Thanks!!! 🙂
I'm be sure to get it. I found a real gem the other day, It's called Jutland 1916 by John Costello and Terry Hughes. It provides an excellent historical perspective of the German and British societies and cultures leading up to Jutland and WW1.
He even mentions Riddle Of The Sands and the utter panic it caused in British Society and how it pushed the government into building some ships it might not have built.
There's an EXCELLENT book called Dreadnought : The Coming Of A Great War (I'll have to check the whole title) by Robery Massey, where he delves into the personalities of the main players leading to WW1. A real gem in that book is his description of one of the English Lords who was holding a get together where a lunatic somehow appeared. He wasn't sure if he should confront the lunatic because he feared the guy might actually be one of the guests !!! LOL
I have 10 or 12 books on Jutland and am anxiously awaiting my copy of the Harper Papers.
By the way, The Rules Of The Game was originally published in 1996 by John Murray Publishers (LTD) 50 Albemarle Street, London W1X 4BD.
I currently have a bid out on some pictures of the British Grand Fleet, all with comments handwritten by Lord Beatty. He had it made in an album type fashion and awarded it to the wife of one of his favorite officers.