TMF Regular
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Adam Fuller understood a lot about control. He understood that when he was at home with his three older brothers, they had the control and he did not. They decided when he could come along and when he couldn't, what chair he would be allowed to sit in, and whether or not they would beat him down for no reason each day. Not having any control sucked. But Adam also understood that when he was at school where he was bigger than most of the other kids, he was in control. He decided who played on which kickball team at recess. He sat wherever he wanted in the cafeteria, and he chose who could sit with him. Adam knew that being in control definitely did not suck.
One of the ways that Adam fulfilled his need to be in control was to tickle the girls at school. He was a terror during the "Boys Chase the Girls" game. He did more than chase them...he caught them and tickled them silly. They were physically powerless to stop him. He would corner them and attack their ribs, or maybe even wrestle them to the ground for some good old side squeezes, and they would all scream and laugh hysterically. All the pretty girls in his class were ticklish. He had first hand knowledge of each of them.
The problem was, the more he tickled them, the more he wanted to tickle them. He hated when they squirmed away, or kicked him in the shins. (His shins were bruised something fierce.) He found other times to tickle them, like at lunch, where a poke in the ribs was too easy to pass up. Or during class, where the unfortunate Becky Slater who sat beside him took the brunt of his poking and prodding. And the walk home from school was sometimes a sprint, because if he caught one of them, there were no teachers around to tell him to stop his tickling fun. He was a tickling menace, and the euphoria of control that came from tickling was like a drug to him. He couldn't get enough.
This tickling fun was not all Nirvana for Adam though. There were downsides as well. Forget the fact that the girls openly hated him and that these same girls would never forgive or forget what he'd done when he was asking them for dates later in life. These were of no concern at the moment. The one downside that plagued Adam was that he never got to tickle their feet, and he desperately wanted to. There were just never any opportunities to do so. By now, they had all learned that he was a tickling nuisance, and so they avoided him as much as they could. And under no circumstances did they ever made the mistake of being around him with no shoes on. Poor Jill DeYoung found out the hard way what can happen during one unfortunate gym class where she was practicing gymnastics while barefoot. Adam had trapped her on one of the mats and done a number on her before the gym teacher finally pulled him off. She had been reduced to tears from the foot tickling onslaught. Adam had known the magnitude of his power during that gym class, and to this day was always on the lookout for foot tickling opportunities.
Adam looked from Timmy, who wore a fearful guilty look, to Jenny who just looked plain scared. This was one of those foot tickling opportunities. No, this was the mother load of such opportunities. And Adam knew instinctively that he was the most powerful person in the room. He was in control.
No words were exchanged. None were necessary. Adam knelt, put Jenny's bound ankles in a headlock, and went to town on her naked soles.
Jenny let loose with a bloodcurdling scream and arched to the limit the ropes would allow. Her young body shuddered violently once, and then she began to thrash in earnest. She screamed again and again, having no extra breath to even laugh. The tickling on her feet was a sensory overload. When the two boys had been tickling her before, she'd had a chance to resist. She'd fought off the torturous sensations as long as she could before nearly passing out. This was different. Worse. This was pure hell. There was no battle of wills to be fought here. The war was already lost. She never had a chance to resist. She had no idea where she was, who was tickling her, or that she was tied to the MacDugal's couch on a Friday night. Rational thought was impossible to her. All she could do was scream and struggle.
Adam was tickling her feet as fast as he could. There was no playfulness in his tickling. There was no teasing going on. This was an all out assault on her feet. He felt the adrenaline of power coursing through his veins. It was just like when he'd tickled Jill during gym class, only better. Jenny was cuter than Jill. Jenny was older than Jill. And Jenny was an authority figure to Adam. This was a moment to be cherished...and extended.
Timmy remained frozen in place, in shock by the turn of events. One moment he and Jenny are sharing one of their special moments, and the next Adam is ruining everything. Timmy had been excited by the fact that Jenny had admitted to enjoying being tickled. He had tickled her gently, and she had loved it. He knew that they had discovered, by accident, a new 'game' for them to play, a game that was far better than Hide n Seek. He had been envisioning future baby sitting nights where he would tie and tickle her again, just like he had. He was almost sure she would have let him. Now that dream was destroyed. Adam had nuked it. She would never allow herself to be tied and tickled again, not by Timmy, not by anyone. He sat there, powerless to move, unable to act. Beside him, his darling baby sitter was in agony. One of his best friends was torturing her. There was nothing fun about what was going on. He had to stop it.
"Adam quit it!" Timmy finally managed to yell. Adam appeared not to have heard him and continued to concentrate on torturing the helpless bare feet under his arm. He was in a different world, getting his fix.
"Jenny?!" Timmy cried, looking for help. Jenny did not hear him either. She was in a different world too, one that was unbearable for someone as ticklish as she.
It was up to Timmy to put an end to this. The wails of his sitter were hurting both his ears and his heart. This couldn't continue, not even for another second. He tried to pull Adam away, but Adam pushed him off with his tickling hand. The bigger boy was simply too strong for Timmy to muscle. He watched in horror as Adam's fingers flew over the soles of Jenny's feet, and listened in disbelief at the misery that she was being put through. He tried again to force Adam away from her feet, and he wasn't budging. Timmy didn't know what to do. The nightmarish tickling continued.
Luckily, at that moment, the doorbell rang, and everything changed in a heartbeat.
Jenny heard the sound of the bell, and it penetrated through to her overloaded brain. She recognized the sound as salvation. It represented a chance to escape her inhumane torment. It represented sanity. The words, "Thank God!" formed in her brain.
Timmy froze at the sound, fear and guilt gripping his heart. Two thoughts popped in his brain, neither of them good. The first was that they would be caught torturing Jenny, and they would be both in trouble and made to feel ashamed over what they'd done. The other was that the person at the door might be there to hurt them, and here their baby sitter was powerless to help. It never occurred to him that the person at the door might be able to help him make Adam stop.
Adam snapped out of his trance at the sound. He stopped tickling the feet and grinned at Timmy. "Get the door, Timmy. That will be my brother Ricky and his friends."
(To be Continued...)
One of the ways that Adam fulfilled his need to be in control was to tickle the girls at school. He was a terror during the "Boys Chase the Girls" game. He did more than chase them...he caught them and tickled them silly. They were physically powerless to stop him. He would corner them and attack their ribs, or maybe even wrestle them to the ground for some good old side squeezes, and they would all scream and laugh hysterically. All the pretty girls in his class were ticklish. He had first hand knowledge of each of them.
The problem was, the more he tickled them, the more he wanted to tickle them. He hated when they squirmed away, or kicked him in the shins. (His shins were bruised something fierce.) He found other times to tickle them, like at lunch, where a poke in the ribs was too easy to pass up. Or during class, where the unfortunate Becky Slater who sat beside him took the brunt of his poking and prodding. And the walk home from school was sometimes a sprint, because if he caught one of them, there were no teachers around to tell him to stop his tickling fun. He was a tickling menace, and the euphoria of control that came from tickling was like a drug to him. He couldn't get enough.
This tickling fun was not all Nirvana for Adam though. There were downsides as well. Forget the fact that the girls openly hated him and that these same girls would never forgive or forget what he'd done when he was asking them for dates later in life. These were of no concern at the moment. The one downside that plagued Adam was that he never got to tickle their feet, and he desperately wanted to. There were just never any opportunities to do so. By now, they had all learned that he was a tickling nuisance, and so they avoided him as much as they could. And under no circumstances did they ever made the mistake of being around him with no shoes on. Poor Jill DeYoung found out the hard way what can happen during one unfortunate gym class where she was practicing gymnastics while barefoot. Adam had trapped her on one of the mats and done a number on her before the gym teacher finally pulled him off. She had been reduced to tears from the foot tickling onslaught. Adam had known the magnitude of his power during that gym class, and to this day was always on the lookout for foot tickling opportunities.
Adam looked from Timmy, who wore a fearful guilty look, to Jenny who just looked plain scared. This was one of those foot tickling opportunities. No, this was the mother load of such opportunities. And Adam knew instinctively that he was the most powerful person in the room. He was in control.
No words were exchanged. None were necessary. Adam knelt, put Jenny's bound ankles in a headlock, and went to town on her naked soles.
Jenny let loose with a bloodcurdling scream and arched to the limit the ropes would allow. Her young body shuddered violently once, and then she began to thrash in earnest. She screamed again and again, having no extra breath to even laugh. The tickling on her feet was a sensory overload. When the two boys had been tickling her before, she'd had a chance to resist. She'd fought off the torturous sensations as long as she could before nearly passing out. This was different. Worse. This was pure hell. There was no battle of wills to be fought here. The war was already lost. She never had a chance to resist. She had no idea where she was, who was tickling her, or that she was tied to the MacDugal's couch on a Friday night. Rational thought was impossible to her. All she could do was scream and struggle.
Adam was tickling her feet as fast as he could. There was no playfulness in his tickling. There was no teasing going on. This was an all out assault on her feet. He felt the adrenaline of power coursing through his veins. It was just like when he'd tickled Jill during gym class, only better. Jenny was cuter than Jill. Jenny was older than Jill. And Jenny was an authority figure to Adam. This was a moment to be cherished...and extended.
Timmy remained frozen in place, in shock by the turn of events. One moment he and Jenny are sharing one of their special moments, and the next Adam is ruining everything. Timmy had been excited by the fact that Jenny had admitted to enjoying being tickled. He had tickled her gently, and she had loved it. He knew that they had discovered, by accident, a new 'game' for them to play, a game that was far better than Hide n Seek. He had been envisioning future baby sitting nights where he would tie and tickle her again, just like he had. He was almost sure she would have let him. Now that dream was destroyed. Adam had nuked it. She would never allow herself to be tied and tickled again, not by Timmy, not by anyone. He sat there, powerless to move, unable to act. Beside him, his darling baby sitter was in agony. One of his best friends was torturing her. There was nothing fun about what was going on. He had to stop it.
"Adam quit it!" Timmy finally managed to yell. Adam appeared not to have heard him and continued to concentrate on torturing the helpless bare feet under his arm. He was in a different world, getting his fix.
"Jenny?!" Timmy cried, looking for help. Jenny did not hear him either. She was in a different world too, one that was unbearable for someone as ticklish as she.
It was up to Timmy to put an end to this. The wails of his sitter were hurting both his ears and his heart. This couldn't continue, not even for another second. He tried to pull Adam away, but Adam pushed him off with his tickling hand. The bigger boy was simply too strong for Timmy to muscle. He watched in horror as Adam's fingers flew over the soles of Jenny's feet, and listened in disbelief at the misery that she was being put through. He tried again to force Adam away from her feet, and he wasn't budging. Timmy didn't know what to do. The nightmarish tickling continued.
Luckily, at that moment, the doorbell rang, and everything changed in a heartbeat.
Jenny heard the sound of the bell, and it penetrated through to her overloaded brain. She recognized the sound as salvation. It represented a chance to escape her inhumane torment. It represented sanity. The words, "Thank God!" formed in her brain.
Timmy froze at the sound, fear and guilt gripping his heart. Two thoughts popped in his brain, neither of them good. The first was that they would be caught torturing Jenny, and they would be both in trouble and made to feel ashamed over what they'd done. The other was that the person at the door might be there to hurt them, and here their baby sitter was powerless to help. It never occurred to him that the person at the door might be able to help him make Adam stop.
Adam snapped out of his trance at the sound. He stopped tickling the feet and grinned at Timmy. "Get the door, Timmy. That will be my brother Ricky and his friends."
(To be Continued...)