Tomorrow I'm going to the funeral of one of the oddest but sweetest guys I've ever known. Tonight, I may be going to his wake. Damn, but I hope it's not an open-casket ceremony. I'm not putting down anyone's burial customs. I just don't know if I can take seeing his face inside of a casket.
Dan passed away earlier this week, in his sleep. I suppose there are worse ways to go. He was a DJ at the local college radio station where I volunteer. He played 3 hours a week of polkas. He had quite a listener base. Hell, he made polkas hip for people who wouldn't touch anything but rock! He was a retired teacher. He was intense. I could barely take his intensity, which is why I never spent much time with him (and quite frankly avoided him sometimes!). But he was friendly, make no mistake. Whenever he saw me, I was guaranteed a smile and an ultra-firm handshake (don't crush my hand please Dan, OK?).
I know there are folks here and elsewhere who've lost or who may lose people much, much closer to them (hell, I have too). Like I said, I was never that close to this guy. Still, it makes me really sad to think that I'm never going to see his ear-to-ear smile again, never going to witness that staring-right-into-the-sun intensity, or experience that ultra-firm handshake ever again.
Dan passed away earlier this week, in his sleep. I suppose there are worse ways to go. He was a DJ at the local college radio station where I volunteer. He played 3 hours a week of polkas. He had quite a listener base. Hell, he made polkas hip for people who wouldn't touch anything but rock! He was a retired teacher. He was intense. I could barely take his intensity, which is why I never spent much time with him (and quite frankly avoided him sometimes!). But he was friendly, make no mistake. Whenever he saw me, I was guaranteed a smile and an ultra-firm handshake (don't crush my hand please Dan, OK?).
I know there are folks here and elsewhere who've lost or who may lose people much, much closer to them (hell, I have too). Like I said, I was never that close to this guy. Still, it makes me really sad to think that I'm never going to see his ear-to-ear smile again, never going to witness that staring-right-into-the-sun intensity, or experience that ultra-firm handshake ever again.
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