This is one of the few black and white pictures of yours I've seen. Lets see, its ok, but what you might want to try and do next time is put more body into it. And what I mean by that is don't just focus on the face at the exclusion of everything else. Theres nothing wrong with simplfying something, but these characters in this picture are unproportionate. And the tickler has two right hands. You might try adding more contours to their bodies, so that they don't look blocky or choppy and look more like women. The expressions on their faces are good though, and that makes up for what you haven't done in this picture.
You know, something you could benefit from doing, and it would enhance your pictures, is to shade them. Your art could benefit from some shading.
One more little thing. Its more about you then about your art. You draw several pictures a week, and it leaves me wondering if your not just drawing them to draw them. What I would suggest, is that you slow down and improve your skill as opposed to quickly producing so so pictures. You won't get anywhere that way. I'm sure your trying your best to improve, but my question is, are you actually taking enough time off to learn?
You know that I don't mean this as anything but helpful. But as an artist myself, even I have to slow down at times to keep my skills in check. It doesn't seem like your doing that, because to be honest, your art hasn't improved that much since you came here. It has in some ways, and I'm glad to see that, and you yourself know your getting better. But I think what will solve this is if you slow down, re-evaluate what your drawing, how your drawing it, and WHY your drawing. What it seems like your doing, and correct me if I'm wrong, it seems like your just drawing and drawing and drawing with actually little effort. I've seen your better looking pictures, and I hope we can see more of those. It doesn't seem your focusing on getting better, but rather just producing pictures just to produce them.
Dispite what others may think, I know you have skill. Its just a matter of finding how to apply it to your art style. I wonder, what is your goal? Is there any particular style your going for or want to have when your more accomplished? If you can set a standard you want to reach later, then its not as difficult to get there since its defined. And you can use the style you want to achieve as a base for your artwork.
Then again, I might be telling you something you already know. I just want to help, and I hope what I've been saying in your threads has helped you in some way. I'm by no means an expert, but every artist has had to deal with this issue, and other artists should be forthcoming and willing to offer their help to you if and when you need/want it.
- Damien