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AVP: Who Won the Battle/War/Fight?

Winner of AVP!

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F.L. Atlanta 10

3rd Level Indigo Feather
Apr 17, 2005
This is a question that has popped into my head after viewing AVP [Alien Vs. Predator]: Who do you think won the fight, battle, war, etc.... and Why?

I think that Predator won since the last ET that was shown to have died on the 'Battle Field' was a Predator. I view things as a 'win' when there is one man, woman, child, or in this case, ET standing or at least lasts longer than their opposition. Another case in point, Gladiator when Russell Crowe's character defeated & killed the emporer and then later on [few moments] died himself.

There is my view, but I am curious in knowing how the others who have seen AVP think the victor was.

P.S. - Voting is Public. Again, I am curious in knowing the members here who have seen AVP opinion(s)!
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I was pulling for the Predators (since they're obstensibly on "our" side; Predators are basically meaner, stronger heroic versions of ourselves). But the closing image in the film is the Alien chest burster, breaking free to charge on to battles new. He (it?) is the "last man standing" from the Earth-bound conflict we observed. Sure, he's now aboard a vessel swarming with blood-mad Predator warriors... but that's another story.
Littlebighead said:
I was pulling for the Predators (since they're obstensibly on "our" side; Predators are basically meaner, stronger heroic versions of ourselves). But the closing image in the film is the Alien chest burster, breaking free to charge on to battles new. He (it?) is the "last man standing" from the Earth-bound conflict we observed. Sure, he's now aboard a vessel swarming with blood-mad Predator warriors... but that's another story.

I actually thought about that, but the reason the I didn't mentioned it was simply the fact that the Alien Chest Burster at the end was not apart of the actual fighting. Good point though Littlebighead.
F.L. Atlanta said:
I actually thought about that, but the reason the I didn't mentioned it was simply the fact that the Alien Chest Burster at the end was not apart of the actual fighting. Good point though Littlebighead.

Yes and No with F.L. Atlanta's response here. Yes the Alien Chest Burster was not apart of the actual fighting at the end, but No since when the Pred. got 'face hugged' it was during the battle, so in short, as much as I HATE to admit it, Last Thing Standing at the end of AVP and Probable Winner - Alien
Predators won the battle

Many assume that the PredAlien chestburster could kill the entire crew, now yes the pred alien is the strongest on record bonding of species of alien but realistically, a ship of veteran hunters could easily dispatch of it
i went with predator... even tho guard in my work thinks batman could defeat a predator.... but his breath smells like a Sewer 🙂
Another thing to think about and most probable winner of AVP, End of the Movie 4 Predator Warriors + the Head Warrior if you will to the 1 Chestburster Alien. 5 Full Fledged Warrior Preds could easily dispose of the newbie Alien. Look at our last reamining teenaged Pred and how easily he killed the newbie alien that came outta Sebastian. Predators won AVP!
5 Full Fledged Warrior Preds could easily dispose of the newbie Alien

True true... If only they knew about the Chestburster. By the time they notice that something is wrong, the young Alien will surely find a hiding place. After a few hours, the chestburster will grow and become the Predalien. I'm not sure if the Hunters are prepared to fight such creature (after all... they were hunting only "normal" Aliens). Besides... The chestburster was not the only Alien that survived the battle. The Queen is still out there, lurking under the ice... I think there is a sequel coming ^__-

Ps. I think the Aliens won ^__^
I thank those who have responded and all have made good points. I was actually thinking along the same lines as you michal, the regular Preds might have a bit of trouble with the PredAlien. However, if there was/were a Super Predator, like the regulars, but a bit advanced, then maybe the 'Super' Alien [PredAlien] would have a challenge. In my mind, a Super Predator would have double shoulder cannons, with one cannon having a faster firing rate, and double writs blades. I.E. a wrist blade or blades on each wrist. Still armed with the net, throwing star, spear, and the knife. Plus, the Super Pred would still enjoy good old fashioned Hand to Hand combat. I would like to see another Alien movie featuring the PredAlien and another Predator movie featuring the Super Predator and then seeing another AVP movie with both the PredAlien and the Super Predator. Wishful thinking and I seriously doubt that will happen, but one never knows.
In the Alien trilogy time period it would seem that the Predators are nowhere around.I think,just like the humans,the Predators are too sure of themselves because of their technology.This always proves to be disasterous when dealing with the Aliens.

In the originally restored Alien scenes,it would appear that a lone Alien could actually create a facehugger-egg on its own,if it utilized a captured host(this is what happend to the Nostromos Captain) It may be possible that the Predalien could then reproduce and possibly give birth to a Predalien Queen.This would give the Predaliens a new edge since the Queen can mass produce young If this were to come about,it is possible that the Predators homeworlds became infected and Predators are now extinct in that timeline. If so it would only be a matter of time before human explorers stumbled a whole system crawling with Predaliens.

Thus,I think the Aliens won by a longshot.
Triple T said:
In the Alien trilogy time period it would seem that the Predators are nowhere around.I think,just like the humans,the Predators are too sure of themselves because of their technology.This always proves to be disasterous when dealing with the Aliens.

In the originally restored Alien scenes,it would appear that a lone Alien could actually create a facehugger-egg on its own,if it utilized a captured host(this is what happend to the Nostromos Captain) It may be possible that the Predalien could then reproduce and possibly give birth to a Predalien Queen.This would give the Predaliens a new edge since the Queen can mass produce young If this were to come about,it is possible that the Predators homeworlds became infected and Predators are now extinct in that timeline. If so it would only be a matter of time before human explorers stumbled a whole system crawling with Predaliens.

Thus,I think the Aliens won by a longshot.

interesting points you got here Triple T!
The predators are not in the alien timeline in movies because they are by concept different stories. Hell, the director even said he put a alien skull in predator II as a gag and from there it spawned the fan fics, just like in Jason goes to hell and freddy's claw came out at the end, it was a gag by the director and had no bearing on the freddy vs jason movie.

The predators began breeding and seeding aliens on planets with human or other large animal life so they could spawn and grow into massive colonies and then they would hunt them. They effectively train for fighting aliens and other dangerous species. Reason why the marines\humans lost to the aliens is because they were confined to small quarters and never dealt with them before, same goes for the young predators in AVP, these were young "teens" so to speak, fighting a small colony of aliens that are instinctual in their actions. Plus, if one were to say aliens could infect the pred home world, i ask how? Because we've seen what happens when a predator knows its life is near its end and he detonates his armband, taking out roughly 300 city blocks. Now in AVP its said they did this when overrun before, now unless some planet wide detonation was done, a handful of preds self destructing would easily wipe out a queen and the colony.

Theres no way the race of predators could be overrun and destroyed by Aliens. Hell, they couldnt even stop sigourney weaver...lol
goodieluver said:
The predators are not in the alien timeline in movies because they are by concept different stories. Hell, the director even said he put a alien skull in predator II as a gag and from there it spawned the fan fics, just like in Jason goes to hell and freddy's claw came out at the end, it was a gag by the director and had no bearing on the freddy vs jason movie.

The predators began breeding and seeding aliens on planets with human or other large animal life so they could spawn and grow into massive colonies and then they would hunt them. They effectively train for fighting aliens and other dangerous species. Reason why the marines\humans lost to the aliens is because they were confined to small quarters and never dealt with them before, same goes for the young predators in AVP, these were young "teens" so to speak, fighting a small colony of aliens that are instinctual in their actions. Plus, if one were to say aliens could infect the pred home world, i ask how? Because we've seen what happens when a predator knows its life is near its end and he detonates his armband, taking out roughly 300 city blocks. Now in AVP its said they did this when overrun before, now unless some planet wide detonation was done, a handful of preds self destructing would easily wipe out a queen and the colony.

Theres no way the race of predators could be overrun and destroyed by Aliens. Hell, they couldnt even stop sigourney weaver...lol

AMEN brotha! I concur with you 110%!
First of all,Avs P established the two franchises into the same universe.The Aliens in Avs P were also in the "puppy" stage and a single one slaughtered two predators in a hand to hand fight.The Predators can only handle the Aliens in a controlled enviorment or else they panic and blow themselves up. If they kept blowing themselves up on their homeworld they would be inflicting just as much damage on their own people.The new breed of Predaliens would also have all the Predators strenths in a more powerful package and would be more likely be more intelligent then a basic Alien. the Predators would probably not get the chance to survive long enough to effectivly wipe out the Predaliens
The Predators could'nt even take on an ultra-liberal like Danny Glover.
Triple T said:
First of all,Avs P established the two franchises into the same universe.The Aliens in Avs P were also in the "puppy" stage and a single one slaughtered two predators in a hand to hand fight.The Predators can only handle the Aliens in a controlled enviorment or else they panic and blow themselves up. If they kept blowing themselves up on their homeworld they would be inflicting just as much damage on their own people.The new breed of Predaliens would also have all the Predators strenths in a more powerful package and would be more likely be more intelligent then a basic Alien. the Predators would probably not get the chance to survive long enough to effectivly wipe out the Predaliens
The Predators could'nt even take on an ultra-liberal like Danny Glover.

Aliens couldn't take out S.W. and the Preds couldn't take out Arnold or Danny, WHY, because that was how the DAMN script was written. Bad Guys NEVER, EVER WIN! Aliens in AVP = Bad, therefore, they LOST! Look at it this way, Aliens 1 - 4 had numerous Aliens, hence the S at the end of Alien in the title(s), and In the Predator Movies, 1 single Pred took on humans. I never saw Predator 2, but of the parts I have seen, Kevin Peter Hall as the Predator in both 1 & 2 took out a helluva alot of people before meeting unavoidable death. Aliens, same thing, but dammit, there were a helluva alot more aliens as well. Also, that one alien took out 2 of the 3 Preds because, yet again, the script call for that action.
Triple T said:
First of all,Avs P established the two franchises into the same universe.The Aliens in Avs P were also in the "puppy" stage and a single one slaughtered two predators in a hand to hand fight.The Predators can only handle the Aliens in a controlled enviorment or else they panic and blow themselves up. If they kept blowing themselves up on their homeworld they would be inflicting just as much damage on their own people.The new breed of Predaliens would also have all the Predators strenths in a more powerful package and would be more likely be more intelligent then a basic Alien. the Predators would probably not get the chance to survive long enough to effectivly wipe out the Predaliens
The Predators could'nt even take on an ultra-liberal like Danny Glover.

Once again, these were young predators whom had never hunted before, the whole point of the temple is to test them and make them warriors, a trial by fire so to speak. Its a given that some will die, those who survive the temple challenge are worthy, survival of the fittest,Their whole lifestyle is based around combat and honor, hence why they will resort to hand to hand rather than use technology because it gives a more thrill to the hunt. In the first predator, the pred could have easily gutted arnold, but he wanted the thrill of hunting a human who challenged him, also the aliens\pred timelines merged due to the skull in pred 2 and then began the massive dark horse comic line of predators and aliens. The third predator, named "scar" took out a large portion of the aliens and can be credited with killing the queen alien.

A pred alien wouldnt be smarter, to use a term from aliens, they're just "A Bug". Ants have been living for centuries but we dont see them rising up against us(unless u look at cheap B movies that use radiation). Yes the predalien would be stronger and faster but its instincts remain the same. The aliens we've seen before have been human hybrids and dog hybrids, other than physical characteristics being different, their instincts remain the same. Yes they learn as all animals do, but one generation of predalien wouldnt be able to outwit a large cruiser of veteran hunters.

The self destruct was only used when the predator had exhausted all chances of survival, in the first he was crushed by a tree and dying, in the second, he was severely wounded from shotgun blasts and was soon to fall to his death.

Finally, theres a diff between glover and weaver, heh u dont fuck with Murtaugh lol, esp who in pred 2 is playin a LA cop who's more irritable than typical LA cops
F.L. Atlanta said:
Aliens couldn't take out S.W. and the Preds couldn't take out Arnold or Danny, WHY, because that was how the DAMN script was written. Bad Guys NEVER, EVER WIN! Aliens in AVP = Bad, therefore, they LOST! Look at it this way, Aliens 1 - 4 had numerous Aliens, hence the S at the end of Alien in the title(s), and In the Predator Movies, 1 single Pred took on humans. I never saw Predator 2, but of the parts I have seen, Kevin Peter Hall as the Predator in both 1 & 2 took out a helluva alot of people before meeting unavoidable death. Aliens, same thing, but dammit, there were a helluva alot more aliens as well. Also, that one alien took out 2 of the 3 Preds because, yet again, the script call for that action.

But scar took out a facehugger, chest burster and several mature aliens, and can be credited with taking the queen out. In every predator movie, the predator has effectively decimated entire platoons of heavily armed combat troops, from arnold and his elite special forces unit(and a unit of green berets) to a colombian drug cartel with heavy weaponry and a group of scientist special forces who were tryin to capture him. The hunter always wins, and the hunter is on the the opposite side of the gunbarrell
goodieluver said:
But scar took out a facehugger, chest burster and several mature aliens, and can be credited with taking the queen out. In every predator movie, the predator has effectively decimated entire platoons of heavily armed combat troops, from arnold and his elite special forces unit(and a unit of green berets) to a colombian drug cartel with heavy weaponry and a group of scientist special forces who were tryin to capture him. The hunter always wins, and the hunter is on the the opposite side of the gunbarrell

Exactly. Damn, I loved the way Scar ended that mature alien after taking out the face hugger. Also, the chestburster too. The Predators are about Hand to Hand Combat. Hell, if you saw the deleted scene where Arnie is running away from the Pred in Predator, you would have see the laser sight appear on Arnie, then move to the tree and then he fired the plasma cannon on his shoulder. Quoting Arnie after a few moments of running and plasma shots all around him, "The Son of a Bitch is playing with me."
In having just viewed AVP again, I would say that the most probable winner of AVP is Predator. Yes I know that earlier I had said Alien, but I had only watched AVP a few times, and both were late at night. If you take a look at the beginning of the movie, we see a Pred and a Alien. [from the extended version of the movie] Since the Preds didn't destroyed the Razorback Whaling station in 1904 that means that they won that battle. Now in 2004, they did destroy the whaling station but as a means of destroying the Aliens. Scar should be held accountable for the death of several mature aliens, tons of face huggers, and helping kill the queen all before dying. The queen is dead at the end of AVP, cause we see her sinking into the black oblivion of the Antartica Sea. Also, the Preds had the queen frozen and then when the scientists enter the temple/pyramid, they start the defreezing of the queen. Predators Won AVP!
Hue said:
In having just viewed AVP again, I would say that the most probable winner of AVP is Predator. Yes I know that earlier I had said Alien, but I had only watched AVP a few times, and both were late at night. If you take a look at the beginning of the movie, we see a Pred and a Alien. [from the extended version of the movie] Since the Preds didn't destroyed the Razorback Whaling station in 1904 that means that they won that battle. Now in 2004, they did destroy the whaling station but as a means of destroying the Aliens. Scar should be held accountable for the death of several mature aliens, tons of face huggers, and helping kill the queen all before dying. The queen is dead at the end of AVP, cause we see her sinking into the black oblivion of the Antartica Sea. Also, the Preds had the queen frozen and then when the scientists enter the temple/pyramid, they start the defreezing of the queen. Predators Won AVP!

Yea, chained to the water tower thingy. Also, if she managed to break free and return to land, after being in freezing water for so long and then climbing out into subzero temps. she would freeze up like a popsicle in a matter of an half hour or so, maybe in a matter of minutes.
Also, if she managed to break free and return to land, after being in freezing water for so long and then climbing out into subzero temps. she would freeze up like a popsicle in a matter of an half hour or so, maybe in a matter of minutes.

Don't forget that Aliens can survive in space. They simply can't freeze to death. Besides, the Queen in AvP was not frozen when humans entered the pyramid. She was "sleeping" (After all... Sitting alone for 100 years with no TV and nothing to read is really boring). The electricity was used not to unfreeze her but to "wake her up".
michal said:
Don't forget that Aliens can survive in space. They simply can't freeze to death. Besides, the Queen in AvP was not frozen when humans entered the pyramid. She was "sleeping" (After all... Sitting alone for 100 years with no TV and nothing to read is really boring). The electricity was used not to unfreeze her but to "wake her up".

I would have liked to respond to this sooner, but I have been busy. Wake her up, unfreeze her, reanimate, same diff really (then again, maybe not). Okay michal, if the queen was 'sleepng' how in the hell do you explain that 'freezer' look she had? When we first see the queen in AVP, she was not moving and had icicles on her. And when she moved her hand, there came the sound of ice breaking apart and ice chunks came loose and dropped to the ground. Again michal, how do you explain that? She looked frozen to me in AVP 'til 'revived'. Friendly reminder, tomorrow night at 9:19 pm, this poll closes, but that doesn't mean that you can't state in a reply which side you belive won AVP. So far, 7 to 5 favor the Predators in having won AVP.
F.L. Atlanta said:
I would have liked to respond to this sooner, but I have been busy. Wake her up, unfreeze her, reanimate, same diff really (then again, maybe not). Okay michal, if the queen was 'sleepng' how in the hell do you explain that 'freezer' look she had? When we first see the queen in AVP, she was not moving and had icicles on her. And when she moved her hand, there came the sound of ice breaking apart and ice chunks came loose and dropped to the ground. Again michal, how do you explain that? She looked frozen to me in AVP 'til 'revived'. Friendly reminder, tomorrow night at 9:19 pm, this poll closes, but that doesn't mean that you can't state in a reply which side you belive won AVP. So far, 7 to 5 favor the Predators in having won AVP.

Its a form of cryogenic suspension, its similar to hypersleep as seen in the first 2 alien(2) movies, they are kept in a suspended animated state where their internal functions are regulated. Now since this happens, for power reasons, power is run at minimal levels, such as heat, so heat is at minimal to no level to conserve power. If you look at aliens, they wipe off a layer of dust\ice off the cryo tube due to collection over time.
I saw this movie the other day on cinemax and boy am I glad that I didnt see it in theaters. Not thats its the worst movie. ITs just not very interesting. Its hard to tell who won that battle. The predator creature was owning like half the colony in the movie. Then he dropped off his bomb device and took out the egg nest. However, he died bravely in the end. Him and the uber scientist chick killed the queen. The other predator creatures and the leader took back the fallen hero and an alien pops out of the dead creatures chest signifying a AVP 2 maybe? conclusion?alien will win in the end cause there like cockroaches, ya kill one, and 1000 more come out and play. : )
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