It wasn't until she felt 5 fingers in a duck position that she had enough motivation to focus in between blurs. By the time she realized what was happening, she was a puppet to one of the apprentices and she couldn't control her exploding orgasm after orgasm until finally she passed out.
When she awoke, Kyla found herself on the main floor naked in a pile of ashes. As she picked herself up, she started to remember what had happened to her last night. The taste of cotton filled her mouth as she reached in and pulled out the leftovers of her panties.
After searching the entire house, she realized that the apprentices had burned all of her clothes including socks and shoes. After last nights happenings all she wanted to do was leave. And then in all the madness, thoughts and replays of the night before she began to laugh.
"I wonder if my Aunt has anything to wear?"

The End
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